
What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

New Weekly

2024-06-01 19:08Published on the official account of Guangdong New Weekly

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

Under the surface of the "wild" parents with babies, there is actually their deep love for their children.

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How mentally ahead is the new generation of parents?

From "no matter how sweet you are, you can't be sweet to your child, and no matter how bitter you are, you can't be bitter about yourself" to "cry if you want to, and help you count me as losing", the topic of "reverse parenting" of the post-90s generation has been on the hot search with its strength.

On the e-commerce platform, outdoor children's clothing has maintained high growth, and Decathlon, as a "middle-aged man's paradise", has even prepared ski equipment for infants and toddlers. All kinds of hot words and data show that this generation of young parents is reshaping their own view of parenting.

And in this trend of parenthood reshaping, "wildness" has become the most striking keyword.

In the book "The Last Child in the Woods: Rescuing Children with Nature Deficit Disorder", he says: "Nature always gives children a wider and more distant world, which is not the same as the world of affection given by parents, nor does it 'steal' children's time like television, on the contrary, it can enrich the children's spiritual world." ”

"Wild" is the nature of children. Going outside and playing freely, those things that seem small, small, and insignificant to us adults are often big, big, and important things to children.

Parents want their children to have light in their eyes, love in their hearts, and firmness and strength. All parents have to do is to believe in him, guide him, encourage him, and let him run happily in relaxation and freedom.

Until then, parents need to be prepared for what they have to do.

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

(Photo/Picture Worm Creative)

This generation of parents is most afraid that their children are not "wild" enough

28-year-old Tam Tsz Yan is a mother of a premature baby. After the child was born, the doctor solemnly told Tam Zhiyin that because it was a premature baby, the child's physical development in the future will be slower than that of ordinary children, and perhaps the physique will be weaker. If you have a viral infection, your symptoms will be worse than in the average child.

In order to let the child grow up strongly, Tan Zhiyin specially gave her son a nickname "Zhuangzhuang". She began to learn a lot about healthy parenting. After Zhuang Zhuang began to learn to crawl, Tam took him to play outdoors every day, allowing the children to explore the external environment freely. In her opinion, exercising outdoors for 2 hours a day is good for children's health.

However, there is always a process to change perceptions. In the eyes of the older generation, children will catch a cold if they don't wear socks, and they will get dirty when they crawl outdoors, and they will be infected with various bacteria and viruses.

In the usual baby, the mother-in-law always stops the child's "touching" and "crawling". Tan Zhiyin has also had moments of wavering, especially when the child has a cold and fever, she will fall into self-doubt, whether her heart is too big and the child is too "wild".

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

Outdoor walking the baby does not cost the mother. (Photo/Picture Worm Creative)

However, whenever Tan Zhiyin saw Zhuang Zhuang running happily in nature, the happiness from the heart, she strengthened her thoughts. "You can wash your clothes when they're dirty, but you only have one time in childhood," she said. I was sad to look at the children who held their phones all day long and had no interest in the forest, the starry sky, or the river. If you lose your 'wildness', you lose the light in your eyes. ”

Therefore, she carried the "gossip" around her and insisted on the parenting method of outdoor "free-range". Now Zhuang Zhuang is three and a half years old and is studying in the kindergarten class. Even in the winter and spring when respiratory syncytial virus and mycoplasma were raging last year, Zhuang Zhuang still won the "Full Attendance Award" in the kindergarten.

Nowadays, there are more and more parents like Tam Zhiyan who encourage their children to go more natural. Unlike the previous generation, which cultivated children as "flowers in the greenhouse", contemporary parents have begun to re-understand the outdoors, for fear that their children will not be "wild" enough.

Children are active by nature, like to go out to play, and are full of curiosity about the outside world, and children's "wildness" is actually a kind of "nature". If you love your child, let him be a bird and teach him the ability to fly; Instead of being a kite, always holding the string in your hand.

