
Weekly GitHub Exploration|Open Source Technology Leads the Future Recommends 7 high-quality open source projects

author:Brother Cheng looks at open source
In this issue, we recommend 7 high-quality open source projects, covering end-to-end encrypted storage, instant translation, English learning, software architecture, private search, voice activity detection, and large language model interaction, to help developers and technology enthusiasts explore the frontiers of technology and improve work efficiency.

1. Ente: Open source end-to-end encrypted storage platform

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Open Source Technology Leads the Future Recommends 7 high-quality open source projects
Weekly GitHub Exploration|Open Source Technology Leads the Future Recommends 7 high-quality open source projects


Stars as of press time: 11103 (added in the past week: 1421)

Repository language: Dart

仓库开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Ente is an end-to-end encrypted storage platform built with open source technology. It allows users to store data in the cloud without having to trust a service provider. On top of this platform, Ente has developed two apps: Ente Photos, an alternative to Apple and Google Photos, and Ente Auth, a two-factor authentication app that replaces Auth.

Description of the warehouse

This repository contains all of the source code for Ente, including client apps for multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, and the web, as well as the servers that support them.


  • Ente Photos has garnered over 10,000 downloads, and users have rated its privacy and security features highly.
  • Ente Auth is adopted by several organizations to enhance the security of their security credentials.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Ente's source code and encryption technology have been externally audited by companies such as Cure53, Symbolic Software, and Fallible. This is a testament to its safety and reliability.

Suggestions for use

  • Individual users can use Ente to store and manage their photos, documents, and other important data.
  • Businesses can use Ente to securely store and share sensitive files.
  • Developers can contribute to the open source community by participating in the Ente project.


Ente is a powerful, secure, end-to-end encrypted storage platform. It provides individuals and businesses with an effective way to protect sensitive data while still enjoying the convenience of cloud storage. Its open-source nature makes it highly transparent and credible.

2. RTranslator: An open-source instant translation application


Stars as of press time: 4677 (added in the past week: 3645)

Warehouse language: C++

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


RTranslator is an open-source, offline, real-time translation app for Android that helps people communicate seamlessly regardless of language barriers.

Project role

RTranslator leverages Meta's NLLB for translation and OpenAI's Whisper for speech recognition. These advanced AI models run on the device, ensuring privacy and offline functionality.

Description of the warehouse

The RTranslator repository contains the app's source code for people to contribute to and modify while fostering a vibrant open source community.


  • The conversation mode supports multi-person translation to bridge the language gap in real time.
  • Walkie-talkie mode simplifies quick conversations, translating audio between two people.
  • The text translation mode provides a convenient text-based translation feature.

Objective evaluation or analysis

RTranslator's impressive speed and quality are due to its optimized AI model and low RAM consumption design. However, RAM-constrained users may experience better performance when using earlier versions of 1.0.

Suggestions for use

  • Install the app via the latest APK download in GitHub.
  • Permissions required to grant Bluetooth and microphone access.
  • Download the model (1.2GB) after the first launch and start translating.


RTranslator has revolutionized language communication, enabling users to break down barriers and foster global connections. Its open-source nature attracts contributions and fosters continuous improvement and innovation in the field of translation.

3. Everybody speaks English


Stars as of press time: 20964 (added in the past week:738)

仓库语言: TypeScript

仓库开源协议:Mozilla Public License 2.0


English for All is an open-source project that aims to provide English learning resources for non-English speakers. The program is known for its free, comprehensive, and easy-to-use courses.

Project role

The project was developed by ZuodaoTech, a team dedicated to improving education through technology. The English for All course is unique in that it uses a task-based approach that focuses on practical English skills. The course also makes use of speech shaping tools to help learners improve their pronunciation.

Description of the warehouse

GitHub repositories contain the source code for online and local learning resources, course materials include text, audio, and interactive exercises, and projects are written in TypeScript and licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0


The project has been used to help millions of non-English speakers around the world learn English, and it has been widely used in schools, language learning centers, and self-study settings

Objective evaluation or analysis

Easy to use and comprehensive, step-by-step course structure, powerful voice shaping tools, open and free

Suggestions for use

For non-English speakers looking to improve their English communication skills, for English learners looking for flexible and affordable learning options, and for educators looking to incorporate high-quality English learning resources into their curriculum


English for All is an extremely valuable resource that provides a comprehensive and effective platform for non-English speakers to learn English. Its openness and free nature make it a valuable tool for learners and educators looking to improve their English skills.

