
It was revealed that Yao Ming wanted to continue to let Qiao Shuai coach the Chinese men's basketball team, but finally obeyed the decision of the senior management

It was revealed that Yao Ming wanted to continue to let Qiao Shuai coach the Chinese men's basketball team, but finally obeyed the decision of the senior management

Super fat guy says ball

2024-06-10 10:00Published in Shanxi Sports Creators

According to the Shanghai media "Xinmin Evening News", Yao Ming, the head of the Chinese Basketball Association, hoped to continue to give Qiao Shuai a chance, but in the end, he could only obey the decision of the higher-ups.

It was revealed that Yao Ming wanted to continue to let Qiao Shuai coach the Chinese men's basketball team, but finally obeyed the decision of the senior management

"A person familiar with the matter said that Yao Ming, chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, wanted to continue to give Lao Qiao a chance, but the meaning from the higher-level leaders was to change people, and Yao Ming could only continue to choose to obey." So writes the outlet.

But for some reason, the media subsequently deleted this sentence in the relevant report on "the change of coach of the Chinese men's basketball team".

It was revealed that Yao Ming wanted to continue to let Qiao Shuai coach the Chinese men's basketball team, but finally obeyed the decision of the senior management

Last summer, the media revealed that Zhou Qi's transfer negotiations involved a lot of expenses, but after sparking heated discussions, the relevant reports were deleted.

The reason why Yao Ming wants to continue to give Lao Qiao a chance is that he has never wanted the Chinese men's basketball team to change coaches frequently. From Li Nan's resignation to Du Feng's resignation, it is not up to Yao Ming to decide. Li Nan failed to lead the team to the Olympics at home, as the head coach, he has no reason not to leave class, and in the past, the previous coaches of the Chinese men's basketball team have been like this.

It was revealed that Yao Ming wanted to continue to let Qiao Shuai coach the Chinese men's basketball team, but finally obeyed the decision of the senior management

As for Du Feng, before Lao Qiao took over, Yao Ming also retained him and reported to the senior management that he had offered Du Feng a lucrative contract. But in the end, under the request that the head coach of the national team could not work part-time, Du Feng still chose to coach the Guangdong team full-time.

It can be said that Yao Ming has never wanted the Chinese men's basketball team to change coaches frequently, and he is the same for Lao Qiao. Therefore, he hopes to continue to let Lao Qiao coach, but he is only practicing his long-standing principles, which does not mean that he has an opinion on Guo Shiqiang. Moreover, the Chinese men's basketball team still needs a higher level of foreign coaches to lead it, so as to make up for the gap with the outside world as much as possible. It's just that it's not easy to find a suitable foreign teacher.

As for Guo Shiqiang, he chose to leave the club to take over the hot potato to the national team when he still had a contract with the Guangzhou team, and he must also be given the greatest respect. After all, this position means a lot of pressure and challenges, even if the Chinese men's basketball team has now fallen to the bottom, it seems impossible to encounter a darker moment.

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  • It was revealed that Yao Ming wanted to continue to let Qiao Shuai coach the Chinese men's basketball team, but finally obeyed the decision of the senior management
  • It was revealed that Yao Ming wanted to continue to let Qiao Shuai coach the Chinese men's basketball team, but finally obeyed the decision of the senior management
  • It was revealed that Yao Ming wanted to continue to let Qiao Shuai coach the Chinese men's basketball team, but finally obeyed the decision of the senior management

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