
The F.B.I. has taken action against China, pouring a basin of dirty water on China's head, saying that the scale of the Chinese threat is huge

author:Big Dragon Brother Kan World

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Subcommittee on Business, Justice, Science and Related Agencies on Tuesday (June 4). He gave the so-called warning, declaring that "the cybersecurity threat posed by China is very serious" and that "the scale of the Chinese threat is huge".

The F.B.I. has taken action against China, pouring a basin of dirty water on China's head, saying that the scale of the Chinese threat is huge

It is worth mentioning that Christopher Wray made the above smear move during his testimony before the Senate on the FBI's priorities and FY2025 budget request. Christopher Wray also pleaded with Congress not to cut the budget and moved out of China again, declaring "because I can assure you that the Chinese government will not cut its budget." In other words, making anti-China remarks at every turn has become a "politically correct" move by American politicians.

In order to discredit China and "justify his statement", Christopher Wray also claimed without any evidence that "the number of cyber hackers in China alone is 50 times that of the FBI's cyber personnel", and that "China's strategic focus is also on U.S. agriculture and other civilian sectors", so he hopes that Congress will give appropriate budget support for the FBI's related response measures.

Although he did not give evidence, he continued to smear that China's cyber hacking program is huge, which significantly increases the risk to US national security, so cutting the US federal budget means more cyberattacks will happen, and at a time when projects such as US critical infrastructure are being targeted, "it makes the hacker's environment more secure."

The F.B.I. has taken action against China, pouring a basin of dirty water on China's head, saying that the scale of the Chinese threat is huge

In his written testimony to a Senate committee, he noted that over the past few years, China, North Korea and Russia have used cyber operations to target the United States as alleged attacks, and that "we have seen China's efforts to acquire controlled dual-use technologies while developing a range of advanced cyber weapons stockpiles that can be used against other countries in the event of a real conflict."

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that Christopher Wray has made a big fuss about the so-called "cyber attack from China". Just April 18 of this year, Christopher Wray declared at a security conference at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, that China's attempts to infiltrate U.S. critical infrastructure in preparation for a possible cyberattack date back to 2011 and that it was "part of Beijing's long-term strategy."

The F.B.I. has taken action against China, pouring a basin of dirty water on China's head, saying that the scale of the Chinese threat is huge

At the same time, the United States and the United Kingdom imposed sanctions on "Chinese hacking units" (companies and individuals) in March for what they called "long-term malicious cyberattacks," accusing China of planting malicious software in America's power grids, defense systems and other critical infrastructure for years, and stealing the voting rolls of 40 million British citizens. However, China's Ministry of State Security later issued a lengthy statement in early April to respond that it was a "conspiracy by the US and British governments", denying the allegations, and saying that "the Chinese government has always resolutely opposed and cracked down on all forms of cyber attacks in accordance with the law."

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