
46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

author:Black card talks about emotions

Yuan Quan's fresh and pretty image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and she stepped into the entertainment industry, opening the prelude to her brilliant acting career. Since the day she entered the film industry, her unique temperament and profound acting skills have attracted the attention of countless audiences.

In "Little Fish and Flowers", Su Ying, played by Yuan Quan, is gentle and lovely, exuding the charm of a classical beauty in her gestures. In "Greater Shanghai", she perfectly interpreted the role of Ye Zhiqiu, and a look back amazed the audience, and even became an iconic shot of her acting career.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

As the old saying goes, "Looking back and smiling, a hundred Meisheng, six palaces have no color", Yuan Quan's retrospective can be called a modern version of the classic interpretation.

Yuan Quan's acting skills were highly praised by the audience, and the audience commented that she "acted like something". She understands each character deeply and shows the inner world of the characters vividly. However, attentive viewers found that among the many characters created by Yuan Quan, there always seemed to be a trace of "sober in the world" that loomed.

This kind of "sobriety in the world" is not deliberate, but stems from Yuan Quan's deep understanding and unique insight into life. She seems to convey a philosophy about life in each role, and the audience can get a deep inspiration when they appreciate her superb acting skills.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

Yuan Quan's acting career is not only a process of continuous improvement of her professional quality, but also a process of increasing life experience and deepening understanding of life. In her own unique way, she integrates the wisdom of life into each role, so that the audience can feel the true meaning of life while enjoying her wonderful performances.

It is precisely because of his unique charm that Yuan Quan stands out among many actors and has become a leader in the entertainment industry with both strength and wisdom. Her acting career is not only a star-studded road to fame, but also a life road full of wisdom and insight.

In the urban drama "Golden Years", which has attracted much attention, the role of Dai Qian played by Yuan Quan has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience. This work is co-starred by powerful actors such as Chen Daoming and Ni Ni, and is known as the "benchmark" of urban dramas, and even ranked in the prime time of the Central 8 sets, which shows its excellent quality.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

Dai Qian's life is full of ups and downs, which is exactly what Yuan Quan called "sobriety in the world". When she was young, Dai Qian was full of passion and started a business together with "Mr. Ye" played by Chen Daoming. However, the harsh reality ruthlessly destroys her dreams.

Although she and Mr. Ye are in line with the entrepreneurial concept, they cannot bring direct benefits to Mr. Ye In the business world, interests are paramount, and Dai Qian has lost her love and job opportunities.

In the face of such a blow, Dai Qian did not complain, but chose to go abroad alone to develop. This choice shows her courage and wisdom: when faced with a difficult situation, she takes a break to give herself a different perspective and a chance to start over.

As time passed, Daisy's life went through many twists and turns. She once experienced the failure of her marriage, but this did not make her lose faith in love, but made her more rational and cautious.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

When she is faced with marriage again, she no longer makes rash decisions, but becomes more cautious, an attitude that makes her seem contradictory: she is clearly entering middle age, but it seems that "no one wants", however, this situation is a reflection of Daisy's sober understanding of life and self-demand.

Although Daisy does not occupy a major position in the play, every choice and line she makes contains a rich philosophy of life. Yuan Quan used his delicate acting skills to vividly interpret Dai Qian's "sobriety in the world".

She shows how a woman can maintain independent thinking and firm beliefs under the dual pressures of the workplace and relationships.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

Daisy's story teaches us that life won't always be easy, but we can choose how to face it. Her "human sobriety" is not indifference, but a deep understanding and positive response to life.

Through the role of Dai Qian, Yuan Quan conveyed to the audience a wise attitude towards the difficulties of life, so that the audience could not only be moved, but also gain the courage and inspiration to face life.

On April 17, 2024, a video of CCTV host Ren Luyu interviewing Yuan Quan caused heated discussions on the short video platform. At that time, 46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup, although the years have left some marks on her face, her eyes still remain clear.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

This interview not only shows Yuan Quan's true face, but also gives the audience a deeper understanding of her unique perspective on life.

In this in-depth conversation, Yuan Quan shared her deep thoughts on life in her usual calm tone. When Ren Luyu talked about the topic of "the years are quiet", Yuan Quan did not echo the trend, but gave his own unique opinion.

She said: "There is no special relationship between chicken feathers and quiet years" This sentence instantly opened up a new dimension of the topic.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

Yuan Quan said: "Life is originally full of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, and these ordinary things will not change because of someone's profession." These words reveal the true meaning of life and make people realize that both celebrities and ordinary people are facing the same trivial things in life.

When asked how he faced the difficulties in life, Yuan Quan calmly said: "Recognize the truth of life and still love it." This sentence is like a bright lamp, illuminating the confusion in the hearts of many people.

She tells us that the beauty of life lies not in the deliberate pursuit of perfection, but in how to find beauty in the ordinary, and how to maintain love in difficult situations.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

When discussing her attitude towards giving and returning, Yuan Quan showed her wisdom beyond ordinary people. She believes that there will inevitably be situations in life where the effort is disproportionate to the reward or the effort is not rewarded, but if you limit your vision to this, then the pattern will seem too small.

She encourages people not to overthink these things, because sometimes it is the most real life to not care.

Yuan Quan's remarks aroused widespread resonance, and Ren Luyu's eyes lit up. "Listen to your words, less quarrel for ten years" This comment expresses the voice of many people. Yuan Quan's wisdom is like a clear stream, causing ripples in the hustle and bustle of the online world, making people rethink the true meaning of life.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

This interview fully demonstrates Yuan Quan's talent as an outstanding actor and her attitude towards life as a wise woman. In a unique way, she explores how to find joy in the ordinary and how to face life positively with a relaxed mind.

