
Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared

author:Superman has a different view


Yesterday, a video of a celebrity accidentally crawling on the leg of a centipede at the filming scene went viral on the Internet, and the female star in the video behaved very calmly and cutely in the face of the accident, which aroused heated discussions and attention from many netizens. This female star is Li Yitong, who has attracted much attention recently, and her calm reaction has also become one of the topics that netizens are scrambling to forward and comment.

Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared

As an excellent actor, Li Yitong not only has an outstanding performance in film and television dramas, but even in the unexpected situation of being accidentally climbed on her leg by a centipede at the filming scene, she can also face it with a very calm and cute attitude, and such professionalism and sunny mentality have also won the love and support of many fans. So, what kind of unexpected experience can make Li Yitong the center of attention? Let's uncover this ridiculously funny story.

1. The scene of the accident

Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared

On the evening of June 29, Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed the night scene on the rooftop, and the entire shooting scene was arranged very beautiful and romantic, and the two leading actors also showed a different charm under the lighting. And in the middle of the shooting, a sudden centipede accidentally broke into the shooting scene, and this time its target turned out to be Li Yitong.

In the exclamation of everyone, the centipede quietly climbed onto Li Yitong's lap, but Li Yitong was not aware of this situation at that time, and was still seriously playing his role. It wasn't until the staff and the agent reminded loudly that Li Yitong found the centipede on her legs, she was very calm and cute at the moment, looked at the centipede on her legs with a smile, and said in a naughty tone: "How did you climb up?" ”

Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared

2. Respond calmly

In the face of the unexpected scene, Li Yitong's calm reaction has also become the focus of heated discussions, she did not panic and nervous because of the centipede on her legs, but used a very cute way to ridicule this unexpected situation, and did not forget to thank the staff who reminded her.

Afterwards, Li Yitong also responded to this unexpected experience through her own social platform, in which she ridiculed that she was "crawling" by a centipede, and also deliberately placed an order for an insect trapping artifact, ready to "study", such a humorous and interesting response also made everyone more impressed with her, and praised her professional attitude and sunny attitude.

Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared

3. Netizens are hotly discussed

Such an interesting unexpected experience is naturally indispensable to the enthusiastic discussion of netizens, who have left comments on social platforms, expressing their appreciation and love for Li Yitong's calmness and cuteness, and also ridiculing her to play Ah Zi in "Dragon Babu", thinking that her performance is already in place.

Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared
Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared

In addition, some netizens shared their experience of being "climbed" by centipedes, which made people laugh, and in such interactions and discussions, everyone can also feel the special interaction between stars and fans, and also have a deeper understanding of the true side of each star.

Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared


Such an unexpected experience not only made Li Yitong the focus of heated public opinion, but also made more people feel the importance of professionalism and sunshine mentality.

Li Yitong and Liu Yuning filmed a night scene, and were climbed on the legs by a centipede, and responded afterwards: If you don't watch it, you will be scared

It is reported that Li Yitong, 33 years old this year, is an actress in Chinese mainland who has participated in the 2017 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Crane Pavilion", "I'm Waiting for You at the End of Time", "Special War Glory", "Hurricane" and other film and television dramas.

This kind of interaction has also made the relationship between celebrities and fans closer, and social platforms have also become an important platform for everyone to communicate and interact.

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