
Led by "harmony", Wuliangye joined hands with Boao to draw a new blueprint for development

author:Food Review Daily

From May 30th to 31st, the first conference of the Boao Forum for Asia "Global Urban Green Development and Rural Revitalization Forum" was held in Chengdu to discuss global issues under the great changes unseen in a century.

Led by "harmony", Wuliangye joined hands with Boao to draw a new blueprint for development

During this period, Wuliangye, as the "Honorary Strategic Partner" of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference and the "Global Partner" and "Official Designated Liquor Product" of the Green Development Conference, deeply participated in the series of activities of the conference, and joined hands with the National Institute of Modernization of Tongji University to release Wuliangye's "Harmony and Beauty" Research Report. Standing on this international stage, Wuliangye gave its own "harmony and beauty" answer to the major issue of painting the future of mankind.

At the same time, Wuliangye also continued to work hand in hand with the Boao Forum for Asia to further demonstrate the connotation and practice of the concept of harmony and beauty, and also promote China's "harmony and beauty" culture to the world.


A research report, Wuliangye deeply conveys the "voice of harmony"

Harmony and beauty are an important core of Chinese civilization and culture, reflecting the profound thinking and wisdom of Chinese people in handling relationships.

The Chinese nation has always admired "harmony" and "beauty", and "the beauty of harmony" is also one of the most iconic symbols in traditional Chinese culture, because it emphasizes openness, inclusiveness, inclusiveness, and the pursuit of moderate harmony, and the balance of rigidity and softness.

"Harmony and beauty" is the expression of Chinese civilization, which is full of vitality and appeal, which has influenced China's winemaking and wine culture, and is also the cultural gene of Wuliangye's everlasting foundation.

Led by "harmony", Wuliangye joined hands with Boao to draw a new blueprint for development

As a leading liquor company in China, Wuliangye has created a rich and harmonious flavor of Wuliangye by selecting different grains to make liquor, and has become the master of Chinese liquor with the practice of green development and the concept of "harmony".

Born in Yibin and raised in Sichuan, Wuliangye is a representative of the thousand-year-old inheritance of Chinese liquor, with the gene of "harmony and beauty", and also has a winemaking style of beauty and beauty.

For thousands of years, the ancient brewing techniques of Wuliangye have been inherited, and the five kinds of grains retain different and blend the essence with each other, intuitively and vividly reflecting the "harmony and beauty" charm of the balance of the five elements.

Led by "harmony", Wuliangye joined hands with Boao to draw a new blueprint for development

Zeng Congqin, chairman of Wuliangye Group (Co., Ltd.), said that "harmony" is "the beauty of harmony", and its essence is "harmony and symbiosis, beauty and beauty". It emphasizes openness, inclusiveness, and inclusiveness, and pursues the beauty of "combining differences"; Emphasizing moderate coordination, rigidity and softness, and pursuing the beauty of "neutralization". The process of realizing "harmony and beauty" is an innovative process of constantly resolving contradictions and realizing a higher level of opposition and unity, and it is a process of inheritance, transformation and sublimation of "each is beautiful, the beauty of the beauty, and the beauty is the same". Wuliangye always welcomes and invites like-minded partners from all walks of life to promote the culture of "harmony", practice the concept of "harmony", realize the value of "harmony", and realize "beauty and beauty" in "the beauty of each and the beauty of others".

This time, Wuliangye's "Harmony and Beauty" Research Report report not only traces the origin of Wuliangye's "Harmony and Beauty" from different perspectives such as biology, geography and history, but also comprehensively sorts out and explains the connotation, characteristics and practical significance of "Harmony and Beauty", and systematically constructs the theoretical framework and practical system of "Harmony and Beauty" of Wuliangye, exploring a new path for Chinese enterprises to innovate the expression of China's excellent traditional culture.

Led by "harmony", Wuliangye joined hands with Boao to draw a new blueprint for development

"Harmony and beauty" is also the common expectation and common aspiration of the people of all countries in the world, which conforms to the logic of historical progress and the trend of the development of the times. The guests also believed that Wuliangye's "Harmony and Beauty" Research Report is a useful exploration to highlight the value of China's excellent traditional culture, highlighting the sense of responsibility of Chinese enterprises and the growing cultural self-confidence and cultural consciousness.

Türk, director of the Boao Forum for Asia and former President of Slovenia, spoke highly of "Harmony and the United States": "Environmental friendliness is essential for sustainable development. Wuliangye recognizes this and connects its own development with the basic concept of 'harmony and beauty'. This is a pioneering and forward-thinking approach. ”


Continuing the Boao Forum for Asia, Ban Ki-moon praised Wuliangye

Wuliangye adheres to the concept of "harmony and beauty" and is popular in the market, and has also met bosom friends everywhere on the international stage.

Deeply integrated into high-end platforms such as the World Expo, APEC, Boao Forum for Asia, and CIIE, and joined hands with top events such as the International Financial Forum and the World Laureates Forum, Wuliangye has achieved frequent occupancy and in-depth integration, which not only greatly enhances the brand image, but also conveys the strong voice of "harmony and beauty" of Chinese liquor.

