
In the scorching summer, warm the spleen and stomach

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

In the scorching summer, the heat is unbearable, and most people at this time never get tired of drinking and eating cold. I want to use this cold diet to fight the heat. But after these cold things enter the human body, the spleen and stomach are the first to suffer. At this time, many people often have symptoms such as general fatigue, loss of appetite, easy sweating, and drowsiness, and the number of patients with stomach problems induced by this has also increased significantly. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the long summer is the main spleen and soil, and the dampness and heat are the seasons, due to the hot weather, sweating is more, and the physical consumption naturally increases; Moreover, many people like to eat cold drinks at this time, and people with a weak and cold constitution are prone to cause disharmony in the spleen and stomach, abnormal movement, and are prone to fatigue and loss of appetite.

In the scorching summer, warm the spleen and stomach

It can be seen that the most important thing we should pay attention to in summer is to nourish the spleen and stomach. Zhang Jingyue, a great physician in the Ming Dynasty, said: "Spring should be healthy for the liver, summer should be for the heart and grow, long summer should be changed for the spleen, autumn should be raised for the lungs, and winter should be for the kidneys." From the perspective of summer, we should not only take into account the maintenance of the heart and yin, but also pay attention to the spleen and stomach, this is because: from the characteristics of the season, we all know that the summer is hot, but there is also a feature that has been ignored, that is, wet, there is more rain in summer, and the rain will evaporate and diffuse into the air, making people feel stuffy, out of breath, eating without appetite, etc., which may be caused by dampness to hurt the spleen and stomach. On the other hand, in hot and humid weather, many foods are prone to spoilage and produce toxins. Bacteria and other bacteria are also easy to multiply and grow, so diseases such as diarrhea in summer are very common. These are the "invasion of external evils" in Chinese medicine.

If the spleen and stomach dysfunction is not able to transport water and dampness well, resulting in the stagnation of "internal dampness", which further affects the function of the spleen and stomach. People are prone to irritability in hot and humid weather, which will affect the ability of the spleen and stomach to move. Just as traditional Chinese medicine says, "when you see the disease of the liver, you know the liver and pass on the spleen", and if the liver is depressed, the spleen is deficient. Therefore, people with poor physical fitness or patients with other chronic diseases need to pay special attention to protecting the spleen and stomach, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other underlying diseases are prone to accidents in summer.

In the scorching summer, warm the spleen and stomach

The spleen and stomach are one of the most important organs in the human body and play an important role in a person's life. Traditional Chinese medicine classifies the spleen and stomach as the digestive system, which is called the "acquired foundation", the source of human qi and blood biochemistry, and has the reputation of "the official of Cangli" in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing". The spleen and stomach belong to the soil in the five elements, and according to the concept of yin and yang, the spleen is divided into yin soil and the stomach is yang soil. As far as the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is concerned, the spleen is damp soil, which likes dryness and hates dampness; The stomach is yang, moist and dry. The temper is the main uplift, and the function is the main luck; The stomach qi is the main down, and the function is the main acceptance. The spleen and stomach are combined, yin and yang are combined, and the combination of induction and transportation is combined to jointly complete the digestion, absorption, and transfer of food, and they are coordinated with each other and are indispensable. If the relationship is destroyed due to the influence of the causative factor, and the coordination between the two is affected, the disease will occur. In summer, the climate is hot, people sweat a lot and the skin is open, so that the yang energy tends to be on the surface but not hidden inside, from the outside but not from the inside, so "The Yellow Emperor's Inner Diameter" has the saying of "good illness in long summer, and the cold in the hole". It is believed that people have insufficient spleen, stomach and yang qi in summer and are cold, and put forward the concept of "spring and summer yang".

In the scorching summer, warm the spleen and stomach

To nourish the spleen and stomach, we must first adjust from the diet. In terms of diet, we emphasize that we should eat well at breakfast, eat enough at lunch, eat less at dinner, eat regularly, and eat seven or eight minutes full at each meal, otherwise eating too much will easily increase the digestive burden and reduce the ability of the spleen and stomach to transport. At the same time, eat a light diet, eat less greasy and spicy foods, and appropriately choose foods that dispel heat, dampness, and strengthen the spleen, such as mung beans, barley, winter melon, yams, etc. In particular, if the spleen and stomach are cold and condensed, qi is stagnant, so don't eat too much chilled food in summer, such as chilled watermelon, ice cream, etc. In addition, you should drink plenty of water, preferably with lukewarm water. There is a folk proverb that "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and you don't need a doctor to prescribe medicine", which is actually very reasonable. According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is slightly warm in nature, pungent in taste, and returns to the lungs, spleen, and stomach meridians, and has the effect of warmth. The "middle" here is the middle focus, that is, the spleen and stomach. This proverb clearly warns people that in the middle of summer, we must not ignore the health principle of "warming the stomach", which has been passed down through the ages, and you can eat more ginger to maintain the yang qi of the spleen and stomach, which will help to prevent diseases and prolong life.

In the scorching summer, warm the spleen and stomach

To take care of the spleen and stomach, we should also have a regular life. The function of the human spleen and stomach should be both open and relaxed. Like summer, many people like to go out at 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock in the evening to eat supper, a bottle of cold beer, plus a lot of barbecue, I will not talk about other problems for the time being, such as high-energy food will become fat stored in the body, which is not good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, just from the perspective of the spleen and stomach, generally we recommend that people's spleen and stomach should rest after 11 o'clock, if the spleen and stomach are in the process of transportation day and night, it is harmful to its function, and there will be indigestion reactions at the earliest, such as fullness, Over time, there will be problems with stomach bloating, stomach pain and other diseases.

In addition to paying attention to the above two aspects, we should also pay attention to some details in life. In terms of emotion, the scorching sun fuels the heart fire, and people will show symptoms such as heat, irritation, insomnia, dry mouth, and even repeated mouth and tongue sores, short urine, etc., so you should think less about it in summer and try to avoid irritability. In addition, you can choose a moderate amount of exercise in summer, such as walking, swimming, etc., which will help the spleen and stomach to digest, increase appetite, and also make people have a more open-minded and sunny attitude.