
The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable: insight into the wisdom and strategy of human nature

author:Fishing woods plough and read

As the saying goes, "knowing the face but not the heart" just reveals the hidden side of human nature. In interpersonal communication, if you lack the ability to read the hearts of others, you are often prone to fall into the dilemma of being deceived and restrained by villains.

The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable: insight into the wisdom and strategy of human nature

01 Learning to read and read people is essential to protect yourself from harm

Tian Ying, as the youngest son of King Qi Wei and the father of Meng Weijun, played a pivotal role in the political arena of Qi State. With his outstanding exploits in the Battle of Maling, he was promoted to the post of prime minister and was in charge of the country's affairs.

He was well versed in the way of governing the country, raised his own funds to build the Chengguo Temple, made friends with heroic people, and sheltered the homeless, making the Qi State strong and famous, and firmly sitting among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States.

Although Tian Ying is in the royal family, he can protect himself wisely, avoid the whirlpool of the battle for the throne, and always keep a clear head. After three dynasties, he sat firmly in the position of prime minister for more than ten years, which shows his political wisdom and way of dealing with the world.

During his career as prime minister, Tian Ying was known for his keen insight. Once, the queen of Qi died, and the king of Qi planned to choose a new queen from the ten favorite concubines in the harem. However, the king of Qi did not clearly express his intentions, which made it elusive for the ministers of the court and China.

As the prime minister, Tian Ying knows the importance of the king's heart. After some careful consideration, he decided to use earrings as a medium to test King Qi's mind. He ordered ten pairs of earrings to be made, one of which was particularly delicate and beautiful. Subsequently, Tian Ying presented these ten pairs of earrings to the king of Qi, and the king of Qi happily rewarded them to the ten favorite concubines.

The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable: insight into the wisdom and strategy of human nature

The next day, Tian Ying observed carefully and found that one of the favorite concubines was wearing a particularly beautiful pair of earrings. He immediately concluded that this concubine was the heart of King Qi, and there was no doubt about the future queen. Sure enough, not long after, the candidate for the new queen was revealed, and it was the concubine that Tian Ying had determined and recommended.

Tian Ying's attempt to test the king's heart with earrings not only shows his political wisdom, but also demonstrates his deep understanding of human psychology. This story has become a good story for later generations, and people are amazed by Tian Ying's talent and wisdom.

In the long course of history, as well as in the complexity of reality, countless examples have proved the importance of reading people's hearts intelligently.

Sun Bin suffered the pain of broken knee and persecution because he failed to understand Pang Juan's deep meaning; Han Fei failed to understand Li Si's true intentions, and finally died tragically in prison. These lessons of blood and tears all highlight the importance of reading people's hearts.

To be a human being, we must learn to read people's hearts, otherwise, the road of life will be full of insurmountable obstacles.

Life is not always idyllic, it is full of reefs and risks, intrigue and danger. We can stick to the openness and brightness of our hearts, but we also need to learn to read people's hearts and look at this society with a calm and wise eye, so that we can be like a fish in water in the sea of life.

The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable: insight into the wisdom and strategy of human nature

02 We often say that "the human heart is unpredictable", so why is the human heart unpredictable?

This is mainly due to the fact that the human mind is intangible, it can neither be seen nor touched, and it is hidden deep in everyone's mind. Moreover, the human mind is not static, it will constantly change with the changes of the objective world.

Therefore, it is not easy to understand people's hearts. The ancients once said: "The world is full of knowledge, and the practice of human feelings is the article." This sentence profoundly reveals the importance of reading people's hearts. If you want to succeed in your career, you can't read people's hearts.

Just like in the Spring and Autumn Period, Fei Wuji was extremely treacherous, in order to murder Wu Hao's father and son, he skillfully provoked King Chuping to arrest Wu Hao. He took advantage of Wu Hao's family affection and tried to lure Wu Hao's two sons to come and die. And Wu Hao failed to see through Fei Wuji's sinister intentions, and finally rejected this request, causing himself to fall into an even more dangerous situation.

When Wu Shang heard this, he decided to move forward, but Wu Zixu calmly analyzed: "The king of Chu summoned us not because he really wanted to exchange us for his father's life, but because he was afraid that some of us would escape and seek revenge in the future, so he set up this plan and used my father as bait to lure us into the bait."

The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable: insight into the wisdom and strategy of human nature

If we rush to the ground, we will fall into a trap, and what good will happen to our father's fate if they all suffer the same fate? Not to mention revenge? We should take this opportunity to flee this place and use the power of other countries to bring justice to our father. It is really useless to die together. ”

Wu Shang was silent for a moment and responded: "What you said is true, this trip may not be able to save my father, but as a son of man, how can I disobey my father's order because I am greedy for life and afraid of death?" Even if you can't hate, you don't want to be ridiculed. You will leave on your own to avenge my Wu family, and I will go and die for my father. ”

So, Wu Zixu went through many dangers and finally fled to Wu. In the future, he assisted King Wu, led the Wu army to break through the Chu capital, and finally avenged his father and brother.

In life, we are always looking for various things: career success, the sweetness of love, and the sincerity of friendship. Inevitably, we deal with all kinds of people along the way.

However, if you can't understand others, you will easily fall into the trap of villains and be bound by them. Today's friends may become competitors tomorrow, and if their interests are threatened, they may turn against each other.

Therefore, learn to read people's hearts, gain insight into the inner world of others, and distinguish between truth and falsehood, so as to better achieve their life goals.

The human heart is like the sea, unfathomable: insight into the wisdom and strategy of human nature

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

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