
The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

Big girl in the game

2024-06-01 11:56Posted in Fujian game creators

Recently, there have been a lot of topics about the e-sports circle, and I believe you have seen a lot of content in this regard, during this time, the competition in the e-sports circle has not yet started, so some topics outside the game have caused heated discussions, such as a lot of fist movements recently, adjustments to the version, and other content.

The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

For example, there have been a lot of topics about the Hall of Fame recently, and Riot announced that the first player selected in the Hall of Fame is faker, which is understandable, although many people hate him, but I have to say that faker is the first person in LOL, after all, 4 S championship trophies in hand, which belongs to the ancients, and it is difficult to have the honor of coming later.

The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

After faker was inducted into the Hall of Fame, his Hall of Fame skin was also announced, there are two in total, namely the fox and the enchantress, in which the fox is the main skin, modeling, special effects, and menus are all in place, and the Riot staff also directly said that the price of this skin will be very high, but everyone doesn't pay attention to it.

The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

Because no matter how high the price is, can it be more expensive than those 199 skins? As a result, it was recently reported that the price of faker's Hall of Fame skin will be 500, which is equivalent to 3500 yuan, and the price of the Hall of Fame skin at 3500 has attracted the attention and complaints of a large number of netizens, all of whom said that they could not accept it.

The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

This skin faker can get dividends, so he is also very concerned, and recorded various voices for the skin, but because of the recorded voice, everyone thinks he is mocking the player for not being able to afford the skin, because the fox has a special voice, and in the special skin voice, the player will trigger when he opens the store.

The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

At this time, the fox had a voice: Wait for the undead demon king to hear these prices. So many netizens think that this is a big face, the price problem has been so serious recently, and there is still such voice content, isn't this pure mockery? Of course, this voice is not heard by everyone.

The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

According to understanding, this skin is divided into three types, the cheap basic model is also 300 yuan, and then there are more than 2000, more than 3000 two upgraded versions of the skin, the upgraded version can unlock all the special effects, and some additional things, such as Faker's signature, special Ctrl5 action, tower demolition effects, etc., the cheapest one can't hear this sentence, do you have anything to complain about?

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  • The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin
  • The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin
  • The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin
  • The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin
  • The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin
  • The Hall of Fame skin costs 3500, and faker recorded a voice that caused outrage, mocking players for not being able to afford the skin

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