
Record of the 121st Division's operation against Vietnam: 35 people were thrown by the leaders on the 809 heights, and 28 people fainted from hunger in three days

author:Open to the sky

February 20, 1979, was a tense and challenging day for the 1st Battalion of the 361st Regiment of the 121st Division. On this day, they received an urgent reinforcement order, requiring them to quickly go to support the 123rd Regiment of the 367th Division. The arrival of this order was undoubtedly a great test for the already exhausted troops.

Prior to this, the interspersed plan of the 121st Regiment of the 361st Division was repeatedly disrupted for various reasons. The originally well-planned operation was made extremely difficult by the inaccuracy of the intelligence, the complexity of the terrain, and the stubborn resistance of the enemy forces. The troops were scattered on various fronts, and the forces could not be effectively concentrated, which put great pressure on the command.

However, an order is an order, and no matter how difficult it may be, it must be resolutely carried out. The commander of the 1 battalion quickly rallied his troops, conveyed the order for reinforcements. Although the soldiers are exhausted, they know that the safety of their comrades is more important than anything else. They quickly gathered their gear and prepared to go.

On the way to reinforcements, the 1 battalion faced many difficulties. Due to the disruption of the previous plan of action, the route of the troops was not clear, and they needed to find the best route of travel in complex terrain. At the same time, the reconnaissance and harassment of enemy troops also brought no small trouble to the actions of the troops. Soldiers must always be vigilant to prevent detection by enemy troops.

Nevertheless, the soldiers of the 1 battalion did not give up. With their strong will and excellent tactical literacy, they have overcome one difficulty after another. During the march, they constantly adjusted their tactics, taking advantage of the terrain and night to conceal themselves and minimize the risk of being discovered by enemy forces. At the same time, they also use radio to keep in touch with friendly forces and keep abreast of the battlefield situation so that they can make the right decisions.

Record of the 121st Division's operation against Vietnam: 35 people were thrown by the leaders on the 809 heights, and 28 people fainted from hunger in three days

In the process of reinforcement, the soldiers of the 1 battalion showed extremely high combat qualities. When faced with enemy resistance, they are able to react quickly, use firepower to suppress enemy forces, and create conditions for the advance of troops. At the same time, they also showed strong teamwork skills, supporting each other and working together to deal with enemy attacks.

Over time, the 1 Battalion gradually approached the positions of the 123 Regiment of the 367 Division. Their arrival undoubtedly brought great support to the 367th Regiment. With the reinforcement of the 1st Battalion, the defense line of the 367 Regiment was strengthened, and the offensive of the enemy troops was effectively contained.

However, the battle did not end there. The soldiers of the 1 Battalion and the 367 Regiment knew that they still needed to continue the fight until the enemy forces were completely repulsed. They held their ground, defending every inch of land with their lives. In this battle, they had to not only face the onslaught of enemy troops, but also overcome the difficulties posed by the natural environment. But they firmly believe that as long as they are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

In this emergency reinforcement operation, the soldiers of the 121st Battalion of the 361st Regiment of the 1st Division showed extraordinary courage and determination. They are not afraid of hardships and sacrifices, and they interpret the loyalty and responsibility of soldiers with their actions. Their heroic deeds will be remembered by future generations and become a precious spiritual wealth that inspires generations of soldiers.

During the intense fighting on February 20, 1979, 35 soldiers from the 2nd company and 3rd platoon of the 361st Regiment of the 121st Division were left on the 809 heights. They were given the task of staying behind to ensure the safety of the heights and the surveillance of enemy forces. However, as the battle progresses, they become a forgotten team, facing difficult circumstances and potential threats from enemies.

Record of the 121st Division's operation against Vietnam: 35 people were thrown by the leaders on the 809 heights, and 28 people fainted from hunger in three days

The geographical location of the 809 Heights is very dangerous, surrounded by mountains on three sides and deep valleys on one side, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. But this also meant that once surrounded by enemy troops, the fighters of the 3rd platoon would be left alone. Due to the fact that the previous interspersed plan was disrupted several times, the division leadership realized in the confusion that the 35 fighters could not be withdrawn in time, but due to the tight time, the rescue operation could not be launched immediately.

On the heights, the fighters of the 3 platoon were faced with extreme natural conditions. During the day, the scorching sun scorched the earth, and the warriors had to endure the torment of heat and lack of water; At night, the wind was biting, and they had to rely on rudimentary bunkers and thin clothing to withstand the cold. The scarcity of food and water meant they had to rely on the natural conditions near the highlands to survive.

