
Sea cricket: Men lose sperm, women have abnormalities under the belt, can converge and stop bleeding, astringent sperm stop (1)

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Today I will talk to you about the Chinese medicine sea crab. The squid bones are stopped, and the eyes are broken and leaked.

What is a squid bone? The scientific name is sea cricket, which is an important medicine for making acid and stopping bands, astringent and hemostasis. It is the inner shell of a kind of squid in the sea, and it is a traditional Chinese medicine that naturally stops bleeding and produces acid.

The drugs in the sea, under the influence of the general environment, many drugs taste salty, and the whole seawater is salty, which is in the lowest depression in the world, which is in line with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine salty and mainly moisturizing, and returning to the kidney.

Sea cricket: Men lose sperm, women have abnormalities under the belt, can converge and stop bleeding, astringent sperm stop (1)

Therefore, this salty medicine is good at returning to the human body to focus on the kidney meridian, and the sea clam is a little astringent, and its own bone is dominated by the kidney, and then it is a little salty, which can easily help the kidney to seal and converge. With good use, it can treat all diseases caused by the lack of concealment of kidney essence, such as men's spermatozoa and women's seizures.

The sea crab is warm and salty and astringent, and it mainly belongs to the spleen meridian and kidney meridian. It has the effects of astringent hemostasis, astringent sperm stopping, acid making and pain relieving, dampness and sores, etc., and is mainly used for the treatment of bleeding syndromes, spermatozoa, stomach pain, etc., and the contraindications are mainly manifested in the contraindicated population, including those with yin deficiency and internal heat, which should be used with caution.

1. Indications:

1. Convergence and hemostasis: The sea crab has the effect of astringent hemostasis, which can be used to treat bleeding syndromes, such as vomiting blood, coughing up blood, nasal bleeding, as well as leakage, blood in the stool, etc., and can also be used for bleeding caused by trauma. In the treatment of vomiting blood and blood in the stool, it is often mixed with herbs such as Angelica dahurica and blood charcoal, and madder grass and palm charcoal are often used in the treatment of leakage;

2. Astringent sperm stopping: Sea clams have the effect of astringent sperm stopping, which can be used to treat spermatozoa, slippery sperm, and red and white discharge. The treatment of spermatozoa is often combined with medicinal materials such as yam, dodder seed, and sand garden, and the treatment of dilute under the belt is often combined with traditional Chinese medicine such as gourd and yam;

3. Acid and pain relief: sea crab has the effect of acid making and pain relief, which can be used to treat stomach pain, acid swallowing, heartburn and other diseases.

4. Moistening sores: Crab clams have the effect of collecting damp sores, which can be used to treat eczema, eczema, and ulcers.

Sea cricket: Men lose sperm, women have abnormalities under the belt, can converge and stop bleeding, astringent sperm stop (1)

2. Contraindications:

The sea crab is warm and easy to help heat and hurt yin if it is not applied properly, so patients with yin deficiency and internal heat should be cautious in applying it. Other patients should also strictly follow the doctor's instructions when applying, and do not increase or decrease the dosage at will, so as not to cause yin deficiency and internal heat to be more abundant, and uncomfortable symptoms such as hot hands and feet, dry mouth and thirst, fever and bleeding, dizziness and palpitations, red yellow urine, and dry stool.

The sea crab is salty and astringent, slightly warm in nature, and returns to the liver and kidney meridians. It has the effect of solidifying essence and stopping bands, astringency and stopping bleeding, relieving acid and pain, and reducing dampness and sores.

The sea crab cricket treats spermatozoa, belt down, etc., its warmth and astringency are astringent, and it has the function of solidifying essence and stopping the belt. For the treatment of kidney loss and semen, it is often used in combination with cornus officinalis, dodder seed, sand garden seed and other medicines; For the treatment of kidney deficiency and the thinning of the belt with unstable pulses, it is often used in combination with yam, gourd and other medicines; If it is under the red and white belt, it is used with Angelica dahurica and blood charcoal, such as Angelica dahurica.

