
Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

author:Hanhai Sand Soul

In the long history of China, there is such a country, it is not a big country and a strong state, but it can stand tall in the turbulent Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. What is even more surprising is that even Qin Shi Huang, who unified the six kingdoms, failed to completely destroy it. This country is Weiguo, a small princely state that has existed for more than 900 years. Why has the country survived for so long surrounded by strong enemies? What is its historical relationship with the Qin state? Why did Qin Shi Huang open up to this small country? How was the fate of the Patriotic Republic finally rewritten? Let's unravel this little-known historical mystery together.

The birth of Weiguo can be traced back to the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In 1046 BC, Ji Fa, the king of Zhou Wu, led an army to overthrow the Yin Shang regime and establish the Zhou dynasty. However, the new court faced a thorny problem: how to resettle the large number of remnants of the Yin Shang dynasty. King Wu of Zhou knew that if these old subjects were not properly handled, it would likely cause unrest and endanger the nascent Zhou dynasty.

In order to solve this problem, King Wu of Zhou took a series of measures. One of the most important steps was to set up a defense state near Chaoge, the former capital of Yin Shang. This decision was a multi-pronged decision: it not only resettled some of the remnants of the Yin Shang, but also established a vassal state loyal to the Zhou dynasty in a strategic location, and was able to monitor the old capital of the Yin Shang to prevent possible rebellions.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

The first monarch of Wei Guo was Kang Shufeng, the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou. With his virtuous governance ability and loyalty to the Zhou Dynasty, Kang Shufeng won the trust of King Wu of Zhou. Under his rule, Wei gradually became a stable vassal state, laying the foundation for the Zhou dynasty's rule in the east.

The geographical location of the country is very special. It is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River Plain, bordering the Qi Kingdom to the east, the Jin Kingdom to the west, the Song Kingdom to the south, and the Yan Kingdom to the north. This embattled geographical location is not only an advantage for defending the country, but also its biggest challenge. On the one hand, Weiguo is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, with a developed economy and a prosperous culture; On the other hand, it has also become the focus of contention among the major powers, and it is under the threat of war all year round.

In the face of this complex geopolitical environment, Weiguo has adopted a flexible survival strategy. During the Spring and Autumn period, the Patriotic State often maneuvered between the major powers, using diplomacy and clever alliances to preserve itself. For example, during the reign of Duke Huan of Qi, Wei actively participated in the Battle of Chengpu led by Qi and successfully resisted Chu's Northern Expedition.

Entering the Warring States Period, the living environment of the patriotic country became more severe. In the face of the rise of powerful countries such as Qin, Wei, and Zhao, Wei Guo adopted a more cautious attitude. On the one hand, it continues to maintain friendly relations with major powers, and on the other hand, it has also continuously strengthened its own strength. The patriotic monarch attached great importance to agricultural production and encouraged the development of commerce, which made the national strength increase to a certain extent.

It is worth mentioning that Weiguo has also made important contributions to cultural inheritance. As a continuator of the Yin Shang culture, Wei Guo retained many of the etiquette systems and cultural traditions of the Yin Shang period. This not only made Weiguo one of the important cultural centers in the Central Plains, but also provided valuable materials for the study of Yin Shang culture in later generations.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

The historical development of the country fully embodies the wisdom of small countries in troubled times. Through its flexible foreign policy, prudent domestic policy measures, and the accumulation of cultural soft power, it successfully continued its national legacy during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when there were many powerful countries. This tenacious vitality is not only reflected in the longevity of the country, but also in its far-reaching influence on ancient Chinese politics, economy and culture.

As an important inheritor of Yin Shang culture, Weiguo played a unique cultural role in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. This small country located in the Central Plains has not only preserved the rich heritage of Yin Shang, but also cultivated a number of outstanding figures with far-reaching influence, making important contributions to the development of ancient Chinese thought and culture.

