
After losing power for 54 years, why didn't Dongfanghong No. 1 crash? Expert: It's going to be fine for another 1,000 years

author:The Little Prince of Soy Milk.

Fifty-four years ago, when the melody of "Dongfang Hong" reverberated in space, the pride of the Chinese was born.

After losing power for 54 years, why didn't Dongfanghong No. 1 crash? Expert: It's going to be fine for another 1,000 years

Who would have thought that this old fellow has now been "lost" in the universe for more than half a century!

The Chinese astronauts tried their best to take it home, but they never returned. What's going on here?

After losing power for 54 years, why didn't Dongfanghong No. 1 crash? Expert: It's going to be fine for another 1,000 years

It turned out that "Dongfanghong No. 1" had a small error when it was launched, causing its orbital position to deviate slightly. Coupled with the gravitational effect of the sun, the "old naughty boy", it has been unable to find the north for a long time.

Some people say that the altitude of 1145 kilometers is not far from the earth, and you can "please" it back by sending a rocket. Don't be naïve, even a big guy like "Heavy Rocket No. 1" can only sigh in front of "Dongfanghong No. 1". No, it tried it a few days ago, but it didn't even see a shadow.

After losing power for 54 years, why didn't Dongfanghong No. 1 crash? Expert: It's going to be fine for another 1,000 years

In fact, the reason why "Dongfanghong No. 1" has been able to "run amok" in space for so many years is mainly because of the "vicious vision" of scientists back then. They specially arranged a "golden" orbital position for it, just so that it could live a long life in the universe.

However, Grandpa Sun is not a vegetarian. The gravitational change of its old age is really a headache for scientists. This is not an ordinary gravitational force, but has the magical effect of "three-body perturbation".

After losing power for 54 years, why didn't Dongfanghong No. 1 crash? Expert: It's going to be fine for another 1,000 years

Even if it encounters a "three-body perturbation", its running speed is still as stable as Mount Tai. That's why scientists predict that in another 1,000 years, it won't easily "return to the West".

Looking back, the launch of "Dongfanghong No. 1" not only marked the beginning of China's aerospace industry, but also demonstrated the courage of the Chinese people to be the first in the world.

After losing power for 54 years, why didn't Dongfanghong No. 1 crash? Expert: It's going to be fine for another 1,000 years

China's aerospace industry is still strong despite thousands of blows, and it is capable of blowing from east to west, north and south. We firmly believe that in the near future, "Dongfanghong No. 1" will eventually return to the earth and be reviewed by the people. And the journey of China's aerospace industry will also ride the wind and waves and bravely climb new heights in the universe!

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