
Setting a new high for the year, Li Auto announced that it delivered 35,020 vehicles in March

author:Gossip car

Recently, the ideal car announced the delivery situation in May In the past month, the ideal delivered a total of 35,020 new cars, compared with 40,000 at the end of last year, although there is still a large gap, but the year-on-year increase of 23.8%, month-on-month has also increased significantly, while creating a new high this year. Overall, there is still a clear recovery trend, and it seems that the gradual rollout of various models and promotional activities have played a certain effect.

Setting a new high for the year, Li Auto announced that it delivered 35,020 vehicles in March
Setting a new high for the year, Li Auto announced that it delivered 35,020 vehicles in March
Setting a new high for the year, Li Auto announced that it delivered 35,020 vehicles in March

But to be honest, the current product lineup wants to reach 50,000 is also a certain difficulty, after all, the main competitors are indeed menacing, and continue to launch new cars, the ideal pressure is still not small, as for the so-called 800,000 sales target, because the cumulative ideal cumulative cumulative delivery in the first 5 months of this year is only 774571, so it is unlikely to be achieved, and there is no need to worry about it, in addition to the official also said that the ideal L6 cumulative delivery volume exceeded 1~50,000 units, This number is actually not as high as imagined, and there are still certain trade-offs in terms of output and delivery capacity, which is expected to be further improved in the future.

Setting a new high for the year, Li Auto announced that it delivered 35,020 vehicles in March
Setting a new high for the year, Li Auto announced that it delivered 35,020 vehicles in March

After all, the L8 and L9 of the 7-seater model are indeed under a lot of pressure in the face of the suppression of the M7 and M9, and the five-seater L6 and other models may have a larger living space due to the problems of the investment in the world, and there are also certain advantages in terms of price. On the other hand, because Ideal has given up on the launch of M series models, this means that in the next 7 months, Ideal will not launch a new model in 2024, so the pressure will continue to increase, after all, friends are still launching new cars. As a result, further price adjustments may be made at a later date to improve competitiveness. It is worth looking forward to what kind of performance can be held in the future.


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