The influence of Yin Shang culture on the defense of the country can be reflected in many aspects. First of all, in terms of religious beliefs, Weiguo retained the sacrificial traditions of the Yin Shang period. Every year, the monarch of the Patriotic Republic would hold a solemn sacrificial ceremony to worship the ancestors of Yin Shang and the gods of heaven and earth. These ceremonies not only maintained the spiritual connection between the defense of the country and the Yin Shang, but also became an important material for the study of the religious culture of the Yin Shang.

Secondly, Wei Guo also inherited the tradition of Yin Shang in terms of music and art. Many of the poems included in the Book of Songs: Wei Feng reflect the unique musical style and folk culture of Wei Guo. These poems are not only artistically accomplished, but also provide valuable clues to our understanding of the social life of the time.

The cultural heritage of the patriotic country is profound, and many famous figures have been cultivated in history. The most famous of these is Zigong, a disciple of Confucius. Zigong, known as Duanmu Ci, was one of the ten philosophers of Confucius, known for his eloquence and diplomacy. He not only played an important role in the spread of Confucianism, but also became a wealthy merchant at the time by virtue of his business talents. The success of Zigong reflects the diversified characteristics of patriotic talents, and also shows the rudiments of Confucian merchant culture.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

Another patriotic talent worth mentioning is Shang Ying. Shang Ying, formerly known as Gongsun Marting, was born into a patriotic nobleman. When he was young, he traveled to various countries, and eventually displayed his talents in the Qin State, implementing the famous Shang Dynasty reform. This change greatly strengthened the national strength of the Qin State and laid the foundation for the Qin State to unify the six countries. Shang Ying's experience not only reflects the enterprising spirit of talents who defend the country, but also reflects the historical trend of talents from small countries displaying their ambitions in big countries.

Wu Qi is another outstanding talent exported by the defense of the country. He was known for his military prowess and served in the states of Lu, Wei and Chu. During his time in the state of Chu, Wu Qi implemented the reform of the law, which greatly enhanced the national strength of the state of Chu. Wu Qi's footprints spread across many vassal states, showing the extensive influence of patriotic talents.

In addition to these dazzling political and military talents, the defense of the country also cultivated a group of thinkers and writers. For example, Xunzi during the Warring States period lectured in Weiguo and had a profound impact on the development of Confucianism. The poet Qu Yuan also traveled to the country, and his works mentioned the customs and customs of the country many times.

The status of the country in the ideological and cultural field is not only reflected in the export of talents, but also in its role as a center for cultural exchanges. Due to the advantages of geographical location, Weiguo has become an important place for scholars from all over the world to exchange. Many famous thinkers and writers have stayed or lectured in Weiguo, which has promoted the collision of ideas and the integration of cultures.

It is worth noting that the cultural influence of the Patriotic State contrasts sharply with its political status. Although not politically and militarily powerful, the cultural contribution of the Patriotic Nation far exceeded what could be expected of its national power. This phenomenon reflects the unique advantages of small countries in terms of cultural heritage and innovation.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

The cultural heritage and talent export of the patriotic country not only enriched the ideological and cultural landscape of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but also left a valuable cultural heritage for future generations. From Zigong's Confucian way to Shang Ying's practice of changing the law, from Wu Qi's military talent to Xunzi's ideological contributions, patriotic talents have left a deep imprint in various fields. The achievements of these outstanding figures are not only the embodiment of the cultural heritage of patriotism, but also their important contributions to the development of ancient Chinese civilization.

Qin and Wei, one was a powerful empire that eventually unified the six kingdoms, and the other was a small vassal state that had gone through vicissitudes. On the surface, the two countries may not seem to have much connection, but in reality, they have deep historical roots and complex relationships.

The homologous legend of Qin and Wei can be traced back to ancient times. According to legend, the Yellow Emperor had a son named Hui, and the descendants of Hui became the ancestors of the Qin State and the Wei State respectively. Although this legend is difficult to verify, it reflects a certain connection between the cultural identities of the two countries. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, this homologous legend was widely circulated and became an important basis for diplomatic exchanges between the two countries.