Yuan Quan's true speech has become a guide for many people in the face of life's difficulties, allowing people to learn to stay sober in the complex reality and find beauty in ordinary life.

In this in-depth interview, Yuan Quan's private life was displayed in detail, allowing the audience to see a seemingly ordinary but full of wisdom Yuan Quan.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

When asked if he would deliberately create the illusion that "the years are quiet", Yuan Quan bluntly said that he is a person who is usually very afraid of "ritual". "There are some things that evolve too often in the play, and I don't want to show them in my life," she said.

This outspoken remark vividly shows Yuan Quan's true attitude towards life, she does not pursue the glamorous on the surface, nor does she deliberately create the so-called perfect life, but looks for real happiness in ordinary life.

In the interview, Yuan Quan shared a warm clip that makes people feel the fireworks in life. She mentioned the "cabbage vermicelli soup" that her mother cooked for her, and described how she tasted the bowl of soup little by little, feeling the fatigue gradually dissipate.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

When Yuan Quan talked about this small detail, her eyes flashed with warmth, as if the bowl of soup not only warmed her stomach, but also warmed her heart.

This small detail of life shows the happiness in Yuan Quan's eyes very well. This happiness does not require extravagant decoration or deliberate arrangement. All it takes is a hot bowl of home-cooked soup to melt away the tiredness of the day.

This kind of ordinary and real happiness is precisely what many people ignore when they pursue "quiet years".

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

Yuan Quan said that no matter what, he will maintain the mentality of living a good life. Although it is difficult to reach the realm of "not being happy with things and not being sad with yourself" of the ancient great sage, she strives to relax her mind and embrace life.

This attitude to life reminds people of what the ancients said, "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself", although it is difficult to do this, Yuan Quan uses her way to explain how to find happiness in the ordinary, and how to embrace life with a relaxed attitude.

When it comes to his role, Yuan Quan exudes special excitement. She said that as a professional actor, she may devote her life to creating a variety of roles, but rarely play herself.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

These words analyze the professional characteristics of actors, and also let us see Yuan Quan's deep understanding of himself.

Through this interview, we are fortunate to see a real, simple, and extremely intelligent Yuan Quan. Her attitude towards life gives us a profound enlightenment: happiness not only lies in the distance, but also in how we need to be grateful for the beauty in the present, how to find beauty in ordinary life, and open our own sky.

Yuan Quan showed throughout the interview that she is not only an excellent actor, but also that her attitude towards life is what a wise woman shows. Her remarks are full of profound life philosophies, which have triggered a wide range of reflections and discussions.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

Yuan Quan believes that a correct life should have the attitude of seeing the truth of life but still loving it, telling us that although life is not always full of beauty, we should still face it with an optimistic attitude.

This attitude is not to choose to escape from reality, nor to be negative and pessimistic, but to meet the challenges of life with a positive attitude.

Yuan Quan talked about her views on giving and returning. She believes that in life, the effort is not always rewarded, or the ratio between the effort and the return is not always equal.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

But if you only stay at this level, then the pattern becomes small, and she encourages people not to worry too much about it, because sometimes it is the most real life to not care.

What reflects Yuan Quan's wisdom is her attitude of not caring about gains and losses and focusing on the current life. She tells us that true happiness is not about what we get, but about how we see and value what we have.

Yuan Quan's views are not only reflected in her speech, but also in her lifestyle. She does not pursue superficial glamour, does not deliberately create a so-called perfect life, but finds real happiness in the ordinary.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

This attitude to life reminds people of what the ancients said, "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself", although it is difficult to do this, Yuan Quan uses her way to interpret how to find happiness in the ordinary, and how to embrace life with a relaxed attitude.

Yuan Quan's philosophy of life provides us with a new perspective on life. She tells us that the beauty of life lies not in the perfection deliberately pursued, but in how to find beauty in the ordinary, and how to maintain love in the midst of difficulties.

This wisdom has undoubtedly provided valuable guidance to many people in the face of life's confusion.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

In this interview, Yuan Quan showed the wisdom and charm of a mature woman. Her words and deeds have sparked heated discussions among the majority of netizens, and at the same time, they have also inspired people to think deeply about life.

"Listen to your words, don't quarrel for ten years" This hot comment on the Internet vividly shows the influence of Yuan Quan's remarks. The wisdom of her words, like a good medicine, soothed the anxious hearts of many people and made people re-examine their attitude towards life.

Yuan Quan's story teaches us that it is crucial to keep a clear head and a positive attitude on screen or in real life. Her "sobriety in the world" is not only reflected in her character building, but also in her understanding and attitude towards life.

46-year-old Yuan Quan appeared without makeup and was invited to CCTV for an interview, netizens: Listen to Yuan Quan's words, and quarrel less for ten years

Through Yuan Quan's words and deeds, we see a real, intelligent, and calm female image. She does not pursue superficial flashiness, nor does she deliberately create a perfect life, but chooses to seek the truest happiness in the ordinary.

This attitude to life has a strong resonance for many people.

Yuan Quan's story reminds us that happiness is not about looking for the distance, but about perceiving the present and finding beauty in the ordinary of everyday life. The light of her wisdom illuminates the hearts of many people and helps us find a rare peace and sobriety in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life.

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