Tam said: "It's easy to let go of your child to the 'wild', but it's not easy to do. ”

Parents need confidence behind letting their children "go wild". This confidence comes from the fact that parents have done a good job of risk avoidance in advance.

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

As a child, his main quest is just one word: play. (Photo/Picture Worm Creative)

Behind every "wild child",

All have a "confident" parent

Sometimes, overprotective children can be a disservice.

In the past two years, there have been frequent respiratory tract infections, such as the aforementioned "menacing" respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which was once on the hot search. It is highly contagious[1][2], even 2.5 times more contagious than rotavirus[3][4], and is widely transmitted, easily through coughing, sneezing, and intimate physical contact such as hugs and kisses.

When the respiratory virus season arrives, hospitals are filled with children with fever and parents with sad faces. Many mothers are afraid to send their children to kindergarten or take them outdoors to play when the incidence of seasonal respiratory diseases is high. Yaqi is the same, the more frightened, the more anxious she becomes, and the more she dares to let her child go out, so the child begins to be "well-behaved" in two points and one line of life.

As a mother of two children, last autumn and winter, when various viruses took turns to swipe the screen and dominate the hot search, Yaqi also went to major hospitals because of her children's frequent illness, and successfully forced herself to become half a pediatrician after checking information and doing homework.

"Because I was afraid that my two children would get sick, I unconsciously reduced my children's outdoor activities. Even if I occasionally take the baby out, I don't dare to let the baby run too happily, for fear of catching a cold after sweating; I don't dare to let the baby go to those wild places, for fear of invisible bacteria and viruses. It is only when my children stay at home that I feel 'safe'. ”

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

(Photo/Picture Worm Creative)

However, the drawbacks of a lack of outdoor exercise are also beginning to emerge. The eldest is going to elementary school this year, because of repeated illnesses, poor appetite, and his height and weight are weaker than his peers. Yaqi couldn't help but start worrying about whether the boss's thin little body would be bullied in elementary school. And the second child, who is still in kindergarten, often says that his eyes can't see clearly recently. After going to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor said that pseudomyopia was suspected, so Yaqi had to increase the child's outdoor time, at least two hours a day, and seriously popularized the necessity of outdoor time to her.

Yaqi suddenly realized that in the name of "protection", she deprived her children of the right to play outdoors. Today's Yaqi would rather children be "wild" than be too well-behaved. In fact, the child needs to experience and experience the risks gradually, rather than avoiding all the risks. Through exercise and experimentation, children can gradually acquire the basic skills needed for learning and life.

"Going outdoors" is not only a gas station for the growth of contemporary children, but also a "parenting antidote" for the new generation of parents.

Yaqi said: "I used to joke that I took my baby to see a doctor, and I became half a pediatrician, knowing what virus to be infected and what symptoms to have. Now I finally realize that no matter how much I know about diseases and curing them, it is better to prevent them from the roots. "The effects of some viral infections are very serious, such as syncytial virus, some infants under 1 year of age will experience hypoxia, wheezing, and even dyspnea in severe cases [5][6][7][8]. It's too late to get sick, but the way to prevent getting sick is not to hide at home, because you can't hide from it, but to find the right way to prevent it.

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

(Photo/Picture Worm Creative)

As a child, his main quest is just one word: play. In the eyes of the new generation of parents, adults do not give their children childhood, but raise their young selves all over again. They know that there are bacteria, viruses, and all kinds of strange unknowns outdoors, but the outdoors is also a training ground for children to upgrade and fight monsters.

Of course, behind the "wild children", there must be a "confident" parent. This kind of confidence often comes from parents' understanding of scientific parenting, and it also comes from the prevention of potential diseases for children.

When children want to play outside, they want to be "unhappy parents", not to say "no" to children, but to children: "Let's go, baby, let's go together!" ”

Treat the children as "partners" and go hiking, camping, mountaineering, and river tracing together. The new generation of parents is willing to let their children explore everything freely and let their children grow up independently; More importantly, put the right to choose equally in their hands.