A more concrete historical connection is reflected in the relationship between the ancestors of the Qin State and the Yin Shang. According to the Historical Records, Qin's ancestor Da Fei was a minister of Yin Shang. Da Fei's son Boyi was appreciated by the king of Shang because he was good at domesticating horses, and was sealed in the Qin land in the west. This history shows that the ruling families of the Qin state had close ties to the Yin Shang royal family.

As an important inheritor of Yin Shang culture, Wei Guo naturally had a certain degree of cultural kinship with the Qin State. This relationship was sometimes reflected in the political arena of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. For example, in the Battle of Chengpu in 632 BCE, both Qin and Wei sided with the Jin state and worked together against the northward advance of the Chu state. The alliance is not just motivated by political considerations, but also reflects the underlying cultural identity between the two countries.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

However, over time, Qin's attitude towards the state of Wei underwent a noticeable change. In the early Spring and Autumn period, Qin was still a peripheral state in the west, and its contacts with the Central Plains were relatively limited. At this time, the Qin State was relatively friendly to the defense of the country, and even provided assistance when the defense of the country encountered a crisis. For example, around 660 BC, when the Wei people invaded the country, Qin Mugong sent troops to help the country through the difficulties.

But by the time of the Warring States period, the situation had changed dramatically. The Qin State began to implement the policy of eastward expansion, and the contradictions with the Central Plains countries deepened day by day. In this process, Qin's attitude towards defending the country also gradually changed. On the one hand, the Qin state still remembered its historical ties with the Wei State and maintained a certain degree of tolerance towards it; On the other hand, in order to achieve the great cause of unification, the Qin state also had to regard the defense of the country as a potential object of conquest.

This complex attitude was repeatedly reflected in Qin's foreign policy. For example, in the Battle of Yique in 293 BC, the Qin state defeated the combined forces of Han and Wei, and could have taken advantage of the victory to attack the Wei state, but the Qin Zhao king finally chose to let the Wei Guo go. Behind this decision, there are both strategic considerations, and it is not excluded that there is a certain concern for the country of the same origin.

Qin's attitude towards the defense of the country was also reflected in the talent policy. The Qin State reused patriotic talents many times, the most famous of which was Shang Ying. Shang Ying was not well-known when he defended the country, but after arriving in the Qin State, he was appreciated by Qin Xiaogong and implemented the famous Shang Yang reform. Qin's emphasis on patriotic talents also reflects, to some extent, the potential cultural ties between the two countries.

However, as the pace of Qin's unification accelerated, its attitude towards the defense of the state became more and more tough. In the process of destroying the Six Kingdoms, the Qin State attacked Wei Guo many times, forcing Wei Guo to constantly cede land and sue for peace. Despite this, Qin's attitude towards Wei was still relatively mild compared to other vassal states. Until Qin Shi Huang unified China, Wei Guo remained in the form of a vassal state.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

The complex relationship between Qin and Wei not only reflects the cultural identity factors in ancient Chinese politics, but also shows the practical considerations in the process of the rise of great powers. This history teaches us that even in the midst of brutal power struggles, cultural origins and historical traditions can still influence relations between countries to some extent. Qin's attitude towards the defense of the country is a vivid portrayal of this complex historical relationship.

In the turbulent times of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Weiguo, as a small and medium-sized vassal state, faced great pressure to survive. Surrounded by powerful countries, the defense of the country had to survive in the cracks, and its way of survival can be called a unique case in the history of ancient Chinese diplomacy.

The survival strategy of the patriotic country is first and foremost reflected in the choice of its geographical location. Wei Guo moved the capital many times, and each move was a strategic decision. Originally, the capital of Weiguo was located in the territory of present-day Puyang City, Henan Province, near the Yellow River. However, this location is often plagued by northern nomads. Around 660 BC, Wei was fiercely attacked by the Di people and was forced to move south to Diqiu (present-day Huaxian County, Henan Province). This relocation of the capital not only temporarily freed the country from the threat of northern nomads, but also brought it closer to the hinterland of the Central Plains, which was conducive to political and economic exchanges with other vassal states.

