
Methods to promote flowering and fruiting of young apple trees

author:Sweat drops turn into rain with pen ploughing

Author:Northwest Greening Time:2024-06-05 16:41:03

Methods to promote flowering and fruiting of young apple trees

Promotes flowering of young apple trees

Methods of results

Apple tree planting generally begins to bear fruit 2~3 years after planting, so how to promote the flowering of young apple trees and make apple trees bloom and bear fruit?

Methods to promote flowering and fruiting of young apple trees

1. Fertilize and water

If the young fruit trees grow vigorously but the flowers are few or do not bear fruit, in order to slow down the excessive growth of branches and leaves, and promote the differentiation of flower buds of short branches, it is generally necessary to avoid the vigorous period of fruit trees, and fertilize and water in the "two stop periods", that is, the spring shoot stop period and the autumn shoot stop period (late August and early September). Fertilization is mainly long-lasting fertilizers, such as human manure or superphosphate, etc., and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorption by apple trees is 2:1:2, while young trees absorb more nitrogen. The amount of watering should be appropriate after top dressing. When the autumn shoots stop growing, the watering amount after topdressing can be slightly larger. When there is a lot of rain, it is necessary to drain water in time to prevent waterlogging, and control the growth of branches and branches.

2. Foliar spraying

It is recommended to spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1~2 times in early and mid-September for apple trees, which can promote branch maturity, improve leaf photosynthetic intensity, and promote the formation of flower buds.

3. Opening angle

The opening angle management of fruit trees can ease the tree momentum and facilitate flower bud differentiation. The main methods are pulling branches, supporting branches, other branches, stepping inside and out, and changing heads behind the back. The pulling time should be carried out at the beginning of tree growth and the end of growth (late August ~ late September), so that the best effect of branch pulling is at the end of growth.

Methods to promote flowering and fruiting of young apple trees

Fourth, carve buds to promote flowers

For young apple trees that have not yet borne fruit, as long as the branches have not seriously affected the light of the tree, they should be cut as little as possible, and the remaining branches should be carved and budded in many places before the apple tree germinates, which can promote the differentiation of flower buds and bear fruit early.

Methods to promote flowering and fruiting of young apple trees

Fifth, twist the tip ring peel

Twisted tips are mostly used for upright and vigorous new shoots on the back. When the new shoots grow to 20~30 cm, it is used to pinch the lignified parts of the middle and upper parts of the new shoots and gently twist 180 degrees. Due to the destruction of the conduction tissue, the reflux of tip assimilation products is hindered and its vigorous growth is controlled, which plays a role in promoting the formation of flower buds. Ring stripping can temporarily hinder the downward transport of nutrients from the tree and increase the accumulation of nutrients in the branches above the ring stripping site.

Methods to promote flowering and fruiting of young apple trees

Sixth, deep turning of broken roots

For young apple orchards, it can be combined with autumn basal fertilizer and deep soil pruning for root pruning, which can weaken the root growth advantage, regulate the contradiction of tree growth, flowering and fruit setting, improve the aboveground nutrient accumulation, and make more nutrients for flower bud differentiation.

7. Chemical flowering

Chemical flowering promotion is the application of plant growth regulators to control the transformation of vegetative growth to reproductive growth of young and prosperous trees, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling crown and promoting flowering. Paclobutrazol commonly used in production is a growth retardant with strong inhibitory activity, which has a good effect on inhibiting growth and promoting the formation of flower buds. There are usually two methods: soil application and spraying.

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