Crab clamour for the treatment of leakage, vomiting blood, hematochezia and traumatic bleeding, etc., it can converge and stop bleeding, treat leakage, and is often used with madder, palm charcoal, gallnut, etc., such as solid soup. For the treatment of vomiting blood and hematochezia, it is often divided into final doses with white and equal parts. For the treatment of traumatic bleeding, external application can be applied alone.

The sea crab clam treats stomach pain and vomiting acid, etc., its taste is salty and astringent, can make acid and relieve pain, and is a good product for the treatment of stomach pain and excessive stomach acid. It is often used in combination with medicines such as Yanhusuo, Baiji, fritillary, corrugated seeds, etc.

Sea clams treat eczema, ulcers, etc., and its external use can collect damp sores. For the treatment of eczema and eczema, it is applied externally with cork, indigo, gypsum and other medicines. For the treatment of ulcers with pus and non-healing for a long time, it can be applied externally with the grinding of sea crab crickets, or with calcined gypsum, alum, borneol and other drugs to be applied to the affected area.

Sea cricket: Men lose sperm, women have abnormalities under the belt, can converge and stop bleeding, astringent sperm stop (1)

Therefore, the fixation of the essence is the first major function of the sea crab, why is the essence not solid?

A patient has been losing sperm after graduating from college, and even often slips on sperm. Since junior high school, he has had the habit of hand yin, and he has not stopped until college, and then he doesn't want to masturbate, he wants to stop but can't stop, even if he falls asleep, the semen will slip out, and now he is less than thirty years old, but he looks like he is forty or fifty years old.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidneys are the main reservoir of essence, and the skills are outstanding. When the kidney essence is not sufficient, it is difficult for you to do a good job. He asked what to do. I am not afraid of many bad habits before, but I am afraid that I can't completely cut them off now, and it is never too late to return to the road to health.

Like him, the kidneys are lost and sealed, and he masturbates for a long time, and the dykes where the kidneys hide the essence have collapsed, so the essence can't be hidden and can't be saved. This is not a natural remnant of the essence overflowing, but the dam has collapsed, and the water is completely unable to hold the water, and the slightest heavy rain will rush down.

He had a realization that as long as he drank a few more glasses of water at night, he would inevitably lose sperm or slippery sperm, and the sperm that was left behind was very thick before, but now it is becoming thinner and thinner.

Sea cricket: Men lose sperm, women have abnormalities under the belt, can converge and stop bleeding, astringent sperm stop (1)

We told him, "What you have left behind is not all essence, but wet." He was given the Wuzi Yanzong Pill, combined with the two immortal pills of water and land and the sea clam, to help replenish the essence and strengthen the essence. After taking the medicine, my spirit is better, and the spermatozoa is not so frequent, but it has not been cured, and it is impossible to boil the medicine often. So he suggested that he use Liuwei Dihuang Pill and Shenling Baizhu Powder to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, so that his body could slowly recover.

Let's think about it, if he hadn't quit the vice of masturbation, no matter how much Liuwei Dihuang Pill was used to replenish water, and no matter how much Shenling Atractylodes was used to disperse and strengthen the embankment, it would not be able to compare to the speed of its damage!

I often see such a slogan in the forest, "The day before planting a tree, the day before destroying a tree." It takes ten years to plant good trees, but it only takes one fire to destroy a forest.

Sea cricket: Men lose sperm, women have abnormalities under the belt, can converge and stop bleeding, astringent sperm stop (1)

Therefore, if a patient with kidney deficiency and sperm loss does not quit masturbation in his mind and masturbation in his behavior, you give him medicine to repair the dam to replenish water, and he will dig the dam to drain the water. In this way, his water will never be able to be saved, so the cure of young people and middle-aged people must be a combination of medicine and psychology.

Nowadays, there is a lot of unhealthy information on the Internet, and some teenagers, including adults, can't stand the temptation and pay attention to these unhealthy things all day long.