
During the enrollment season, you must have a vaccination certificate ready

author:Han News

It's time for children to enroll in nursery and enrollment

Childcare institutions, kindergartens and schools

Children and parents will be reminded to get ready

The "little green book" of vaccinations

Let's find out today

Why does the hospital give a "little green book"

Do I need to go to school when I enter nursery school?

During the enrollment season, you must have a vaccination certificate ready

The full name of the little green book is "vaccination certificate"

After leaving their mother's body, the children began to face the threat of various pathogens in the environment independently, but fortunately, there is a little helper of vaccines.

Vaccination can help children gain immunity against pathogens more safely and effectively, reducing the risk of infectious diseases. However, there are many pathogens in the environment, and there are many kinds of vaccines that children need to be vaccinated against.

During the enrollment season, you must have a vaccination certificate ready

In order to allow children to receive more comprehensive protection, the country has formulated a unified immunization schedule that tells us which vaccine to receive at what time. Vaccinations will also be recorded on the vaccination card.

That's why the "little green book" is like a gear table, telling us what equipment we have acquired and what kind of infectious diseases we can fight.

Why do children go to nursery school?

Do I need a vaccination certificate?

Once a child enters a childcare facility, kindergarten or school, they begin to live in a group. Compared with at home, children have more opportunities to come into contact with others after entering nursery school, and if they are not vaccinated in time, the risk of contracting infectious diseases will be greatly increased.

In addition, the risk of the occurrence or spread of infectious diseases is also higher and the harm is greater due to the dense population in childcare institutions, kindergartens or schools.

During the enrollment season, you must have a vaccination certificate ready

Therefore, childcare institutions, kindergartens and schools will inform children and parents to prepare vaccination certificates or other evaluation materials provided by vaccination units when registering, so as to understand the vaccination status of children.

If there is a missed vaccination, children can be better protected by timely revaccination, which can reduce the risk of infectious diseases in schools.

This process is called the inspection of children's admission to nursery and school vaccination certificates, and is generally completed by the vaccination unit, childcare institutions, kindergartens, and primary schools.

How to get a vaccination card

What about inspection?

Before entering school, parents can bring their children's vaccination certificates to the vaccination unit near their place of residence for vaccination certificate verification, or the school will collect the vaccination certificate and send it to the vaccination unit for inspection.

The vaccination unit doctor will assess the child's vaccination completion against the immunization program vaccine program, and the vaccination unit will issue an assessment result of completed or incomplete pre-school immunization program vaccination.

At present, some areas have also launched vaccination apps or small programs, etc., which can be checked online, and the inspection report can be generated through mobile phone operation, and the specific operation method can be further understood and consulted by the local vaccination unit.

What happens when there is a missed seed

What about catch-up vaccinations?

If there is a missing vaccination during the inspection of the vaccination certificate, in order to ensure adequate protection, parents should take their children to catch up on the vaccination as soon as possible and complete the full course of vaccination as soon as possible.

In the case of catch-up vaccination, only the unfinished doses need to be re-vaccinated, and there is no need to restart the full course of vaccination.

The vaccination unit will also remind parents and make an appointment for vaccination when checking the vaccination certificate, and the vaccination certificate can be checked again after the catch-up vaccination is completed.

Immunization programme vaccinations are both our legal rights and obligations. If the vaccination certificate has been checked, congratulations to the children, you have put on a set of nationally certified health armor; At the same time, thank you little warriors for your contribution to the eradication of infectious diseases. Finally, I wish every child a healthy and happy entry into the new campus and start a new journey of growth.

(Source: National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention Editor: Lv Yanli)