
Compendium of Vang Vieng Po Theatre Troupe (7)


Actor development

National first-class actors Wang Qingli, Zhang Xiufang, and Fan Baoxiang who came out of the Wanrong Troupe.

Wang Hongni, Cheng Yongkui, Ding Zhuxia, Ding Guilan, Li Baixu, Sun Wenbing, etc. At that time, there was a saying: "Wanrong Theater Troupe is a drama school in Jinnan District."

Wang Qingli, female, national first-class actor, winner of the Shanghai Magnolia Gold Award, is now an actor in the Pu Opera Troupe in Salt Lake District.

Zhang Xiufang, female, a national first-class actor, winner of the Drama Culture Award, and former head of the Ruicheng County Pu Opera Troupe.

Fan Baoxiang, female, a national first-class actor, entered the Wanrong Pu Opera Troupe in 1977 to learn art, and later entered the Yuncheng Youth Pu Opera Troupe.

Wang Hongni, female, a national second-class actor, is currently the head of the Wanrong Pu Troupe.

Cheng Yongkui, male, a national second-class actor, was the head of the Wanrongpu Opera Troupe and the secretary of the party branch.

Compendium of Vang Vieng Po Theatre Troupe (7)

Ding Zhuxia, female, a national second-class actor, was an actor in the Pu Opera Troupe in Yuncheng District.

Ding Guilan, female, a national second-class actor, was an actor in the Pu Opera Troupe of Wanrong County.

Li Baixu, male, a national second-class actor, was the head of the Pu Opera Troupe in Wanrong County.

Sun Wenbing, male, a national second-class actor, was once a Pu Opera actor in Wanrong County.

Thanks to Head Cheng Yongkui for the information.

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