
A state of mind that is detached from the ordinary and seeks peace and freedom. It means to stay away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, to be alone among the mountains and rivers, and to seek inner peace and tranquility. This state of mind is often associated with the opposite

author:Red Kid's dad

A state of mind that is detached from the ordinary and seeks peace and freedom. It means to stay away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, to be alone among the mountains and rivers, and to seek inner peace and tranquility. This state of mind is often associated with a love of nature and a yearning for a simple life. Between the mountains and rivers, one can escape the shackles and pressures of the world and immerse themselves in the beauty and tranquility of nature. Being alone in the mountains and rivers can make people feel the greatness and power of nature, and at the same time, it can also bring comfort and inspiration to people's souls. This experience of being in harmony with nature helps people to re-examine their lives and reflect on worldly values and pursuits. However, it is not easy to truly leave the world, which requires a certain amount of inner cultivation and determination.

A state of mind that is detached from the ordinary and seeks peace and freedom. It means to stay away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, to be alone among the mountains and rivers, and to seek inner peace and tranquility. This state of mind is often associated with the opposite
A state of mind that is detached from the ordinary and seeks peace and freedom. It means to stay away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, to be alone among the mountains and rivers, and to seek inner peace and tranquility. This state of mind is often associated with the opposite
A state of mind that is detached from the ordinary and seeks peace and freedom. It means to stay away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, to be alone among the mountains and rivers, and to seek inner peace and tranquility. This state of mind is often associated with the opposite
A state of mind that is detached from the ordinary and seeks peace and freedom. It means to stay away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, to be alone among the mountains and rivers, and to seek inner peace and tranquility. This state of mind is often associated with the opposite
A state of mind that is detached from the ordinary and seeks peace and freedom. It means to stay away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, to be alone among the mountains and rivers, and to seek inner peace and tranquility. This state of mind is often associated with the opposite
A state of mind that is detached from the ordinary and seeks peace and freedom. It means to stay away from the chaos and hustle and bustle of the world, to be alone among the mountains and rivers, and to seek inner peace and tranquility. This state of mind is often associated with the opposite

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