
Abandoning homesteads is tantamount to abandoning agriculture for farmers. If you don't have a house, you can't farm!

author:Grand Master

Homesteads and Agricultural Security: Revealing the Logical Fallacies Behind It

Abandoning homesteads is tantamount to abandoning agriculture for farmers. If you don't have a house, you can't farm!

In today's society, homesteads and agricultural security are far-fetched by some people, as if once the homestead is shaken, the entire agricultural edifice will collapse in an instant. This seemingly eloquent argument actually conceals a profound logical fallacy and a misunderstanding of reality.

First of all, we need to clarify the relationship between homestead and agriculture. Homesteads are the basic guarantee for peasants' living and living, and agriculture is the lifeblood of the country and is related to the food security of hundreds of millions of people. Although both of these are related to the vital interests of the peasants, their nature and function are completely different. The change of homestead land does not mean that agricultural production will inevitably be damaged, and it does not mean that it is overly dependent on foreign grain.

Abandoning homesteads is tantamount to abandoning agriculture for farmers. If you don't have a house, you can't farm!

However, some people confuse the two, arguing that giving up the homestead is tantamount to giving up agriculture, which in turn leads to the collapse of the country's agricultural security. This argument is clearly untenable. Farmers can rent or buy housing in cities or other places to continue farming; At the same time, with the improvement of the level of agricultural modernization, the dependence of agricultural production on land and housing is gradually weakening. Therefore, changes in homestead land do not necessarily have a fundamental impact on agricultural production.

What is even more absurd is that this argument also attempts to link the homestead issue to the dignity of a great power. It is as if once the peasants abandon their homesteads, China will lose its dignity as a great power and be coerced by hostile countries. This logic is simply absurd. The dignity of a great country is based on national strength, national self-confidence and international status, not on whether the peasants own homesteads. There is no direct connection between the abandonment of homestead land and the dignity of a great country, and this practice of forcibly linking the two is undoubtedly a double damage to the rights and interests of peasants and national security.

Abandoning homesteads is tantamount to abandoning agriculture for farmers. If you don't have a house, you can't farm!

We live in a complex and ever-changing world, with a myriad of issues and challenges. In the face of these problems and challenges, we need to keep a clear head and rational thinking, and avoid being misled by wrong arguments and opinions. As for the relationship between homestead land and agricultural security, we should proceed from reality, deeply understand and analyze the causal and logical relationships, instead of being confused by some superficial phenomena and specious arguments.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that both homestead land and agriculture are the basic rights and interests of farmers and an important resource of the country. We should respect and protect the rights and interests of farmers' homesteads, and at the same time actively promote agricultural modernization and rural revitalization to ensure the country's agricultural security and farmers' happy lives. And those who try to confuse the homestead issue with concepts such as agricultural security and the dignity of a great country will only undermine social stability and harmony and harm the interests of the country and the people.

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