
DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

author:Reckless game

I know it's not that you don't want to shine, but to save the surprise for tomorrow,

So every one ends today with a "bald head"! Let's talk about the ideal graduation weapon of the 9 major professions at this stage, note that this is only an ideal, and the ideal is not necessarily realized:

[1, Red Eye] weapon selection "Meridian Seven Star Sword" or "Dragon's Fury";

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

[2, Devil May Cry] weapon selection "Shadowless Sword" or "Cross Chopping Blade - Fight";

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

[3, Roaming] weapon choose "Instant Breaking Attack Revolver" or "Withered Eye";

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

[4, Guns] Weapons choose "Gravity Contract Cannon" or "Forgotten Baron";

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

[5, Sanda] weapon choose "Spiral Meteor Gauntlet" or "Soul - Minotaur King Gauntlet";

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

[6, Qigong] weapon selection "Thunder Shocking Sun Stick" or "Gravity Contract Finger Tiger";

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

[7, Demon Dao] weapon selection "lead dancer's graffiti pen" or "fateful choice";

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

[8, Elemental] weapon selection "Tentacle Staff" or "Ezra Pound's Foreknowledge";

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

[9, Nurse] Choose "Blue Light Staff" or "Dark Scythe" as a weapon.

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

Then let's get back to reality a little bit, before the perfect graduation weapon is revealed, the "transition weapons" of each class are relatively similar:

For example, a level 40 epic weapon can be used directly, or it can be enchanted, and it can be directly inherited to a level 50 epic weapon;

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

Another example is the "Terra Stone Weapon", which can be crafted and has a relatively low cost to obtain;

Then there is the level 50 pink weapon, each class has a powder that can be upgraded to a soul weapon, if it is a local tyrant who is not bad for money, you can start directly.

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

Among them, the most recommended soul weapons are, magic sword, streamer knife, minotaur gauntlet, blue light staff, etc., which can basically be said to be comparable to the existence of graduation weapons.

Then there is the question of choosing weapons across classes, such as whether the red-eyed brother can wear the Shadowless Sword and the Cross Slasher? Can the Valkyrie wear an Oriental Stick, etc.?

DNF Mobile Game: Copy Homework! List of the 9 major transfer graduation weapons!

Absolutely. It's just that the relative improvement is not as good as the ideal graduation weapon above.

For example, the "Shadowless Sword" only has 582 physical attacks, while the Meridian Seven Star Sword has 736 physical attacks, plus the short sword has no strength bonus;

Therefore, for a physics profession like Red Eye, the improvement brought by the Shadowless Sword and the Cross Slash is relatively low!