However, the location of the Diqiu is still not safe enough. In 643 BC, the Wei Kingdom moved south again, moving its capital to Chuqiu (present-day Qi County, Henan Province). This move of the capital further distanced the country from the threat of the northern nomads, and also placed it in a buffer zone between the Jin, Chu, Qi, and Song powers. This position, although dangerous, also gives the country more diplomatic space.

The way to survive is also reflected in its flexible foreign policy. As a small and medium-sized country, Wei Guo is well aware that it cannot confront the powerful countries head-on, so it has adopted the following strategies:

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

The first is the "harmony" policy. Wei Guo has repeatedly exchanged peace by marrying powerful countries. For example, Wei Linggong's daughter married the son of the Jin Kingdom, and this marriage effectively eased the tension between Wei and Jin. Similar affinities also occurred between Wei and Qi and Chu. Although this kind of policy sometimes sacrificed some of the interests of the country, it was an effective means of preserving the country in the situation at that time.

The second is the "neutral" strategy. In conflicts between great powers, the Patriotic State often tries to remain neutral. For example, in the Battle of Chengpu in 632 BCE, although Wei nominally supported the Jin state, he did not actually send a large number of troops to the battle. This approach not only avoids a deep hatred with either side, but also preserves its own strength.

Again, it is a "show of weakness" strategy. When faced with a strong enemy, the defender often resorted to showing weakness to avoid being attacked. For example, in the face of pressure from the Qin state, the Wei state took the initiative to cede land and sue for peace many times. Although this practice has lost some territory, it has preserved the basic strength of the country.

Finally, there is the "joint" strategy. When the situation called for it, the Guardian would also actively seek alliances with other vassal states. For example, in the late Warring States period, in the face of the threat of Qin, Wei had allied with Zhao, Wei and other states. Although this alliance ultimately failed to stop the unification of Qin, it did gain some living space for the defense of the country.

The way to survive is also reflected in the management of its internal affairs. The rulers of the country know very well that the country is small and the people are outnumbered, and only by cultivating internal affairs can they gain a foothold in the troubled times. Therefore, the defense of the country attaches special importance to agricultural production and cultural education. For example, during the reign of Wei Linggong, Wei Guo implemented a series of agricultural reforms to encourage farmers to reclaim wasteland and increase grain production. In terms of culture and education, the defense of the country has also made considerable achievements. Confucius gave lectures on the defense of the country many times and cultivated a number of outstanding talents. These measures not only strengthened the economic strength of the country, but also improved the cultural quality of the people and laid the foundation for the long-term survival of the country.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

The way to survive in defending the country also includes attaching importance to and utilizing talents. Although the country is small, it is full of talents. In addition to the aforementioned Zigong, Shang Ying and others, Wei Guo also cultivated many outstanding diplomatic talents. These talents played an important role in the diplomatic activities of the defense of the country and made an important contribution to the survival of the defense of the country in the struggle for hegemony among the princes.

The way of survival of the country in the struggle for hegemony among the princes shows the wisdom of a small country to survive in troubled times. Through a flexible foreign policy, prudent domestic management, and an emphasis on talent, Wei Guo successfully preserved itself in an environment surrounded by powerful powers until Qin unified China. This history not only reflects the political ecology of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but also provides a valuable historical case for us to understand the diplomacy of small countries.

Although Wei Guo is not a protagonist in the political arena, its historical legacy and cultural impact are far-reaching and long-lasting. As a vassal state with a long history, Weiguo has left a unique mark in many fields such as ancient Chinese culture, thought, and art.