In addition to the test of the natural environment, the fighters of the 3rd platoon must always be vigilant for the movement of enemy troops. They knew that the enemy could attack at any moment to try to retake the strategic location. Therefore, they must strengthen their vigilance, take advantage of the terrain of the high ground, and be ready to respond to enemy attacks at any time.

In the arduous wait, the fighters of the 3rd platoon showed tenacious will and firm faith. They encourage each other to face difficulties together, and no one chooses to give up. Although they knew that being forgotten here could mean long periods of isolation and danger, they still stuck to their posts and fulfilled their duties as soldiers.

After realizing the situation of the soldiers of the 3rd platoon, the division leaders did not give up, although they could not immediately carry out rescue. They began to actively plan and look for possible rescue options. They knew that the safety of the lives of the 35 fighters was of paramount importance and that action must be taken as soon as possible.

In the days of waiting for rescue, the fighters of the 3 platoon were not idle. Taking advantage of the high ground, they carried out a detailed reconnaissance of the surrounding terrain and drew up maps that provided important information for possible rescue operations. At the same time, they also strengthened the monitoring of the enemy's troops, reported the enemy's movements to the division leaders in a timely manner, and provided valuable intelligence for the command of the entire battle situation.

Record of the 121st Division's operation against Vietnam: 35 people were thrown by the leaders on the 809 heights, and 28 people fainted from hunger in three days

During this time, the fighters of the 3 platoon also carried out self-improvement. Using limited resources, they carried out tactical training and physical training to improve their combat skills. They know that only by staying in the best condition can they effectively counterattack when the enemy attacks.

Over time, the fighters of the 3rd platoon gradually felt lonely and helpless. They are desperate for contact with the outside world and hope to be rescued. However, they also knew that the difficulty and risk of the rescue operation were very high, and the division leaders needed time to plan and prepare.

During this arduous wait, the soldiers of the 3rd platoon showed the tenacity and courage of the soldiers. Their stories, although not widely told, are worth remembering for their spirit and sacrifice. With their actions, they interpreted the loyalty and responsibility of the soldiers, and became unyielding soldiers on the battlefield.

On the 809 heights, the fighters of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon faced unprecedented challenges to survive. The predicament of food shortages and the harsh natural environment test their will and ability to survive. However, it was in the face of such adversity that the fighters showed a spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance, as well as tenacious self-help actions.

Faced with the dilemma of food shortage, the fighters did not choose to give up, but actively looked for ways to solve the problem. They share a limited amount of dry food, and everyone strictly controls how much they eat to ensure that everyone gets a bite to eat. In this barren land, they dig wild vegetables, gather fern roots, and use these natural resources to make soups, which, although not delicious, have become an important source of life for them.

In this difficult environment, the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance among the fighters is particularly valuable. They encourage each other, support each other, and face difficulties together. Some fighters even voluntarily refused to eat limited food, leaving it to their weak comrades. This selfless spirit not only reflects their deep affection and friendship for their comrades-in-arms, but also shows that they attach great importance to the collective interests.

Record of the 121st Division's operation against Vietnam: 35 people were thrown by the leaders on the 809 heights, and 28 people fainted from hunger in three days

The wisdom and courage shown by the soldiers in the self-rescue operation are also the key to their survival. They take advantage of the topography of the highlands and skillfully set traps to catch wild animals to replenish their food sources. In the absence of water, they learned to collect rainwater and even use the plant's water to quench their thirst. These self-help actions, although difficult, have effectively helped them to survive.

In the days of waiting for rescue, the fighters did not give up hope. They firmly believe that as long as they are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. They take advantage of the natural conditions of the highlands to carry out physical training and improve their ability to survive. They also use their free time to exchange combat experience, improve tactical literacy and prepare for possible battles.

During these difficult years, the hearts of the warriors were also baptized. They have come to a deeper understanding that unity is strength and mutual assistance is hope. Their stories, although not widely told, are worth remembering for their spirit and sacrifice. With their actions, they interpreted the loyalty and responsibility of the soldiers, and became unyielding soldiers on the battlefield.

On this forgotten plateau, the soldiers of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon used their actions to write a touching survival legend. Their story is the best interpretation of the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance, and it is also the best proof of the courage of self-help action. In them, we see the vivid embodiment of the great spirit of unity of the Chinese nation478, and see the power of reshaping life in a desperate situation. Their stories will inspire generations of people to face difficulties and overcome challenges.

