
Without surgery, what medicine can be taken to disperse nodules, polyps, and cysts? Try these bugs

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

Girls have always talked about insect discoloration, but for Chinese medicine, everything can be used as medicine. Worms into medicine, can invigorate blood stasis, through menstruation and eliminate symptoms, especially the following to mention a few flavor of insect medicine, I have been clinically used for many years, often used in uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, ovarian cysts on patients, not only to prevent polyps from continuing to enlarge, lesions cancerous, but also like a sharp knife, the nodular cysts are shaved clean.

These insect medicines are especially suitable for friends who form cysts and lumps due to pathological changes in the viscera, and cannot be cut off repeatedly, or do not want to be operated on, and the effect is significant.

Without surgery, what medicine can be taken to disperse nodules, polyps, and cysts? Try these bugs

The effect of insect medicine is remarkable, the medicine is violent, and most of them have corresponding toxicity, the quality of doctors is relatively high, and it is relatively cheap to make money, ordinary doctors dare not use it and do not use it, after all, the risk is large, the return is low, why bother?

I have a patient with endometrial polyps and chocolate cysts, who was miserable, and when he saw me, he said that his multiple polyps caused heavy menstrual bleeding, and he often had diarrhea, and he wanted to use Chinese medicine to regulate.

Following my previous experience in prescribing, I prescribed Guizhi Poria Cocos Pill to warm the uterus and shun the meridians, and prescribed these four flavors of insect medicine to activate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and finally used black mustard ears to stop bleeding and regulate menstruation. The patient found that the chocolate cyst had shrunk significantly and the endometrial polyps had disappeared.

The patient's friend also found me through her introduction, the same multiple endometrial polyps, and mild pelvic inflammatory disease, I used yin and yang dialectics and measured the tongue and pulse, and also used the four worms to add and subtract to her conditioning, which quickly took effect.

During the treatment, the patient's friend said that he had also been treated with traditional Chinese medicine before, but the polyps were always repeated, and the medicine could not be stopped, and the symptoms would come back as soon as they stopped. Why was it possible to cut down the grass and eradicate it this time? What's so good about this bug?

Turtle insects, leeches, fly insects, and grubs are all common pests that people can't avoid, but after being used in medicine, they are sharp blades that disperse knots and dissolve stasis.

They can open up and move around in our body, break the blockage one by one, and fight poison with poison, disinfect and relieve fever, and prevent malignant transformation.

Without surgery, what medicine can be taken to disperse nodules, polyps, and cysts? Try these bugs

Turtle insect: The taste of the turtle insect is salty, salty and soft. And it has a strong ability to invigorate blood, and it can run up and down our bodies, breaking blood and chasing blood stasis.

Flybug: It has another name - the cow fly. It is also commonly used for women with blood stasis, which can turn the blood into water and drain it down.

Leeches: Generally, puddles and rivers will parasitize this kind of bug, this kind of insect is inseparable from blood, living leeches suck blood and eat scavenging, leeches can break the blood through menstruation, polyps are phlegm clots, and a powerful blood-breaking device is needed.

Grub: The grub is the larva of the beetle, which is also salty, and can relieve blood stasis and smooth menstruation. Some people may think that I am really a bit of a mess of prescribing medicine, the ability of the turtle, the fly worm, and the leech to break the blood and soften the three flavors of the medicine is so strong, what is the purpose of adding a grub? In fact, this medicine can dispel wind, and the entanglement of qi and blood will inevitably hide the wind, and we will force out the evil qi of wind while invigorating the blood, so as not to miss any detail and the source of the disease.

These four flavors of insect medicine are mainly attacked, mainly broken, but traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to breaking and replenishing without separating families, yin and yang harmony, so I will add herbal medicines in clinical practice, such as: rhubarb, rehmannia rehmannia, peach kernel, white peony, licorice and other neutralizing medicinal properties, so that it can not only dissolve its toxicity, but also fully activate blood and dispel stasis, eliminate symptoms and disperse knots without harming the root.

Without surgery, what medicine can be taken to disperse nodules, polyps, and cysts? Try these bugs

Saprophagous insects can crack and eliminate stasis, which is actually very easy to understand, and it is not difficult to use. Yin and yang, cold and heat, dampness and fire, and emptiness and reality are often intertwined in the human body, and many people see the surface but do not see the inside, and many people see the surface but do not know the order of the surface.

Traditional Chinese medicine looks strange, but in fact, every herb is the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors and the wisdom of painstaking efforts for patients. After more than 30 years of clinical practice, I always feel like a child, and I treat every patient with apprehension, because every carelessness may miss a certain disease. But it's also my motivation to keep going.