In fact, children are not as fragile as we think, and we must also believe that we can become confident parents.

Put it on for your child

"Magic Armor" that can go wild

The process of children's "wildness" is also the process of changing their parents' identity - from the controller of anxious chickens to the boosters of free growth, the answers to education are becoming more and more open, inclusive, and diverse.

But wild breeding is not free-range, and behind the children who move forward freely are well-prepared families.

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

(Photo/Picture Worm Creative)

Liu Dihui is the director of the Department of Pediatrics at Guangzhou United Family Hospital, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of children's growth and development, common infectious diseases and incurable diseases. She was awarded the 2022 Most Popular Doctor Award at Guangzhou United Family Internet Hospital, and is currently one of the hard-to-find star doctors in Guangzhou United Family Hospital.

When talking about the interaction between children's health and family anxiety, Director Liu mentioned: "Recently, there was a child who was hospitalized in our hospital, and he has had pneumonia four times in about half a year from last winter to now, and the frequency of this illness is relatively high. His first hospitalization was pneumonia caused by respiratory syncytial virus infection. After that infection, the child's airways became very sensitive, coughing easily and even wheezing, and it progressed quickly once the disease began. So once the child has a little bit of trouble, the parents are very nervous, and the whole family becomes very anxious. ”

Respiratory diseases have always been a "roadblock" for parents to take their babies out, and the prevention of respiratory diseases has always been a headache for many parents. Taking syncytial virus as an example, according to Director Liu, the early symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus infection are not much different from other common viral infections, so it is easy to be ignored.

Because the immune system and lungs are immature in infants within one year of age [9][10], the risk of developing severe disease with syncytial virus infection is higher [11][12]. At the same time, the effects of severe syncytial virus infection in infancy may be long-term, manifesting as recurrent wheezing or asthma [13][14][15][16], both of which are manifestations of impaired lung function [17].

Currently, there is no specific drug for RSV infection. In Director Liu's view, if babies can be prevented at an early stage, the possibility of syncytial virus infection can be greatly reduced.

It is worth mentioning that the monoclonal antibody (nirsevimab) for respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis, which was hard to find in the United States last year, was officially approved by the Continental Drug Administration at the end of last year and can be launched before the arrival of this year's infection season, filling the gap in the field of syncytial virus prevention in the mainland. Only one injection is required to protect your baby through the syncytial virus season [18][19][20][21][22][23] and the safety profile is similar to that of normal saline [24].

At present, a variety of respiratory diseases are superimposed, alternating and out-of-season, making some respiratory diseases that have been neglected for a long time become the focus of prevention again. In the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, respiratory immunity is the "gatekeeper" of children's health. Giving children regular vaccinations is one of the important measures for parents to prevent respiratory diseases, and it is also a "magic armor" that parents can put on for their children to go wild.

Under the appearance of the new generation of parents "wild" with babies, there is actually their deep love for their children.

Parental love is meant to be long-term. In addition to strengthening the immune barrier on a daily basis, we must also pay attention to disease prevention by working the dining table, balancing nutrition, and preparing enough "ammunition and food" for the body, so that children can have the confidence to go "wild" freely.

What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

Let the child go "wild", and don't let the child be a "childhood bystander".

Learn to let go, don't set a bunch of rules and regulations, life is a long road, these are simply insignificant.

Learn to shut up, don't nag at your child all day long, and let your child decide for himself on the small things in life.

Learn to sit idly by and let your child do what he can do on his own. It is better to let children be "wild children" than to be good children. The more tolerant you are, the more calm he becomes.

"Going wild" is the new goal of contemporary children's growth. And this "parenting antidote" is also a big test for parents. The premise for parents to dare to let go is to provide their children with a healthy body and a positive mindset. And doing a good job in disease prevention for children is the best support for parents to give their children, which is also the latest answer to "parental love" for the post-85s and post-90s.