First of all, Wei Guo played an important role in the development of Confucian culture. Confucius gave lectures on the defense of the country many times, and many of his disciples were patriots. For example, Zigong was a patriot who was not only a protégé of Confucius, but also a man of great achievements in diplomacy and business. Confucius's activities in defending the country not only spread Confucianism, but also cultivated a group of outstanding talents for the defense of the country. Later, these talents played an important role in the political and cultural life of the patriotic country and promoted the development of the patriotic culture.

Weiguo is also one of the important birthplaces of music culture. The "Wei Feng" in the "Book of Songs" contains many patriotic folk songs, which vividly reflect the folk customs and social life of the patriotic country. Among them, "Shuoren" depicts the beauty of Zhuang Jiang, the Duchess of Weizhuang, and "Hooligans" tells the bleak story of an abandoned woman. These poems are not only of high literary value, but also provide us with valuable information for understanding the social conditions of the patriotic country at that time.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

In terms of art, the bronze making skills of the country are also very distinctive. The archaeological discovery of the patriotic bronzes, with unique shapes and exquisite ornamentation, reflect the unique aesthetic concept and craftsmanship level of the country. For example, in 1954, in the tombs of late Spring and Autumn Patriotic nobles unearthed in Guwei Village, Huixian County, Henan Province, a number of exquisite bronzes were found, including the famous "Sanshi Pan". This bronze is not only exquisitely crafted, but also engraved with an inscription of 111 characters, which records the history of the noble San family of the patriotic nobles, and is an important material material for the study of the history of the patriotic state.

Wei Guo has also made important contributions to traditional Chinese medicine. It is rumored that the famous medical scientist Bian Que was born in Weiguo. Although the historical authenticity of Bian Que is still disputed, this legend reflects some of the achievements of Wei Guo in medicine. In fact, Weiguo is located in the Central Plains and is rich in products, which provides a good material foundation for the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Many important Chinese medicinal materials, such as rehmannia and peony bark, are produced in large quantities in the territory of Weiguo.

In terms of philosophical thought, Wei Guo also made a unique contribution. Gongsun Long, a patriotic thinker, is famous for his "white horse is not a horse" debate. This seemingly absurd proposition actually involves profound questions in logic and the philosophy of language, and has sparked extensive discussions among later scholars. Gongsun Long's thought represents an important achievement of the pre-Qin school of famous scholars and has contributed to the development of ancient Chinese philosophy.

The historical legacy of the Patriotic State is also reflected in its influence on later literature. Many historical stories related to the defense of the country became the material for later literary creations. For example, the story of Wei Linggong's "Smelling the Rooster and Dancing" vividly depicts the image of a diligent and studious monarch, which has become an allusion to inspire people to work hard in later generations. Another example is the story of how a loyal minister protected the monarch in difficult times and became a model of loyalty and righteousness.

In terms of archaeology, the excavation of Weiguo sites provides us with important information for understanding the social life of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. For example, the pottery, jade, bronze and other cultural relics found in the ruins of the ancient city of Weiguo not only show the level of material civilization of Weiguo, but also reflect the social structure and lifestyle of the time. These archaeological discoveries provide valuable material for the study of the socio-economic conditions of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Why did Qin Shi Huang last so long in a country that he didn't destroy until his death? Talk about the historical bond between Qin and Wei

The historical legacy of the Patriotic State also includes certain innovations in its political system. For example, in the Spring and Autumn Period, Weiguo implemented a system similar to "Xiangquan", that is, the emperor was assisted in governing the country. This system limited the power of the monarch to a certain extent, and provided some reference for the development of the separation of powers system in later generations.

In addition, Wei Guo also has certain achievements in agricultural technology. Weiguo is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River Plain, with developed agriculture. Archaeological discoveries of patriotic agricultural tools, such as iron ploughs and iron sickles, reflect the relatively advanced level of agricultural production at that time. The development of these agricultural technologies not only increased the grain production of the country, but also provided a reference for the agricultural development of the surrounding areas.

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