
This kind of "bad food", children eat a little every day, the stomach is good and the nutrients are easy to absorb, and the size grows fast

This kind of "bad food", children eat a little every day, the stomach is good and the nutrients are easy to absorb, and the size grows fast

Beautiful mom is very handsome

2024-06-01 16:45Posted in Guangdong parenting field creators

Xiaojian, who has always had a good relationship with her mother-in-law, broke up because of a dish of sauerkraut!

Xiaojian thinks that sauerkraut has a lot of salt and nitrite acid, which is not a good thing, and the child's liver detoxification function is limited, so the "bad food" of sauerkraut should not appear on the child's plate.

But my mother-in-law thinks that the sauerkraut is pickled by herself, and eating it occasionally can adjust the intestinal environment, which is very good.

Xiaojian has always been a very good talker, and he usually loses his temper casually, but when he came home from work that day, he saw the child sending the sauerkraut into his mouth one by one, and he was angry, so he picked up the sauerkraut and threw it on the ground. In an instant, the child was petrified, and the mother-in-law's face turned black.

"Actually, in addition to being a little stubborn, my mother-in-law is usually very good to my children, and sauerkraut is indeed as she said, and she eats it once or twice a month. Feeling guilty, I apologized to her, but when I fell like this, she seemed to have a thorn in her heart, and the relationship could never go back to before. ”

This kind of "bad food", children eat a little every day, the stomach is good and the nutrients are easy to absorb, and the size grows fast

The reason why Komi "talks about the color change of sauerkraut" stems from his ignorance of fermented foods such as sauerkraut.

Fermented foods contain many beneficial bacteria, which can inhibit the proliferation of other harmful bacteria and maintain the balance of intestinal flora.

(1) Improve the nutritional value of food, for example, after soybeans are fermented into natto, their vitamin B2 is about 4 times higher than that of cooked soybeans, the folic acid content is also increased by 4 times, and vitamin K (which can help calcium deposition in bones) is also increased; Sauerkraut made with cabbage is higher in vitamin C and vitamin U than fresh cabbage.

(2) Nutrients are easier to digest and absorb, such as drinking yogurt, its protein and lactose will be easier to digest than ordinary milk; Eating natto is easier to digest and absorb than eating soy directly, and its protein and soy isoflavones are easier to digest and absorb.

Children are growing their bodies, their metabolism is strong, and they need a lot more energy than adults, so if they want their children to grow well and develop their minds, they must provide comprehensive and balanced nutrition.

This kind of "bad food", children eat a little every day, the stomach is good and the nutrients are easy to absorb, and the size grows fast

Different ingredients can promote the growth and development of different parts of the child's body.

DHA promotes brain development, protein promotes muscle growth, calcium promotes bone development, iron can better transport nutrients and oxygen to every corner of the body, and fermented foods can regulate intestinal function and maintain the stomach.

Therefore, mothers should not be disgusted when they hear the word "sauerkraut", in fact, eating a little in moderation is of great help to children's nutrient absorption and growth and development.

The following is a list of some representative fermented foods, which can be included in children's recipes according to their own situation and preferences to enrich children's plates.

This kind of "bad food", children eat a little every day, the stomach is good and the nutrients are easy to absorb, and the size grows fast

In addition, when eating fermented foods, please pay attention to 3 points:

1. If you can, eat a little fermented food every day; If you have difficulty, then eat about 3 times a week. Pickles, sauerkraut, and kimchi have a lot of salt, so don't eat them for a long time, and it is recommended to replace them with other low-salt fermented products if possible.

2. Eat fermented foods (probiotics) and foods rich in dietary fiber (prebiotics) at the same time.

The former is a good bacteria that is good for the body, and the latter is the food it needs. Eating both at the same time can increase the number of beneficial bacteria and maintain a good intestinal environment.

Foods that contain a variety of prebiotics. It is generally whole grains or foods that contain whole grains, such as oats, whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat noodles, buckwheat, root vegetables, etc.

3. Use cooking tips to get a variety of nutrients. For example, by adding some soy sauce (or fermented bean curd) when stir-frying and vinegar when stewing, you can get vitamins, minerals, oligosaccharides, amino acids and other nutrients produced by each fermentation at one time.

All in all, eating a little fermented food every day is good for your child's stomach, so don't forget to include it in your family recipe when preparing food. Although there is a bit of salt in sauerkraut and pickles, it is also rich in lactic acid bacteria, which has the effect of appetizing and refreshing and maintaining the stomach, and it is okay to eat occasionally.

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  • This kind of "bad food", children eat a little every day, the stomach is good and the nutrients are easy to absorb, and the size grows fast
  • This kind of "bad food", children eat a little every day, the stomach is good and the nutrients are easy to absorb, and the size grows fast
  • This kind of "bad food", children eat a little every day, the stomach is good and the nutrients are easy to absorb, and the size grows fast

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