
A celebrity in the Republic of China, jumped two levels to Tsinghua University and became Miss Zhao Si's sister-in-law, but her father and mother were disgusted

author:Tomorrow will be even better

A celebrity in the Republic of China, jumped two levels to Tsinghua University and became Miss Zhao Si's sister-in-law, but her father and mother were disgusted

The people of the Republic of China bloom with a glorious female life

In the turbulent years of the Republic of China, marginalized women walked out of their own unique life trajectories with their tenacity and courage. Wu Jing is one of the typical representatives, she experienced the indifference of her family and the prejudice of society, and finally wrote a wonderful life story in her own way.

A celebrity in the Republic of China, jumped two levels to Tsinghua University and became Miss Zhao Si's sister-in-law, but her father and mother were disgusted

Wu Jing's ancestor, Wu Tiaoqing, can be said to be a generation of celebrities in the business circles of the Republic of China. As the first comprador of HSBC, he gradually built himself into the richest man in Tianjin by virtue of his business acumen and social connections. This laid a good family foundation for Wu Jing's father, Wu Xiyuan, and also allowed Wu Jing to receive high-quality educational resources since he was a child. However, the parents at that time turned a blind eye to this "child who can't cry", which kept Wu Jing away from the warm family atmosphere during his childhood.

Although the living environment is not ideal, Wu Jing still has not given up his ideals and pursuits. Driven by the May Fourth Movement, she was admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent grades and became the first female student of Tsinghua University. This undoubtedly caused quite a stir at the time, and also further improved Wu Jing's status in the family.

A celebrity in the Republic of China, jumped two levels to Tsinghua University and became Miss Zhao Si's sister-in-law, but her father and mother were disgusted

During his study and life at Tsinghua University, Wu Jing gradually showed his talent and vitality. She took the initiative to participate in various sports, which not only strengthened her physique, but also met many like-minded friends, including the children of celebrities like Miss Zhao Si. However, just as he was about to graduate, Wu Jing encountered many obstacles from his family. In order to get rid of her family's arrangement, she desperately fled her hometown and went to Beijing alone, and finally married her classmate Zhao Yansheng.

This kind of courage to assert oneself and pursue independence is undoubtedly admirable. Even though her family was indifferent to her marriage, Wu Jing did not give up her ideals and pursuits. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she relied on her knowledge and ability to become a qualified people's teacher and lived a stable and fulfilling life.

A celebrity in the Republic of China, jumped two levels to Tsinghua University and became Miss Zhao Si's sister-in-law, but her father and mother were disgusted

From Wu Jing's life trajectory, it is not difficult to find that women in the Republic of China period are in a special historical period. On the one hand, the May Fourth Movement brought about the awakening of women's consciousness, and many outstanding female representatives emerged. On the other hand, the old feudal concept has not been completely eliminated, and women still face many obstacles in the family and society. It is in this context that Wu Jing and others were able to break through many restrictions in their own way and realize the manifestation of their self-worth.

Love and freedom are the direction of life that Wu Jing finally chose. Instead of being defeated by the indifference of her original family, she relied on her tenacity and courage to reshape a warm and fulfilling new family. This is undoubtedly a positive response to the fate of women in that turbulent era, and it also erects an indelible spiritual monument for those of us who come after us.

A celebrity in the Republic of China, jumped two levels to Tsinghua University and became Miss Zhao Si's sister-in-law, but her father and mother were disgusted

At the same time that Wu Jing re-entered the society as a teacher, a new era was quietly coming. Under the embrace of New China, generation after generation of revolutionary women began to emerge, and they were no longer bound to the box of "good wives and good mothers", but in their own unique ways, they bloomed in all walks of life.

Among them, I have to mention Wu Jing's classmate Zhao Yansheng's sister - Zhao Yidi. As Zhang Xueliang's younger sister, Zhao Yidi also experienced the dual struggles of family and society, and finally chose to write his life in his own way. She not only got rid of the shackles of traditional women on the outside, but also pursued her own independence and liberation on the inside. It was this yearning for freedom that allowed her to establish a deep friendship with Wu Jing.

A celebrity in the Republic of China, jumped two levels to Tsinghua University and became Miss Zhao Si's sister-in-law, but her father and mother were disgusted

And in this particular historical period, this bond between women is perhaps more precious than ever. In the face of the increasingly severe external environment, they have to help each other and resist the wind and rain together. This spiritual resonance provides the necessary support and courage for women in this turbulent era.

It is worth mentioning that in this process, Wu Jing's knowledge background and family resources also provided very practical help to her companions. As the first female student of Tsinghua University, Wu Jing not only has outstanding academic performance, but also seeks rare opportunities for others through her social resources. This spirit of "teaching people to fish" undoubtedly shows Wu Jing's responsibility and responsibility as an intellectual woman.

A celebrity in the Republic of China, jumped two levels to Tsinghua University and became Miss Zhao Si's sister-in-law, but her father and mother were disgusted

In general, Wu Jing's life trajectory epitomizes the multiple aspects of women's fate during the Republic of China. On the one hand, as women at the bottom of society, they often face family neglect and social discrimination, and must unremittingly pursue their own independence and value realization; On the other hand, with the rise of new trends, more and more women are embracing freedom and defining life in their own unique way. Wu Jing is a microcosm of this historical process, and her experience is undoubtedly of great significance to those of us who come after her.