4. Excellent software architecture

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Open Source Technology Leads the Future Recommends 7 high-quality open source projects


Stars as of press time: 6415 (added in the past week: 1878)

Warehouse Language: *

仓库开源协议:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal*


Learn about software architecture by compiling articles and resources.

Project role

  • Provides knowledge of concepts such as event-driven architectures, microservices, and modular monoliths.
  • Includes an in-depth analysis of architectural design principles, design patterns, and cloud-based architectures.
  • Provides insights into best practices for scalability, backpressure, and clean code.

Description of the warehouse

  • A curated list of top articles, videos, and other resources related to software architecture.
  • Regularly updated according to the latest trends and developments in the field.
  • Organize into sections that are easy to navigate for quick reference.
  • Website links provide easy access to resources.

Suggestions for use

  • Software architects and developers can use this repository as a guide for their projects.
  • Recruiters and hiring managers can use it to assess a candidate's knowledge of software architecture.
  • Students and researchers can use it to learn cutting-edge technology.


This repository equips software professionals with the knowledge and resources they need to build robust and scalable software systems.

5. SearXNG: Privacy Search Engine

Warehouse Name: searxng/searxng

Stars as of press time: 10564 (added in the past week:365)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


SearXNG is a privacy-respecting metasearch engine that aggregates results from different search services and databases. It does not track or collect user data.


SearXNG is a powerful privacy search engine that provides an uncensored and privacy-respecting web search experience. It is easy to install and use, and offers a wealth of customization options.

6. Silero VAD: Leading voice activity detector

Weekly GitHub Exploration|Open Source Technology Leads the Future Recommends 7 high-quality open source projects
Weekly GitHub Exploration|Open Source Technology Leads the Future Recommends 7 high-quality open source projects


Stars as of press time: 3227 (added in the past week:67)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:MIT License


Welcome to Silero VAD's in-depth technical analysis. We'll explore its features, roles, technical interpretations, and practical use cases. Let's dive into this great voice activity detector and its potential for application in different fields.

Project role

Silero VAD is based on deep neural networks and is trained on a large number of speech datasets. It uses the PyTorch and ONNX frameworks for lightweight, high accuracy, and portability.

Description of the warehouse

The repository provides Silero VAD models, sample code, and documentation. It also contains performance evaluation metrics for different sample rates and audio quality levels.


Silero VAD has been successfully applied in a variety of scenarios, including:

  • Call center automation
  • Voice detection in IoT devices
  • Audio data cleansing

Objective evaluation or analysis

Silero VAD excels in speech detection tasks with extremely high accuracy. It also maintains stable performance in noisy environments.

Suggestions for use

  • Make sure the input audio is mono and the sample rate is 8000 Hz or 16000 Hz.
  • Adjust model parameters (such as thresholds) as needed.
  • Consider using GPUs or batch processing to improve performance.


Silero VAD is a powerful voice activity detector that offers superior accuracy, speed, and flexibility. It is suitable for a variety of applications, including speech recognition, voice interaction, and data analytics. Its open-source nature and thorough documentation make it easy to integrate and customize.

7. LLM: Interact in a large language model


Stars as of press time: 3420 (added in the past week:90)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


LLM is a command-line utility and Python library for developers and tech enthusiasts to interact with large language models (LLMs), whether they are accessed through a remote API or installed on a local computer.

Description of the warehouse

The repository provides comprehensive documentation on LLM features, installation instructions, getting started guides, and usage recommendations.


  • Run a prompt from the command line (e.g., "List five cute pet penguin names")
  • Store the results in an SQLite database
  • Generate embeddings
  • Use plugins to access other model providers

Objective evaluation or analysis

LLMs provide a versatile and user-friendly platform for developers and tech enthusiasts to explore and harness the power of LLMs.

Suggestions for use

  • Access OpenAI models by installing the OpenAI API key
  • Install plugins to access other model providers
  • Use system prompts to provide instructions for handling additional inputs


LLMs are an invaluable tool that simplifies interaction with LLMs, making them more accessible and usable for a variety of use cases.

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