
The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

E-sports shake and shake

2024-06-10 09:57Published in Hebei game creators

LPL as the most popular e-sports competition, the news about any e-sports player will cause a large number of players to discuss and pay attention, for example, not long ago the conflict between the FPX team on the single little tiger and the team manager has been the focus of various forums in LOL, many viewers after seeing the little tiger kicked out of the base by the FPX team manager in the middle of the night, they all hope that the FPX team management can seriously deal with the FPX team manager.

The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

But something disappointed many FPX team fans happened, that is, the FPX team management's handling of this matter was obviously biased towards the FPX team manager, even if the FPX team's former jungler and the current jungler, the mid laner and top laner players jointly came forward to correct the FPX team manager, but still did not let the FPX team manager leave, but the FPX team top laner who was regarded as a victim by the audience was criticized.

The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

Many FPX fans are unhappy with the clarification posted by FPX's official blog. Little Tiger is "offensive" when he says a word, and the FPX team manager pushes Little Tiger is "physical contact", and it is "immature" to make people roll in the middle of the night, and even in the end, FPX's official blog does not explain why a master manager often meddles in the content of training. The FPX team's bias of avoiding the important really disappointed many viewers.

The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

Many FPX fans also spontaneously released the most ideal solutions in their minds in the FPX team super talk, such as expelling the FPX team manager, and asking the FPX manager to publicly apologize to Little Tiger, and at the same time ensuring that the FPX team jungler, mid laner and top laner players will not be excluded because of this matter, and finally ensure that FPX management personnel do not interfere with FPX training content casually.

The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

After the FPX team posted an article revealing that Little Tiger and the team manager apologized to each other, many LPL viewers thought that this matter was over, and the FPX team Little Tiger would return to the game, but something unexpected happened to many LPL viewers, that is, in the starting list of the game between the FPX team and the EDG team, there was no name of the FPX single little tiger, and many viewers were speculating whether the little tiger was being fought by the palace?

The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

You must know that in the official blog post of the FPX team, it was revealed that the departure of Little Tiger will not affect the starting list and training adjustment of the FPX team in the future, but the thing that makes many viewers feel speechless is that the front foot will not be replaced as soon as he finishes speaking, but the back foot directly lets the newcomer of the FPX team play on the single theniu, and many viewers don't understand what the FPX management is thinking?

The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

Personally, I think that the FPX team is protecting the little tiger by not letting the little tiger play, you must know that the little tiger complained about the FPX team manager on his social account at the beginning, but in the end, the FPX team manager was not fired. So FPX must be afraid that there will be a problem with the mentality of the little tiger, if the final result of this game is to win, then nothing will happen, but if the game is lost, then the little tiger will definitely be complained and ridiculed by a large number of viewers, and even some viewers will doubt the professionalism of the little tiger.

The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response


Little Tiger has been in the FPX team for nearly five years, Little Tiger must have feelings for the FPX team, but Little Tiger has forced the palace to operate, directly ruined his future in FPX, I personally still don't believe that the FPX team will fire their own manager for a little tiger, after all, Little Tiger is indeed a short board in the team in FPX in recent years, if Little Tiger is the core thigh of the team or a star player, the FPX team manager will definitely not dare to do anything to Little Tiger.

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  • The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response
  • The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response
  • The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response
  • The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response
  • The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response
  • The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response
  • The biggest farce of the LPL is over! The players collectively failed to force the palace, and fans were disappointed with the management's response

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