On the 809 heights, the fighters of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon experienced a long and arduous wait. However, it was this perseverance that allowed them to find hope in the midst of despair. A few days later, they finally made a miraculous return and were reunited with the large army.

Record of the 121st Division's operation against Vietnam: 35 people were thrown by the leaders on the 809 heights, and 28 people fainted from hunger in three days

In the difficult days on the mountain, the warriors did not give up any possibility of survival. During a chance patrol, they found an abandoned farmland with some rice bran scattered inside. Although these rice bran are not of much value to ordinary people, for them, it is tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow. However, even in such a difficult situation, the fighters did not forget about the discipline and principles of the army. They decided to trade what little pen they had in exchange to make sure they didn't take a stitch from the masses.

Although this fountain pen is not worth much, in the hearts of the fighters, it represents the dignity of the military and respect for discipline. They have not given up their principles because of the pressure of survival, and this spirit has deeply embodied the fine traditions of the people's army and the noble qualities of the soldiers.

When the fighters of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon returned to the unit with rice bran and their stories, they were warmly welcomed by their comrades. Their experiences quickly spread among the troops and became a force that inspired other fighters to persevere. The warriors were praised not only for their wisdom and courage in survival, but also for their discipline and dignity.

This return is not only an affirmation of the ability of the soldiers of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon, but also a vivid embodiment of the strict discipline of our army and the high degree of consciousness of the soldiers. As Comrade Mao Zedong emphasized, "by strengthening discipline, the revolution is invincible." It was with this discipline that the soldiers of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon overcame many difficulties and finally reunited with the troops.

In the reunion of the troops, the fighters of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon shared their self-rescue experience and adherence to discipline in the mountains, which further enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the troops. Their stories inspire every fighter and show them that no matter what the odds are, if they are disciplined and united, they can overcome any odds.

This miraculous return is not only an affirmation of the individual ability of the soldiers of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon, but also an improvement of the mental outlook of the entire unit. It demonstrates that the people's army is able to maintain strict discipline and high morale at all times, and to fulfill its duties and tasks, whether in war years or in peacetime. This spirit will become a valuable asset for the troops to keep advancing and achieve more victories.

Record of the 121st Division's operation against Vietnam: 35 people were thrown by the leaders on the 809 heights, and 28 people fainted from hunger in three days

On that battlefield full of challenges and tests, the soldiers of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon showed extraordinary courage and wisdom. In the midst of extreme hunger, they relied on the strength of their team to capture a buffalo, which not only solved their urgent needs, but also shared this hard-won food with the soldiers of the 3rd Battalion of the 361st Regiment. This behavior not only reflects the deep comradeship between the soldiers, but also demonstrates their selfless dedication.

This feat of the fighters soon spread throughout the unit, and Deputy Commander Mao was deeply moved when he learned of this deed, and he highly praised the 35 fighters and called them "the loveliest people of the new generation." This title is not only a recognition of the heroic deeds of the soldiers, but also an affirmation of their spiritual outlook. In the view of Deputy Commander Mao, these soldiers have interpreted the loyalty, courage and selflessness of soldiers with practical actions, they are outstanding representatives of soldiers in the new era, and they are the pride of the people's army.

However, amid the praise, the command of the 41st Army also began a deep reflection. They realized that in the previous command process, due to various reasons, the soldiers of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon were neglected, making these soldiers fall into an isolated situation on the battlefield. Such mistakes not only brought great difficulties to the fighters, but also had an impact on the overall combat effectiveness of the troops.

This reflection by the command is a profound analysis of its own work and an emphasis on the importance of excellent command. They realized that an excellent commander must not only be able to formulate correct strategies and tactics, but also be able to pay attention to the safety of every soldier, ensure that every order can be implemented, and enable every soldier to play the greatest role on the battlefield.

Through this reflection, the command of the 41st Army has made the direction of its work more clear. They are determined to further strengthen their command capacity, enhance their command art, and ensure that they will be able to better command the troops, reduce mistakes, and enhance their combat effectiveness in future battles. At the same time, they should also care more about the soldiers, pay attention to the lives and needs of the soldiers, so that every soldier can feel the warmth and care of the troops.

This reflection is not only a summary of past mistakes, but also a plan for future work. The command of the 41st Army hopes that through this reflection, it will be able to continuously improve its command level, better serve the troops and soldiers, and make greater contributions to the construction and development of the troops. The soldiers of the 2nd Company and 3rd Platoon will continue to interpret the profound connotation of "the loveliest people of the new generation" with their practical actions, and inspire more comrades-in-arms to continue to move forward on the road to strengthening the army.

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