
Why are good Chinese medicine mostly family traditions?

author:Traditional Chinese medicine osteopathy Zhang Xihai

Many people will find that in the process of choosing a Chinese medicine doctor, many excellent Chinese medicine doctors are mostly passed down from several generations.

This is what distinguishes Chinese medicine from modern medicine. In the process of long-term practice, the ancients found a good cure for diseases, and then passed it on to their children and grandchildren or disciples, which is the reason why Chinese medicine has been passed down for thousands of years. So why is it this way of inheritance?

Why are good Chinese medicine mostly family traditions?

First of all!

Family inheritance is the most primitive way of inheritance, and there was no systematic medical professor system in ancient times. Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist in mainland China, inherited the mantle of his father and ancestors, and completed the medical masterpiece "Compendium of Materia Medica" and the classic theory of traditional Chinese medicine "Pulse Science near the Lake".

The vast number of medical texts and prescriptions cannot be completed without the accumulation of several generations. In fact, the same was true of early Western medicine, Hippocrates' father was a physician, and his grandfather was Ascrepias, known as the god of medicine, and it was this inheritance that made Hippocrates the father of the foundation of European medicine.

Why are good Chinese medicine mostly family traditions?


Medical research can never be completed by one generation, and the development and development of medicine requires continuous replenishment and improvement of several generations, especially treasures like traditional Chinese medicine, which are more suitable for hand-to-mouth inheritance, and direct blood inheritance is the only way to ensure the pure transmission of medicine. There has always been a saying in the field of traditional Chinese medicine that "the doctor does not take the medicine for three generations" and "the family tradition has its own three points", which shows that the family tradition can pass on the essence. This is why most of today's medical students need five or nine years of university study, but this way of learning modern medicine still has many shortcomings compared to the way it has been studied for generations.

Why are good Chinese medicine mostly family traditions?


Family lineage is more ethic than any other way. Because the transmission of this professional ethics is more comprehensive, deeper and more detailed, in order to better survive the family inheritance, the inheritor must win back the trust of patients with exquisite skills and low fees from the perspective of business strategy.

Why are good Chinese medicine mostly family traditions?

For example, in 2011, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine issued a policy that candidates with family members should be given priority in admission under the same conditions as medical workers. This shows that the family tradition of Chinese medicine is a method that we have to pay attention to.

Of course, this inheritance method also has its drawbacks, in the process of inheritance of several generations, many good prescriptions have not been passed down due to various reasons such as generational breaking, resulting in the loss of a large number of excellent prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, coupled with the rise of modern medicine, many traditional Chinese medicine inheritance is facing problems.

Nowadays, the state is also paying more attention to the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, and has introduced various policies to encourage the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine and protect those treasures that have lasted for thousands of years. Traditional Chinese medicine is essentially a folk science, and it is easy to form a "mirage" without the fertile soil of the folk. In fact, with the increasing recognition of TCM in modern society, many patients are aware of the family origin of TCM, and even many patients will pay attention to the reason for the doctor's own family history when seeking medical treatment. #中医##你支持中医吗? #

Why are good Chinese medicine mostly family traditions?

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