
DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

author:Reckless game

For Red Eye, the more controversial issue at this stage is the issue of "Meridian Seven Star Sword" and "Dragon's Fury".

DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

The basic attributes of the 2 weapons are the same, and both increase "736 physical attack + 43 strength", so the difference in the additional effect is mainly compared.

[Meridian Seven Star Sword] has a 5% chance to reduce the enemy's defense by 700/1000 when attacking, and there is also a 5% chance to increase the enemy's defense by 30%.

DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

When attacking from Dragon's Fury, there is a 10% chance to increase ATK by 15%, the number of attacks of "Rage Burst" is +2, the level of "Rampage" is +2, and the strength is +5%!

Judging from the theoretical improvement alone, the 30% double attack of the "Meridian Seven Star Sword" is definitely greater than the 15% physical attack and 5% strength of the "Dragon's Fury", but the gap is not too big, about 3%.

So if you are looking for the ideal graduation weapon, the "Meridian Seven Star Sword" is definitely more recommended!

DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

But why is it that the "Meridian Seven Star Sword" is not as good as the "Rage of the Dragon" occasionally appears in actual combat?

The main reason is that the two core effects of the "Meridian Seven Star Sword" are all triggered with a probability of attacking, so there is a window period;

There's also a built-in cooldown, so even if you trigger the first time, there's a chance that the second trigger will hit a gap.

DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

So generally speaking, if you wear the "Meridian Seven Star Sword", you can use a basic attack or a small skill output to enter the map, wait until the additional effect is triggered, and then throw a big skill explosion.

The characteristics of the 2 weapons are also obvious, the "Meridian Seven Star Sword" has higher limit damage, but it needs to be triggered with a chance;

The damage of "Dragon's Fury" is more stable, and although there is no additional trigger effect, it has at least a guaranteed 5% strength bonus.

DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

The approximate ranking of Berserker's 4 epic greatswords is as follows: Meridian Seven Star Sword> Dragon's Fury> Soul - Demon Sword> Soul - Judgment Blade.

And then let's talk about it, why don't you recommend Red Eye to use the "Shadowless Sword" and "Cross Chopping Knife"? (It's just not recommended, but if it happens to burst out, of course it can be used)

DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

The simplest reason is that the base panel is too low!

The "Shadowless Sword" and the "Cross Slasher" both only have 582 physical attacks, and because the "Shadowless Sword" is a short sword, it has no power at all, and the panel is much less than that of the giant sword.

Then there's the question of weapon attributes:

DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

"Shadowless Sword" simply increases the damage by 30%, which is still very good, if it bursts out, then it can really be used as a secondary graduation weapon choice;

DNF Mobile Game: Meridian Sword vs Dragon's Fury, Who is the strongest weapon of Red Eye?

And the "Cross Slash" is a little worse, +15% damage and +15% double attack, which is not much better than the Meridian Seven Star Sword, so there is no need to choose it alone.

However, the "Cross Chopping Knife" also has 2 exclusive features, one is that it looks good, and the other is that it has a fast attack speed and a better feel as a knife!