
These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

author:Flying Fish says history

Time is like a pair of giant hands, pushing us to stumble forward, and when we look back, we realize that we are no longer the original self.

The past has become history, after reading thousands of sails, we are no longer teenagers, but who doesn't want to be a child all the time?

But people always have to grow, from babbling to dying, there are only a few decades in between, no matter how beautiful the life is, after death must be accompanied by the loess, those who have exhausted their life's pursuit of wealth and glory, in the end have become a luxury that can not be taken away.

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

Just a few decades, a flash has passed, thinking about our thousands of years of history, it is just a collection of generations after generations, in a trance, as if falling into an infinite cycle of reincarnation, those historical figures, seem to be beckoning to us, pouring out their lives that are not willing to be ordinary.

When it comes to historical figures, everyone must have the most impressive candidates in their minds, especially those who have been selected into Chinese textbooks, which are firmly imprinted in most people's minds.

I vaguely remember that when I was in school, I was determined to learn from these role models, hoping to stand on their shoulders to see further, and now I have grown up, but the sad thing is that I did not become the person I aspired to be when I was a child, but went further and further on the road of moving bricks.

Fortunately, no matter how time flies, as time increases, experience also increases, and the role models that were once so used to be have gradually blurred their backs and become no longer clear.

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

When we put aside our preconceived notions, we will find some famous people who have impressed us with what they did in the second half of their lives.

In this article, we will talk about three famous people in history, we thought they were heroes when we were children, and only when we grew up did we know that they were bad in their bones, which is why the teachers only mention their inspirational stories and rarely mention their life resumes and endings.

Gouge the wall to steal the light

Reading is not the only way for us to succeed, but it is the most recent one, only by reading well, we can change our destiny and make the future have infinite possibilities.

At an age when you can study, you must not live up to the time, otherwise you can only wait until you grow up and regret it infinitely, after all, you can't bear the hardships of reading when you are young, and you can only taste the hardships of life when you grow up.

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

Anyway, you always have to endure hardship, why not first bitter and then sweet, not to mention that the time of first bitterness is short, and then the time of bitterness is long, with twenty years of hard work, in exchange for fifty years of comfort, of course, it is an absolute value.

Whenever we can't study hard, the teachers will always take the painstaking mother-in-law to tell us some big truths, and by the way, there will be some small stories of historical celebrities who read diligently, and Kuang Heng, who chiseled the wall and stole the light, is undoubtedly the most favored candidate by the teachers.

Kuang Heng's family was very poor when he was a child, and he had to help his family work during the day and had no time to study, and at night he was free and could not study because he could not afford to buy an oil lamp.

Kuang Heng's neighbor is very wealthy, and the oil lamp is often lit all night, without thinking about how much oil will be burned.

Kuang Heng was very envious of the conditions of his neighbor's house, but he couldn't go to other people's houses to study, not to mention, others didn't welcome him, and after thinking about it for a long time, Kuang Heng thought of "borrowing light".

He secretly carved a hole in the wall of the neighbor's house so that the neighbor's light could shine through the small hole, and Kuang Heng used the light projected by the hole to read a book at night.

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

Kuang Heng studied so hard, and he was able to have a broad future, and even during the period of Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty, he was also the prime minister, but no one could have imagined that Kuang Heng would start to harm one party after his high position.

At that time, there was a very powerful general, named Chen Tang, who made great achievements in the Western Regions, but after returning to the imperial court, Kuang Heng was worried that Chen Tang would endanger his position and fabricated the facts, framed Chen Tang for corruption, and led to Chen Tang being dismissed.

In addition, in order to evade responsibility, he also deliberately concealed the news of the blockage of the Yellow River's waterway, which eventually caused the Yellow River to burst its banks, drowning a large number of people and flooding a large amount of fertile land.

Li Shen of hard work

Thrift is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, no matter how high the quality of life is, eliminating waste is a kind of virtue that must always be upheld.

It's just that our current standard of living makes many children feel that they don't need to be frugal at all, anyway, even if they are wasteful, they won't let themselves go hungry.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding, because frugality is never shabby.

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

When children waste food, presumably the most common poem we say is "Who knows that Chinese food is hard work", after all, this sentence is almost a poem known to women and children.

The author of this poem is the masterpiece of Li Shen, who was known as the "Compassion Farmer Poet" in the Tang Dynasty, and he also established his position in Tang poetry with "Two Songs of Compassion for Agriculture".

In our opinion, Li Shen already knew when he was young that it was not easy for a peasant uncle, and when he grew up to become an official, he must be a good official.

In fact, what Li Shen did after becoming an official had nothing to do with "goodness" at all, on the contrary, he was a naked corrupt official.

Li Shen has a special habit, that is, he likes to eat chicken tongue, in order to get a good mouth, he made up a plate of chicken tongue, and he even killed thousands of chickens in one meal.

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

Li Shen attaches great importance to personal enjoyment, and every time he eats, he must also have a large number of singers to help him, so that when he invited Liu Yuxi to dinner, he directly stunned Liu Yuxi, and in order to show his generosity, Li Shen also directly gave Liu Yuxi a singer.

In addition, Li Shen did not care whether the people lived or died, not only encroached on the people's land, but also levied high taxes, so that he became a street rat that everyone shouted and beaten.

Encyclopedia Shen Kuo

Being a scientist is a profession that almost every child wants to pursue in their ignorance, but being a scientist is not so easy to be, but there is always a dream, what if it comes true?

Perhaps the most common example given by teachers when encouraging children to become scientists is Shen Kuo of the Northern Song Dynasty.

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

Shen Kuo was a scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty, known in the history books as an encyclopedic all-rounder, he basically knew everything, and also made certain achievements.

In mathematics, he was the original master of circles; In physics, the concept of magnetic declination was proposed for the first time; In optics, the principle of small hole imaging was expounded for the first time. Acoustically, the phenomenon of chordal resonance was explained for the first time.

In chemistry, the name of petroleum was proposed for the first time; In astronomy, the armillary sphere was improved; Geographically, for the first time, the reason for the formation of the North China Plain was scientifically explained; In water conservancy, he invented the layered weir measurement method, and in medicine, he wrote medical books such as "Good Prescription" and "Lingyuan Fang......

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

Shen Kuo's achievements are really inexhaustible, and it is not surprising to say that he is the best among scientists.

But Shen Kuo's character and achievements are not proportional, he is good at clinging to the powerful, giving full play to the subjective initiative of the wall grass, when Wang Anshi changed the law, he raised his arms and shouted support, but when Wang Anshi lost power, he immediately jumped out to publicize that the change was an evil thing to the ancestors.

In addition, he was also jealous of his ability, and Su Shi was almost killed by Shen Kuo for a long time.

Su Shi regards Shen Kuo as a good friend, and often drinks and chats with him, Su Shi floats as soon as he drinks, and after drinking, he will unscrupulously express his inner dissatisfaction, and sometimes write some whining poems.

These three celebrities in history thought they were heroes when they were children, but when they grew up, they knew that they were bad in their bones

After the Wutai poetry case broke out, Shen Kuo immediately presented those poems to the imperial court, proving that Su Shi had ill intentions, if it weren't for Wang Anshi and others to rescue Su Shi with all their might, Shen Kuo would have become the executioner that everyone spit on.

It can be seen that these three brothers were all role models for us to learn, but in the end, they failed to keep their original intentions, so that people felt that their badness was in their bones.

References: General History of China, Book of Han, History of the Song Dynasty, etc.

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