
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular


How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers?

We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. Especially in terms of making all the people of the Qin State soldiers, Shang Ying really has a set!

Before Shang Ying's reform, the situation in the Qin State was not good. The people's enthusiasm for farming is not high, and they have little motivation to become soldiers. As soon as Shang Yang came, he first carried out a major reform in the system. He abolished the Shiqing Shilu system, what does it mean? It's just that those nobles can't eat and drink in vain with the merits of their ancestors, they have to rely on their real skills to have status and wealth. And what about ordinary people? There is a chance to change your fate through military exploits!

For example, there is an ordinary farmer named Zhang San, who may have been working hard in the fields all his life, and he has no future. After Shang Ying's reform, he went to the battlefield, bravely killed the enemy, cut off the heads of several enemies, and when he came back, he was knighted, and his family divided the land and property, and lived a good life ever since. This was unthinkable before.

In agriculture, Shang Ying encouraged everyone to farm well. Why? Because there is more food, more people can be fed, and there will be enough logistics to support the war. Moreover, he also stipulated that if the common people did not farm well, they would be punished. In this way, everyone is desperately farming, there is more food, and the country has more confidence to start a war.

Let's talk about the military merit system. Shang Ying stipulated that as long as he killed the enemy on the battlefield and made meritorious contributions, he could get knighthoods and rewards. This is incredible, how could ordinary people have such an opportunity to get ahead in the past! Well, now, as long as you are brave enough to kill the enemy, you can change the fate of yourself and your family. is like Li Si, who was originally a poor boy, but after going to the battlefield, he was brave and fearless, made great contributions, and suddenly changed from nothing to a "successful person" with a house and land.

Moreover, the Shang Dynasty also implemented a strict household registration system, which controlled the common people to death. Do you want to run? No way! Honestly serve as a soldier to fight a war or farm and pay taxes. In this way, the state can clearly know how many people can serve as soldiers and can better organize its forces.

In addition, Shang Yang also strengthened military training. In peacetime, let the common people practice the ability to fight, and once there is a war, they can fight it on the battlefield. For example, organize large-scale military drills to familiarize everyone with formations and tactics.

In short, through a series of reform measures, starting from many aspects such as system, agriculture, military merit, household registration and military training, the common people of the Qin State regarded serving as a soldier and fighting as a way to change their fate and obtain glory and wealth. In this way, all the people of the Qin State were soldiers, and their combat effectiveness was off the charts, laying a solid foundation for the later unification of the six countries. #头条创作挑战赛# #长文创作激励计划# #战国历史轶事# #商鞅之法# #历史轶事轻松谈#

How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular
How did the Shang Dynasty change the law make all the people of the Qin State soldiers? We all know that the Qin State was able to stand out among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States and finally dominate the world, and Shang Ying's reform of the law played a big role. In particular

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