
A new chapter in mangzhong agriculture: micro sprinklers lead the future of water conservation

author:Fujian harvest irrigation

After the summer overture, a vibrant solar term was ushered in. At this time of year, the temperature rises significantly, the rain is abundant, and the air is also warm.

Miscanthus species, "miscanthus" refers to some crops with miscanthus, such as rice, millet, millet, etc.; And "seed" is the "seed" of seeds, and the other is the "seed" of sowing. In the southern part of the rice-growing region, "mango seeding" is a good time to be busy planting rice. In the north, where wheat is the main food, this is the time of harvest of summer crops.

A new chapter in mangzhong agriculture: micro sprinklers lead the future of water conservation

Just like Bai Juyi's "Guanjiamai", "The Tian family has few idle months, and people are busy in May." The south wind rises at night, and the wheat is covered with yellow", and the wheat in the north is ripe one after another, and the peasants must be anxious to get busy and harvest the wheat. Lu You's mango seeds are: "When the rain and the mango seeds, the four fields are all planted with seedlings." Every family is beautiful, and the song is long everywhere", depicting the cuttings and sowing that belong to the south. From south to north, it is a busy work, and it is also full of abundant rural atmosphere.

A new chapter in mangzhong agriculture: micro sprinklers lead the future of water conservation

In this solar term where farming in the north and south is so important, in the process of farming, with the development of science and technology and society, there have been many new and convenient agricultural equipment.

Micro sprinklers are one of them. It is a kind of irrigation product commonly used in micro-sprinkler irrigation of greenhouses and field crops, and has great applications in landscaping, greenhouses, field fruit tree irrigation, frost prevention and courtyard irrigation.

A new chapter in mangzhong agriculture: micro sprinklers lead the future of water conservation

Big Harvest Irrigation Micro Sprinklers

The micro sprinkler is characterized by stable spraying, 360 full circle spraying, and even water distribution. Moreover, it is a new type of engineering plastic, with strong wear resistance, accurate design, precision manufacturing, and uniform spraying. In addition, it is extremely easy to install and maintain, and relatively inexpensive. Leak-proof miniature valves are installed, which can be used to prevent dripping when hanging upside down. It is suitable for water quality of various hardnesses and has a long service life.

A new chapter in mangzhong agriculture: micro sprinklers lead the future of water conservation

Micro sprinklers, like fine spring rain, moisten every inch of land. It has a small flow rate but a precise spray diameter, making it suitable for delicate irrigation areas such as small flower beds and vegetable gardens. While saving water, it also provides just the right amount of nourishment for your plants. Let the crops planted during the planting period be fully irrigated, and in the next season, there will be a rich harvest.

"Mangsan is busy planting, there are harvests and seeds", the arrival of mangs, following the spring sowing and summer, carrying a year's happiness and hope. There is sowing, there is harvest, and after harvest, it is a new round of cultivation. Between "mang" and "seed", between harvest and sowing, it shows the heaviness and abundance of life. Let's use convenient agricultural equipment to cultivate a field that can bring a good harvest in this good season of sweat.

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