
Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

author:Hobbies and entertainment

Yang Zi appeared in Paris, holding a Chinese heart, and netizens were hotly discussed


One early morning in Paris, the sun shines through the clouds on every corner of the city. At this moment, our protagonist Yang Zi, as the No. 44 torchbearer, appeared on the streets of this romantic capital. Her appearance is not only to pass the Olympic torch, but also to show the world China's style.

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the international stage showed her style

Imagine Yang Zi wearing a simple and elegant sportswear, holding a torch, walking through the streets of Paris. Every step she takes is firm and powerful, as if to announce to the world that the power of China's young generation should not be underestimated. And the flame of the torch jumped in her hand, as if it also told the enthusiasm and vitality of China. This scene has undoubtedly become a beautiful scenery on the streets of Paris.

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

When netizens saw this scene, they left messages saying: "Yang Zi is really amazing! On the international stage, it shows the demeanor of China's young generation! Some netizens ridiculed: "Yang Zi's speed, it seems that she often runs and exercises!" However, some netizens said: "The torch relay is a serious matter, should Yang Zi be more serious?" ”

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!
Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

Holding a Chinese heart sticker in your hand to convey patriotic feelings

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

During the torch relay, Yang Zi also deliberately put a "Chinese heart" sticker on her hand. This small sticker contains deep patriotic feelings. It is not only a symbol, but also a manifestation of the love and pride of the young generation of China for the motherland.

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!
Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

After netizens saw this sticker, they said: "This sticker is so creative! Yang Zi is really well-intentioned! Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that Yang Zi is also a patriotic expert!" However, some netizens asked: "Why only one sticker?" Wouldn't it be more imposing to post a few more? ”

Netizens commented funny, full of joy

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!
Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

In the process of Yang Zi passing the torch, the comments of netizens were also wonderful. Someone said: "Yang Zi's speed, do you want to run away?" Another person said: "Looking at Yang Zi's posture, do you want to participate in a marathon by the way?" These hilarious comments undoubtedly added a lot of joy to the whole incident.

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

Of course, there are also some netizens who put forward more in-depth thinking. They said: "As a young actor, it is really not easy for Yang Zi to be able to show the demeanor of the young generation of China on the international stage. We should give her a thumbs up! Some netizens also said: "Through this incident, we can see that the patriotic feelings and self-confidence of the young generation in China are constantly increasing." This is a good sign! ”

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!
Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

Controversial Summary: Patriotism and Personal Performance

Although Yang Zi showed the demeanor and patriotism of China's young generation during the torch relay in Paris, it also caused some controversy. Some people believe that she, as a torchbearer, should pass the torch more seriously and solemnly, rather than too casually; Some people also think that her behavior of putting on the "Chinese heart" sticker is a bit too deliberate, like a show.

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

However, these controversies also illustrate the focus on patriotism and personal performance. On the special occasion of passing the torch, how should we show our patriotism? And how should we grasp the scale of personal performance? These issues deserve our in-depth consideration and discussion.

Yang Zi passed the torch in Paris, and the Chinese heart stickers became a highlight: netizens called "too burning"!

Finally, let us praise Yang Zi for her courage and efforts in carrying the torch in Paris, and look forward to more Chinese young people showing their style and strength on the international stage!

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