
How TCM treats chronic prostatitis caused by damp heat

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Prostatitis caused by damp heat clinically refers to damp-heat stasis syndrome, which is commonly caused by damp-heat accumulation, liver stagnation and qi stagnation, spleen deficiency and dampness stagnation.

1. Damp heat connotation: It is mostly due to feeling the evil of damp heat, or eating uncontrollably, craving spicy food, and metamorphosing the evil of damp heat, resulting in damp heat connotation, betting on the prostate, and causing prostatitis. Clinically, drugs such as gentian laxative liver pills and Bazheng mixture can be used to help clear away heat and dampness, and relieve symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination caused by prostatitis;

How TCM treats chronic prostatitis caused by damp heat

2. Liver stagnation and qi stagnation: most of them are due to the abnormal excretion function of the liver, which leads to stagnation of qi and organs, and the stagnation of qi for a long time, which leads to dampness and heat stasis syndrome. Patients can be treated with drugs such as Xiaoyao Pill and Chai Hu Shu Liver Pill, which have the effects of soothing the liver and regulating qi, invigorating blood and relieving pain, and can alleviate prostatitis caused by liver stagnation and qi stagnation;

3. Spleen deficiency and dampness stagnation: spleen deficiency cannot transport water, resulting in water accumulation into dampness. When spleen deficiency and dampness stagnation syndrome occurs, symptoms such as abdominal distention, loss of appetite, and loose stools can also occur clinically. At this time, drugs such as Xiangsha Liujunzi Pill and Shenling Baizhu Powder can be used for treatment, which have the effect of strengthening the spleen and relieving dampness, and can alleviate prostatitis caused by spleen deficiency and dampness;

4. Others: Some patients stay up late for a long time or have frequent sexual life, which is easy to cause continuous loss of kidney essence, resulting in kidney qi deficiency, and kidney essence deficiency is difficult to solidify the fluid intake, resulting in fluid leakage and inducing prostatitis. At this time, drugs such as Liuwei Dihuang Pill and Guifu Dihuang Pill can be used for treatment, which has the effect of tonifying the kidney and can alleviate prostatitis caused by insufficient kidney essence.

1. Kidney deficiency and bladder fever

There is heat in the bladder, and the heat evil is toxic for a long time, which eventually leads to prostatitis. The main symptoms are frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, incomplete urination, cloudy urine, low back and abdominal pain, bitter mouth, dry mouth, thirst, yellow and dry tongue, red tongue tip, and pulse count.

How TCM treats chronic prostatitis caused by damp heat

The treatment idea is to clear away heat and detoxify, and distinguish and clear the shower.

Prescription: Angelica sinensis, Forsythia, red adzuki bean, soybean grass, dandelion, Mutong, fried Zhimu, fried cork, Rhizome, Plantain, Root, Red Peony, Yizhiren, Chuanzhiren, Wuyao.

This prescription is composed of three groups of medicines, the first group of medicines include the Herb Herb Dividing Clear Drink, the Formula Wisdom Ren can strengthen the kidney qi, the Wu medicine can be used to relieve pain, the kidney is warm and the cold is dissipated, and the herb is damp and turbid, which is specially designed for the treatment of bladder syndrome, and has the effect of inducing menstruation. The second group of medicines is Angelica Forsythia Red Bean Soup, which comes from the "Red Bean Angelica San" in "Jin Kui Yaolu", which is added with dandelion sauce grass to enhance the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. The third group of medicines includes grass root, red peony, herbanine and plantain, the main effect is to cool the blood and activate the blood, clear away heat and clear the shower. If there are only urinary tract symptoms, you can do without black medicine and nootropic kernels, and if the lower abdomen is significantly falling, you can add rhubarb.

Second, damp heat bet on the bladder

Dampness and heat melt for a long time, and damp heat glue to form damp heat poison, which is injected into the bladder, blocking the veins, disrupting the bladder gasification function, and leading to prostatitis. This may be due to external dampness or irregular eating and resting routines.

How TCM treats chronic prostatitis caused by damp heat

Common symptoms include frequent urination, urgency, incomplete urination, painful urination, lower abdominal distention, poor diet, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and weakness, thirst and lack of desire to drink.

The treatment idea is to clear away heat and detoxify, and distinguish and clear the drench.

Prescription: Angelica sinensis, Forsythia, red adzuki bean, dandelion, Huoxiang, peilan, Qichu, fried Zhimu, fried cork, defeated sauce grass, stone reed, talc, licorice, Yizhiren, Chuanzhiren, Wuyao.

The recipe uses the ingredients of Liuyi to clear the dampness and heat, with Huoxiang and Peilan, which have a medicinal aroma and have the effect of removing turbidity and filth. If nootropic kernels are missing, raspberries can be used instead. If you have symptoms of vomiting and becoming heavier, you can add Qingbanxia and white cardamom to achieve the effect of reducing stomach inversion.

3. Prostatitis caused by long-term illness due to wind heat

The heat poison contains the bladder, and then it is affected by the external wind evil, and the internal and external evils are combined and glued, which eventually leads to prostatitis. This type of prostatitis is difficult to cure with basic treatments, and it is almost ineffective with conventional five-type treatments.

How TCM treats chronic prostatitis caused by damp heat

Common symptoms include dry mouth, urgency, frequency, incomplete urination, flank pain, and lower abdominal pain. Unlike other types of disorders, patients with this type also experience head symptoms. Our common prostatitis patients, due to the long-term marital life is not standardized, resulting in physical weakness and mental malaise, empty heads, not under their own control. However, the disease is caused by wind heat, and the head is often painful or dizzy, and the pain sensation is as if it has been attacked by the wind, showing a line of pain, similar to the headache of a person with a wind-heat cold.

The tongue coating is thin white or white but not greasy, the tongue is red, and the pulses are floating or large.

The treatment idea is to clear the pyrolysis table and distinguish the drenching.

How TCM treats chronic prostatitis caused by damp heat

Prescription: Bupleurum chinensis, parsnip, nepeta, peppermint, nootropic kernel, black medicine, Sichuan sprout, angelica, red adzuki bean, soybean grass, sage, stone reed, dandelion, grass root, forsythia.

Bupleurum chinensis, parsnip, nepeta and peppermint are used in the recipe mainly to clear the pyrolysis table, while other medicines are used to distinguish the drenching.

Summary: The above three syndrome types all use the three flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, among which the function of the herb is to distinguish the drink, which has the effect of distinguishing the turbidity. In clinical application, this group of drugs has a significant effect on relieving the symptoms of urinary tract diseases such as urinary frequency, urgency, and dysuria.

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