
Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects

author:Brother Cheng looks at open source
This article features 8 popular open source projects, including English language learning, anti-rootkit tools, game menu protection, voice activity detection, web scraping, Kubernetes application management, video generation, and project introduction.


Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects
Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects


Stars as of press time: 3924 (New: 64 today)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


This document will introduce the Earthworm project, which is used to improve English proficiency through conjunctions.

Project role

Earthworm uses Vitest and Cypress-based testing frameworks, with Vitepress for documentation

Suggestions for use

  1. 确保已安装pnpm、Node.js、Postgres和Redis。
  2. Clone the Earthworm repository and install the dependencies.
  3. Start the Docker Compose service, initialize the database schema, and upload the course data.
  4. Start backend and frontend services.


Earthworm is an easy-to-use tool that helps users improve their English by forming sentences with conjunctions. It provides detailed documentation and a testing framework for ease of use and maintenance.

2.OpenArk:反 Rootkit 工具

Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects
Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects


Stars as of press time: 8077 (New: 69 today)

Warehouse language: C++

仓库开源协议:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


OpenArk is an open-source anti-rootkit tool designed to help reverse engineers and programmers find and fight malware hiding in their systems.

Project role

OpenArk uses a variety of techniques to detect and remove rootkits, including:

  • Process and kernel monitoring
  • Memory scanning and analysis
  • PE/ELF file parsing
  • Tool set
  • Scripting support

Description of the warehouse

This repository contains OpenArk's source code and binaries for users to compile, customize, and contribute.


OpenArk has been used to detect and remove a variety of rootkits, including:

  • Zeus
  • SpyEye
  • BlackEnergy

Objective evaluation or analysis

OpenArk has been praised for its ease of use, power, and open-source. It is widely used in security research, malware analysis, and system protection.

Suggestions for use

OpenArk is available for:

  • Reverse engineer
  • programmer
  • Security researchers
  • System administrator


OpenArk is a powerful anti-rootkit tool that provides an invaluable aid in the fight against malware. It is open-source and free, and users are welcome to contribute and use it.

3.GTA V YimMenu 菜单保护


Stars as of press time: 1172 (New: 23 today)

Warehouse language: C++

仓库开源协议:GNU General Public License v2.0


YimMenu is a powerful menu protection for GTA V that protects against all kinds of public crashes and enhances the gaming experience.

Project role

Originally based on BigBaseV2, YimMenu has been upgraded to focus on protecting users.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains the source code and build instructions for YimMenu, developed in C++ and licensed under the GNU GPL v2.0.

Objective evaluation or analysis

YimMenu is a full-featured, easy-to-use menu protector. It is effective in preventing crashes and offers a variety of customization options.

Suggestions for use

Developers are advised to use YimMenu in GTA V to protect their gaming experience.


YimMenu is a must-have tool for GTA V players, offering comprehensive protection and customization options so that players can enjoy a hassle-free gaming experience.

4. Silero-VAD: Leading voice activity detector

Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects
Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects


Stars as of press time: 3227 (New: 19 today)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:MIT License


The Silero-VAD repository is a pre-trained voice activity detector that detects voice segments in audio. This overview will introduce the purpose, features, technical explanations, and recommendations for use of the project.

Project role

Silero-VAD is based on the PyTorch framework and uses the ONNX runtime, which can be deployed on a variety of platforms. The model is trained on a large dataset to accurately detect speech in audio from different languages, with different levels of background noise and quality.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains the following:

  • Pretrained speech activity detection model
  • A Python utility for loading and using models
  • Quality assessment indicators
  • Performance benchmarks
  • Use cases and examples


Silero-VAD has been successfully used in the following applications:

  • Voice data preprocessing and enhancement
  • Voice-activated voice control of the device
  • Interactive voice-based applications

Objective evaluation or analysis

Silero-VAD excels in voice activity detection tasks. It has extremely high accuracy, fast processing speed, and lightweight characteristics.

Suggestions for use

Silero-VAD is recommended for developers who need speech activity detection in a Python environment. The model is easy to deploy and use, and comes with comprehensive documentation and support.


Silero-VAD is a powerful and efficient voice activity detector that is widely used in a variety of applications. Its accuracy, speed, and flexibility make it an invaluable tool in the field of speech processing and analysis.

5.1000h: English spoken by everyone


Stars as of press time: 20964 (New: 50 added today)

仓库语言: TypeScript

仓库开源协议:Mozilla Public License 2.0


This project aims to help everyone communicate in English and provides resources such as online and local reading, phonics, Enjoy App, and more.