(Disclaimer: The above is intended to convey cutting-edge medical information, especially the labeling or requirements should follow the relevant documents of the products approved by the Chinese regulatory authorities.) The above information should not be construed as providing any advice or recommendation on any medicine or treatment plan, and it is important to consult a healthcare professional for all matters related to medical treatment. )

1. Reis J, Shaman J. Simulation of four respiratory viruses and inference of epidemiologicalparameters. InfectDisModel. 2018;3:2334.Published2018Mar19.doi:10.1016/j.idm.2018.03.006

2. Pediatric Professional Committee of China Medical Education Association, Asthma Collaborative Group of Respiratory Group of Pediatric Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Pediatric Respiratory Working Committee of Respiratory Physician Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, etc.  Expert consensus on non-pharmacological interventions for respiratory viral infections in children [J] . Chinese Journal of Practical Clinical Pediatrics, 2023,38(6): 413-420. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn101070-20230424-00327

3. Reis J, Shaman J. Infect Dis Model. 2018 Mar 19;3:23-34.

4. Spencer JA, et al. J Theor Biol. 2022 Jul 21;545:111145.

5. Jartti T, Smits HH, Bønnelykke K, et al. Bronchiolitis needs a revisit: Distinguishing between virus entities and their treatments. Allergy. 2019; 74(1):40-52. doi:10.1111/all.13624.

6. Am J Perinatol. 2020 Sep; 37(S 02):S26-S30. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1714345. Epub 2020 Aug 9.

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8. Rosas-Salazar C, et al. Lancet. 2023; S0140-6736(23)00811-5.

9. Wan Huajing, Shi Fang. Research progress on lung development and related disease mechanisms [J] . Chinese Journal of Practical Clinical Pediatrics, 2016, 31 (16): 1201-1204. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-428X.2016.16.001

10. Lloyd CM, Saglani S. Early-life respiratory infections and developmental immunity determine lifelong lung health. Nat Immunol. 2023; 24(8):1234-1243. doi:10.1038/s41590-023-01550-w

11. You Li,et al. Lancet.2022 May 28; 399(10340):2047-2064.

12. Ren SHL, et al. Influenza Other Respi Viruses. 2022; 1–11. DOI: 10.1111/irv.12958

13. Jartti T, Smits HH, Bønnelykke K, et al. Bronchiolitis needs a revisit: Distinguishing between virus entities and their treatments. Allergy. 2019; 74(1):40-52. doi:10.1111/all.13624

14. Am J Perinatol. 2020 Sep; 37(S 02):S26-S30. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1714345. Epub 2020 Aug 9.

15. 2020Oct7; 222(Suppl 7):S628-S633. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiz311.

16. Rosas-Salazar C, et al. Lancet. 2023; S0140-6736(23)00811-5.

17. National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, Respiratory Group of Pediatric Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Pediatric Respiratory Working Committee of Respiratory Physician Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, etc.  Expert consensus on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection in children [J] . Chinese Journal of Practical Clinical Pediatrics, 2020, 35 (04): 241-250. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn101070-20200225-00243

18. Instructions for Nisevimab Injection

19. Hammitt LL, et al. N Engl J Med. 2022; 386(9):837-846..

20. Wilkins D, et al. Nat Med. 2023; 29(5):1172-1179.

21. BEYFORTUS (nirsevimab) for the Prevention of RSV Lower Respiratory Tract Disease in Infants and Children (presentation to the U.S. FDA). 2023 [6/03/2024]; Available from:

22. Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics. Immunization calendar of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics.Reasons and bases of the recommendations2024.2024; Availablefrom:

23. Note: The duration of clinical protection of nisevimab is at least 5 months; Immune antibody levels of more than 6 months after a single injection of nisevimab (the Spanish Association of Pediatrics believes that the duration of protection may be up to 11 months) covers the average duration of the RSV infection season in China

24. EMA. Accessedon 2023-05-21.


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  • What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood
  • What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood
  • What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood
  • What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood
  • What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood
  • What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood
  • What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood
  • What happened to those who were treated as "wild children" since childhood

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