
The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

author:Erudite and versatile

A cute 2-year-old baby accidentally got a bottle of glue in his hand. The little guy put glue on his hands, and even his mouth was glued. The doctors in the hospital are also at a loss. Bao's mother later used a clever trick, which made things turn around.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

The first is to try the most common method, wash it with hot water, hoping to wash the glue off. Who knows, glue is so easy to deal with, hot water is useless at all.

They tried the alcohol again, and it was still the same, the glue stuck there, and it didn't move at all. Looking at this situation, it is not a trivial matter, in case it affects the child's skin or more seriously, breathing, the consequences are unimaginable.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

Bao's parents panicked, and hurriedly, and sent the child to the hospital at night. The situation at the hospital is also not optimistic. They first went to the nearest hospital, and after a check-up, the doctor shook his head and said that the glue was not easy to handle.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

They hurried to another hospital, and the result was the same answer, the doctor said that they could try using acetone, but immediately added that this thing was poisonous to children and could not be used.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

At this time, Bao's parents are really anxious, and they don't dare to use poisonous things, so they can only take their children home in a hurry.

Bao's mother was in a hurry, and when she got home, she went online and started asking for help, to see if there were other parents who had encountered a similar situation, or if there was any safe way to try.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

Parents on the Internet are really enthusiastic, and various methods are emerging. Some say try it with olive oil, others say use hot milk, and there are many ways to do it.

Bao Ma saw it in her eyes and wanted to try it one by one. Deep down, she was still a little worried, are these methods safe? After all, when it comes to children, every decision has to be made with care.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

Bao's mother struggled in her heart, trying the online method while comforting the baby. The little one may also feel the tension.

Although he didn't quite understand what was going on, he was much quieter, occasionally touching his little mouth, his eyes full of confusion.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

After trying several methods, none of them had much effect, and Bao's mother was almost desperate. At this moment, she suddenly remembered a possibility.

She remembers seeing it on a daily life hack show that some kind of household kitchen item could solve the problem of such sticky substances. She quickly searched, hoping to find the specific content mentioned in the show.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

In the middle of the night, Bao Ma found a video of that show in a bunch of search results. As mentioned in the video, you can try it with edible oil, which has a good ability to dissolve gum and is harmless to the skin.

Bao's mother was overjoyed, and immediately brought cooking oil from the kitchen, and carefully applied some to the baby's hands and mouth. Then massage gently, trying to allow the oil to penetrate into the glue layer.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

This time, it seemed that God was also helping, and slowly, those stubborn glues began to loosen, and Bao Ma gently washed it with warm water, and she saw a significant improvement.

After a few repetitions, the glue is basically removed and the baby's mouth can be easily opened. Bao's mother breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the baby, and the stone in her heart finally landed.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

Seeing the child return to normal, she burst into tears of gratitude. This night, for Bao Ma, is both a test and a lesson. She knows that as a mother, she should not take the safety of her children lightly at any time.

The 2-year-old baby was glued to his mouth, and the doctor was helpless, but he didn't expect Bao Ma to use a trick to resolve it

After this incident, Bao's mother shared her experience online, hoping to give other parents a reminder and help. Her post was soon seen by many netizens, who left messages expressing their appreciation for Bao's mother's wit and concern for the baby.

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