Project role

The project is written in TypeScript and is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains the source code, documentation, and guides for the 1000h project, including online reading, local reading, Enjoy App, speech shaping, and books in English for all.

Suggestions for use

  • Read online: Visit to read the material online.
  • Local Reading: Install Yarn and run relevant commands for local reading.
  • Enjoy App: Refer to the project documentation for instructions on how to use the Enjoy App.
  • Voice shaping: Visit to learn voice shaping.
  • Books in English for everyone: Visit the book folder in the project repository to read books.


The 1000h program provides an invaluable resource for English language learners to improve their English skills through comprehensive materials and tools.

6.ScrapeGraphAI:一次性使用 AI 完成网页抓取

Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects
Advance your skills with a daily GitHub Quest to explore a range of popular open source projects


Stars as of press time: 12482 (New: 51 today)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:MIT License


This article will introduce ScrapeGraphAI, an AI-based Python web scraping library for creating scraping pipelines for websites and local documents.

Project role

The library leverages large language models (LLMs) and direct graph logic to automatically generate crawl pipelines without the need to write code manually.

Description of the warehouse

Written in Python under the MIT license is installable via PyPI


Extract information from a single page using a local model Use a hybrid model to extract information from multiple search results Use OpenAI to generate audio summaries

Objective evaluation or analysis

ScrapeGraphAI simplifies the web scraping process, extracting information without coding skills.

Suggestions for use

For data scientists and researchers who need to extract data from online sources For developers looking to create custom scraping solutions


ScrapeGraphAI is a powerful and easy-to-use web scraping tool that unlocks a lot of potential through AI automation.

7. KubeRay: A toolkit that simplifies Ray applications on Kubernetes


Stars as of press time: 941 (New: 0 today)

Warehouse Language: Go

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


KubeRay is a powerful set of open-source Kubernetes operators that simplify the deployment and management of Ray applications on Kubernetes.

Description of the warehouse

This repository hosts the source code and documentation of KubeRay. User documents will be gradually migrated to the Ray Docs site.


  • 训练 PyTorch ResNet 模型(带 GPU)
  • MobileNet image classifier available on Kubernetes
  • Deliver the StableDiffusion text-to-image model on Kubernetes
  • Example of batch inference on Kubernetes

Objective evaluation or analysis

KubeRay provides the following advantages:

  • Simplified Ray cluster management
  • Autoscaling and fault tolerance
  • Supports a wide range of workloads, including training, inference, and services
  • Integrate with the Kubernetes ecosystem

Suggestions for use

For users who want to run Ray applications on Kubernetes, and for organizations that need to manage Ray clusters at scale


KubeRay is an invaluable tool for simplifying the deployment and management of Ray applications on Kubernetes. It provides a range of components that enable organizations to effectively leverage Ray's distributed computing power.

8.MoneyPrinterTurbo:借助 AI 生成高清短视频


Stars as of press time: 14235 (New: 67 today)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:MIT License


MoneyPrinterTurbo is an open-source project based on large language models and artificial intelligence technology that aims to automatically generate high-definition short videos. It allows users to create video copy, footage, subtitles, and background music with text prompts.

Project role

The project leverages large language models such as GPT-3.5 to automatically generate video scripts, footage, dubbing, background music, and subtitles based on the user's copywriting prompts. It supports a wide range of video sizes, languages, speech synthesis, subtitle placement, fonts, and background music options.

Description of the warehouse

MoneyPrinterTurbo provides a detailed description of the warehouse, which includes:

  • Quick Start Guide
  • Installation and deployment instructions
  • API documentation
  • Use cases and example videos


The project provides several case videos demonstrating the ability to generate short videos on different topics using MoneyPrinterTurbo.

Objective evaluation or analysis

The project uses an innovative approach of large language models to achieve efficient video generation. A variety of customization options are provided to meet different video production needs. The interface is easy to use, even for non-technical people.

Suggestions for use

Choose the right language model and configuration options based on your project's purpose. Take advantage of customization features to create personalized and engaging videos. Keep an eye out for updates and new features to make the most of the project's potential.


MoneyPrinterTurbo, as a powerful video generation tool, provides content creators, marketers, and businesses with a solution to automate and streamline the video production process. By leveraging AI technology, it makes it easy for everyone to create high-quality short-form video content.

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