
The Chinese women's basketball team drew with Japan in half! Once suffered from a 5-minute scoring drought, Luo Xinqi turned into a miracle soldier with 8 points

author:Sports small fish e


Breaking point: Leading by 7 points in the first quarter, an excellent start ignited the fire

On June 5, Beijing time, the Chinese women's basketball team faced the archrival Japanese women's basketball team in the warm-up game. Despite the lack of Li Meng, Han Xu, Huang Sijing and other main players, the Chinese women's basketball team showed strong strength in the first quarter and ended the first quarter with a 20-13 lead of 7 points. Luo Xinqi hit three points in a row at a critical moment, and Pan Zhenqi's fast attack caught the opponent off guard. Such a start not only ignited the passion of the audience, but also allowed fans to see the explosive power of the Chinese women's basketball team in adversity.

The Chinese women's basketball team drew with Japan in half! Once suffered from a 5-minute scoring drought, Luo Xinqi turned into a miracle soldier with 8 points

Blocked in the second quarter: 5 minutes of scoring became a key turning point

However, after entering the second quarter, the Chinese women's basketball team suddenly fell into a scoring drought of up to 5 minutes, and the Japanese women's basketball team took the opportunity to counterattack, quickly chasing the score and achieving a comeback. At this stage, the offensive organization of the Chinese women's basketball team appeared chaotic and missed many shots, while the Japanese women's basketball team seized the opportunity and gradually turned the situation around with accurate shooting and steady defense. The performance during this period became a key turning point in the game, and also exposed the Chinese women's basketball team's lack of adaptability in the face of pressure.

The Chinese women's basketball team drew with Japan in half! Once suffered from a 5-minute scoring drought, Luo Xinqi turned into a miracle soldier with 8 points

The main team is absent: the shortcomings of the Chinese women's basketball team

In this warm-up game, the Japanese women's basketball team almost sent an all-main lineup, while the Chinese women's basketball team lacked many core players. The absence of Li Meng, Han Xu, and Huang Sijing has affected the team at both offensive and defensive ends, especially the obvious lack of interior defense and scoring ability. Despite the hard work of the substitutes, the lack of experience and chemistry caused the team to suffer many setbacks at key moments. In the absence of the main force, the overall strength of the Chinese women's basketball team has been greatly affected, which also poses new challenges to the team's follow-up preparations.

The Chinese women's basketball team drew with Japan in half! Once suffered from a 5-minute scoring drought, Luo Xinqi turned into a miracle soldier with 8 points

Luo Xinqi: The surprise soldier attacked, and the performance was eye-catching

Despite all the difficulties, Luo Xindi's performance in the first half was impressive. She not only hit two three-pointers in the first quarter to help the team establish a lead, but also stepped up many times at critical moments in the game to become the scoring guarantee of the Chinese women's basketball team. Luo contributed eight points in the half, showing his potential and determination on the offensive end. Her performance not only injected energy into the team, but also proved her importance in the future competitions.

The Chinese women's basketball team drew with Japan in half! Once suffered from a 5-minute scoring drought, Luo Xinqi turned into a miracle soldier with 8 points

Half-time summary: 31 draws, full of suspense

At half-time, the two teams were tied at 31, which laid a huge suspense for the second half of the game. The two sides went back and forth, the scores alternated and the intensity of the game exceeded expectations. After pausing and adjusting, the Chinese women's basketball team stopped the scoring drought in time and overtook the score many times, showing a certain degree of adjustment ability and resilience. However, in the face of the strong Japanese women's basketball team, how to maintain stable performance is still a problem that the Chinese women's basketball team needs to solve.

The Chinese women's basketball team drew with Japan in half! Once suffered from a 5-minute scoring drought, Luo Xinqi turned into a miracle soldier with 8 points

Controversial Ending: The Road Ahead, How to Deal with the Challenges?

Although the result of this game is only part of the warm-up game, it also raises thoughts about the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. In the absence of key players, can the team find a stable replacement to improve the overall strength? How to avoid a scoring drought at a critical moment? These issues are not only related to the outcome of this game, but also to the long-term competitiveness of the Chinese women's basketball team in the international arena. In the face of the next challenges, whether the Chinese women's basketball team can find an effective solution in a short period of time is still a suspense that needs to be answered urgently.

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