Since the opening of the first stop of the "Harmony Global Tour" in Paris, France last year, Wuliangye has successively entered New Zealand, Chile, Hong Kong, Brazil and other countries and regions, constantly conveying and highlighting harmony, and comprehensively demonstrating the profound connotation, concept and cultural connotation of the strong fragrance of a great country. It has also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the world's largest cocktail brand, Jin Bali, and launched the "Wugu Ronnie" cooperative brand, realizing the full coverage of the main stores of China Duty Free Group's duty-free channels.

The global perspective focuses on Wuliangye because the "Harmony" Wuliangye continues the traditional Chinese culture, promotes the Harmony Wuliangye, and opens the world's taste buds and builds a bridge of cultural mutual learning and people-to-people communication with the geographical attributes and quality characteristics of the ultimate integration of unique ecology, raw materials, cellars, crafts and ingenuity.

The Boao Forum for Asia has always been known to the world for its concept of openness and cooperation, inclusiveness and harmony, mutual benefit and win-win results, and the concept of "harmony and beauty" advocated by Wuliangye is highly consistent with it, and the two sides have always maintained the highest level of cooperation.

Led by "harmony", Wuliangye joined hands with Boao to draw a new blueprint for development

On the afternoon of May 31, Ban Ki-moon, Chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia, Zhang Jun, Secretary-General, and Zeng Congqin, Chairman of Wuliangye Group (Co., Ltd.), attended the signing ceremony of the honorary strategic partnership of the Boao Forum for Asia and Wuliangye Group 2025 Annual Meeting. Cheng Ji, Executive Director of Boao Forum for Asia, and Xiao Hao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuliangye Group (Co., Ltd.) Co., Ltd., signed the agreement on behalf of both parties.

Wuliangye continues to maintain the highest level of cooperation with the Boao Forum for Asia, and has become the "Honorary Strategic Partner of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2025" and "Designated Wine for the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2025". At the meeting, Ban Ki-moon praised Wuliangye and said that as a world-renowned excellent brand, Wuliangye has established a deep friendship with the forum over the years, always adhered to an open and inclusive attitude, worked with the forum in the same direction, and continued to provide assistance in promoting the deep integration of international industries and diversified economic and cultural exchanges, demonstrating the actions and responsibilities of large enterprises.

In the new era, as the value proposition, value orientation and spiritual identity of Wuliangye, "Hemei" has also further achieved continuous inheritance, epochal interpretation and global transformation through the Boao Forum for Asia.


Wuliangye's "harmony" practice of green development

It is worth noting that the theme of this conference is "Green Development: Lighting the Future of Cities and Villages", and the topic of "green development" is highly focused. Green development is the only way for global development, and it is also the proper meaning of sustainable development.

Wuliangye, which promotes the culture, concept and value of "harmony", is also providing a reference for the green development and rural revitalization of cities around the world.

During the period, the sub-forum of the Boao Green Development Conference "Regional Coordinated Development Helps Rural Revitalization" was held. Li Jian, deputy general manager of Wuliangye Co., Ltd., attended the meeting and shared the exploration and practice and beneficial experience of Wuliangye in helping rural revitalization.

Led by "harmony", Wuliangye joined hands with Boao to draw a new blueprint for development

Green development and rural revitalization are the necessary questions of the times. A leading enterprise like Wuliangye has not only played a leading and exemplary role as a leading enterprise, but also explored a green development model that can be replicated and promoted.

Wuliangye enhances the internal vitality of the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside with industrial revitalization. In recent years, Wuliangye has actively played the role of the "chain master" of the industrial chain, adhered to the thinking of industry feeding back agriculture, made efforts from the four aspects of strengthening agriculture by industry, helping agriculture with science and technology, integrating agriculture and sharing rich farmers, and devoted itself to the main battlefield of rural revitalization and industrial assistance, driving upstream and downstream industries to achieve an output value of 500 billion yuan, helping 1 million people to find employment, and continuing to contribute to rural revitalization.

In the future, Wuliangye will continue to take on the mission of a leading enterprise on the new journey of promoting regional coordinated development and helping rural revitalization, take harmony as the mind, do not forget to promote the development of rural industries in the process of development, and take practical actions to help increase agricultural efficiency, farmers' income, and rural beauty, and help compose a vivid picture of rural construction in harmony.

At present, many domestic enterprises are at the forefront of energy conservation and carbon reduction. In order to help the green development of the city, Wuliangye took the lead in the industry to propose the creation of a "zero-carbon wine enterprise", which strengthened the ecological protection and restoration of water sources by comprehensively promoting green expansion, energy saving, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and tried every possible way to protect the water quality of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and build a solid ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River with the standard of making fine wines, demonstrating the responsibility of the enterprise and the concept of "harmony and beauty".

Industry insiders believe that the cooperation between Wuliangye and the Boao Forum for Asia has once again pushed the concept of "harmony and beauty" to a new height. The two sides jointly advocate the concepts of openness and cooperation, inclusiveness, harmony, mutual benefit and win-win results, and provide a boost for promoting the deep integration of international industries and economic and cultural exchanges.

In the new era, Wuliangye adheres to the concept of "harmony and beauty", and through platforms such as the Boao Forum for Asia, it will surely achieve sustainable inheritance, epochal interpretation, and global transformation, and create a sustainable and harmonious future for Chinese liquor.