
The hotter the spleen, the weaker the spleen! Traditional Chinese Medicine: Summer is the right time to regulate the spleen! Warming the spleen and yang is the key!

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike

As the old saying goes: the hotter the weather, the weaker our spleen and stomach.

It's like in the hot summer, there should be a variety of sweet and cool fruits to relieve the heat, but some friends are faced with such pain: always feel pain in the stomach, and even cold hands and feet, diarrhea, what is going on?

The hotter the spleen, the weaker the spleen! Traditional Chinese Medicine: Summer is the right time to regulate the spleen! Warming the spleen and yang is the key!

What is it that disturbs our spleen and stomach? These three culprits are indispensable!

First, summer is the season with the most precipitation and the heaviest humidity.

The spleen is delicate, likes dryness and dislikes dampness, and dampness sleeps the spleen and soil. Once the spleen is not able to recover, the dampness will block our body, and the most obvious feeling at this time is fatigue, heavy head, dizziness and headache.

The hotter the spleen, the weaker the spleen! Traditional Chinese Medicine: Summer is the right time to regulate the spleen! Warming the spleen and yang is the key!

The second is that the weather is gradually getting hotter. This yang energy is very powerful.

If it floats on the surface of the body, then the yang energy in our body will be depleted. If the yang qi is insufficient, the spleen and stomach will naturally weaken, and problems such as poor appetite, indigestion, and unformed stools will come out.

The hotter the spleen, the weaker the spleen! Traditional Chinese Medicine: Summer is the right time to regulate the spleen! Warming the spleen and yang is the key!

Thirdly, I believe many friends will have it, that is, blowing air conditioners and drinking ice drinks in summer.

This is the happiest thing, but these excessive intake is equivalent to sending a large amount of cold food to the inside, and the first thing that is affected is the spleen and stomach, resulting in damage to the spleen and yang. As a result, the source of warmth in our entire body decreases, and the body naturally presents a state of deficiency and coldness with symptoms of the spleen and stomach.

The hotter the spleen, the weaker the spleen! Traditional Chinese Medicine: Summer is the right time to regulate the spleen! Warming the spleen and yang is the key!

It can be said that once the spleen and stomach are weak, the movement is abnormal, and the subtle substances are biochemically sourceless, there will be fatigue, shortness of breath and dizziness; The water in the body cannot be metabolized normally, and it stops accumulating and produces dampness and phlegm, which will cause bloating, diarrhea and edema.

So how to make the spleen and stomach comfortable in summer?

If the spleen and stomach are weak, to put it bluntly, there is no motivation, and the spleen will strike and stop working. Therefore, if you want to have a good spleen and stomach, warm yang and spleen strengthening are the top priority of our conditioning.

The hotter the spleen, the weaker the spleen! Traditional Chinese Medicine: Summer is the right time to regulate the spleen! Warming the spleen and yang is the key!

On the one hand, it can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, on the other hand, it can also warm and strengthen the spleen, make up for the original cold spleen and stomach, and make our spleen and stomach warm.

Of course, these are just my clinical experience sharing, not universal, if you have any questions, you should also seek medical attention offline in time.

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