
618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

author:Digital spicy strips

With the approaching of 618,All kinds of electronic product evaluations and recommendations have sprung up,Not only digital products are soaring all the way on the ultra-thin track,Folding screen mobile phones are involved"millimeter era",The TV circle has also rolled out a new thinness,There is even a TV that has achieved the same thickness as a folding screen mobile phone,Kill other ultra-thin large-screen TVs。 This is TCL's new TV X11H with an exclusive flat thin design launched this year.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure: TCL X11H TV thickness is similar to that of folding screen mobile phones

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

The thickness of the TCL X11H TV measured by Science and Technology Fox is about the same as that of a folding screen mobile phone

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

The TCL X11H flat thin design is unique

TCL X11H was born, and the "flat thin" completely ended the battle of ultra-thin concepts

How thin can the TCL X11H really be? Let's put it this way, the width of a dollar coin is 25mm, and the 85-inch TCL X11H has an official thickness of 24.9mm, and the measured thickness is only less than 24mm.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure|Science and Technology Fox measured 85-inch TCL X11H TV thickness is less than 24mm

What's even more shocking is that even the 98-inch giant screen version is only 26.9mm thick, which is undoubtedly the world's thinnest 98-inch all-in-one Mini LED TV. This is the thickness of the current mainstream gaming laptop, only a little thicker than the 16-inch MacBook Pro, which is quite explosive in the global TV industry.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

图|科技狐实测TCL X11H电视厚度媲美MacBook Pro

In the past, ultra-thin TVs were so ugly that they wanted to cry because of the cumbersome design of "protruding back and flat front", and it was easy to hide dirt and dirt. In order to solve this problem,TCL X11H on the basis of "slim",Adopt a flat integrated modeling design,Let the TV be completely "thin and lie flat",Perfectly integrated into various decoration styles。 In addition, the life of MiniLED itself is very long, and there is no problem with using this TV as a home mural.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

TCL X11H seamlessly sticks to the wall and perfectly integrates into the home environment

In terms of detail design, TCL X11H is also very user-friendly. The hidden hub design cleverly solves the problem of interface cables, making the TV look neat and orderly. USB3.0 interface design is also more intimate, the interface is on the side, and you don't have to bend over and sweat when you connect the external line.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure丨TCL X11H is designed to be functional around comfort, safety and convenience, and better understand users

In addition, TCL X11H also provides a variety of installation methods: wall mounting, ultra-thin magnetic hanger, so that the TV can be seamlessly attached to the wall; The base is installed, which is stable and elegant; Of course, if you like that atmospheric feeling, you can also choose to install it on the floor, which will definitely bring you a stunning visual effect.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

TCL X11H supports three types of installation

TCL X11H has a thin appearance and strong technology, completely eliminating shortcomings

Then some friends may ask,There are so many "ultra-thin TVs" on the market,Why can TCL X11H stand out? In fact, it is mainly due to two core technologies - "macro OD" and "thin components".

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure: The effect of a large OD value

One of the most important is macro OD, which sounds like a lofty concept, but it's actually very simple.

The OD value, which is the distance from the backlight plate to the diffuser plate, determines the thickness of the fuselage and the ability to control halo.

When the OD value is precisely reduced, the body is thinner, the halo control is better, and the image quality is clearer.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure: Effect of a small OD value

If the OD value is not less than 20mm, it is a "hooligan".

According to the industry standard, the OD value of Mini LED TV is less than 20mm is the passing line, the smaller the OD value, the stronger the halo control ability, the better the picture quality, and the thinner the TV.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

The OD value of less than 20mm is the passing line of Mini LED TV

The OD value of the TCL X11H is only 2mm, which means that it almost completely eliminates the appearance of halo phenomenon. This OD distance is similar to the development of the chip process, especially in the breakthrough of specific technology nodes, just as the chip process encountered the bottleneck of the short channel effect when it evolved from 32nm to 22nm, and now it is facing the challenge of quantum tunneling effect at the 3nm node. The OD value of TCL X11H is not an exaggeration to describe it as "far ahead"!

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure: TCL X11H has successfully achieved a macro OD of only 2mm

Coupled with the six-crystal square core II., which can achieve higher luminous efficiency on the TCL X11H, the super-concentrating microlens, the two-way 16bit with 65000-level fine light control, and the A++ butterfly wing star screen that is more suitable for Mini LED, it constitutes TCL's global halo control technology, ending the halo problem, and further improving the image quality experience, which can be called the "2024 image quality ceiling".

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure: Hexacrystal square core with ultra-high luminous efficiency II.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

TCL global halo control technology

In addition to macro OD technology, TCL X11H's movement, power supply, audio and other components are also the "masterminds" behind the flat thin design. X11H's internal interface of the movement, after a "slimming" operation, the thickness has dropped from 14mm to 8mm, this slimming effect, the second part of "Hot and Hot" will not be watched without you!

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure: TCL X11H tablet is thin and has ultra-high image quality

Some people may suggest that such a thin TV is afraid of heat dissipation? Inexistent!

TCL X11H adopts a butterfly-shaped one-piece flat heat sink and a new graphene thermal conductive material, which not only does not "red warm", but also minimizes the volume of magnetic devices.

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

Figure: TCL X11H power supply thinness breaks through the limit

In terms of audio, TCL X11H adopts the strategy of "area for volume", increasing the sound area, so that the volume of the sound cavity is no longer a problem; The butterfly cooling system solves the problem of heat dissipation after the speaker is thinned. Onkyo 6.2.2 Hi-Fi audio, surround screen sound guide structure, 6.2.2 channels, 160W high-power audio and dual-driver subwoofer, this audio-visual enjoyment, let you feel like you are in an IMAX theater, it's just "hi to no"!

618 have to watch the "flat-panel thin" TV, TCL X11H is as thin as MacBook Pro!

The sound of the enlarged sound area is embedded in the flat thin body


TCL X11H through the flat flat flat thin design,The thickness of the TV has been achieved to the level of mobile phones、Computer,More importantly,It also has a very balanced performance in terms of size、function、Appearance,I have to say,TCL X11H The technical level and appearance are quite high。 It's the 618 period,If you're also going to buy a real ultra-thin TV with high appearance and reliable quality,Then you must lock TCL X11H!


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