
Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom


2024-06-11 13:09Posted in Shandong Sports Creator

In the NBA, it's ultimately a player's talent that determines his height, which is why many players seem to have obvious technical shortcomings, but in the end, they can still become high-pick talents. Because technology can be formed by acquired efforts, but talent is innate, which cannot be compensated for by hard work. Therefore, the more talented the player, the easier it is to become a high-ranking existence, and even many players have become historical players based on talent alone.

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

It is worth mentioning that General Arenas talked about the strongest starting 5 in history across the ages in a recent guest class, and he gave 7 names, because the last one has multiple people to choose from. And in this list, the strong brother who is now considered one of the most talented is not on the list, but he is 2.13 meters tall and has the speed, explosiveness, and strength of a center, so the letter rush is very incomprehensible.

Zion's talent is also great, considered by scouts to be a talent comparable to Jordan and James, his athleticism is very explosive, the bounce height is even better than Jordan back then, and his weight is also the top in the league, so his height of 1.98 meters can be like no one on the inside, both of them are top talents but failed to make this list, let's take a look at the list of 7 people given by Arenas.

1 Chamberlain

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

How high is Chamberlain's talent, it is estimated that many fans do not understand, Chamberlain's 2.16-meter height and arm span are also top-notch, his bench press strength is the highest in NBA history, in addition, he also has the running and jumping ability of a professional track and field athlete, this is too perverted, taller than you and faster than you, and stronger than you, how to play this? It was not for nothing that Chamberlain was able to score 100 points in a single game, and his talent was indeed too dimensionally degrading in that era.

2 Magic Johnson

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

Magic, everyone only knows that he is a big point guard, but many details may not be well understood, Magic's height is 2.06 meters as tall as James, and his athleticism at his peak is not much better than that of Lao Zhan, Magic's offensive arsenal is very rich, he has three points and an inside hook, and many of the current top playmakers need to stick the ball and other teammates to run, but Magic can quickly find the opponent's defensive weak link, and can also do the ball to lead people away, and the ball quotient is terrible.

3 Jordan

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

What is Jordan's scariest talent? It must be his stagnation, he is the NBA player who has been in the air for the longest time in history, he can adjust his shooting posture in the air, and Jordan's waist and abdomen strength is excellent, which is why his upper body is perpendicular to the ground, his back is no different from other players' normal shots, and Jordan is also because of his strong waist and abdomen strength, he can change hands in the air many times, and Jordan's strength and speed are also top.

4 O'Neill

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

O'Neal is a weight-enlarged version of Chamberlain, his height and arm span are almost the same as Chamberlain, and O'Neal is better than Chamberlain's skills back then, his low-post offensive skills are very good, and his strength is more terrifying, O'Neal has done many times to dunk rebounds, don't look at O'Neal fat, his explosiveness is also very strong, his flexibility is far beyond that of players in the same position, he has the ability to play anyone misplaced.

5A James

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

James is a strengthened version of the magician, and his speed is better than the magician back then, James is 2.06 meters, when he was young, he was the fastest first step in the league, and his strength is also very terrifying, fans who have watched James play in the 10s know that as long as James wants to score, his breakthrough will defeat the opponent, I am a clear card to break through and kill, you can't limit it, and Lao Zhan's physical health and his ball quotient are also top.

5B Wembanyama

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

Wemban let everyone see what is called an epoch-making monster, his height of more than 2.2 meters plus his terrifying arm span, he can't prevent him at all on the offensive end, and he is different from other players over 2.2 meters in that he has a good offensive ability with the ball, and Wemban relies on excellent talent, and can easily complete the block, he only needs to improve his confrontation ability in the future, his ceiling will be terrifying, even if he doesn't train hard, as long as he stays healthy, he has the ability to become a historical star.

5C Durant

Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

Talents like Durant are ranked in the 5C position, so it seems that it is not surprising that Brother Alphabet was defeated? Durant has the ability to play anyone who is out of position, his height of about 2.10 meters has the speed of a flexible small forward, and he also has excellent dribbling ability and the feel of a pitcher, who is taller than him is not as fast as him, and he who is faster than him is definitely not as tall as him, I can stand up to you, this is the horror of Durant, these talents have created his status as a historical scorer.

Speaking of which, what do you have to say about these 5 players? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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  • Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom
  • Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom
  • Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom
  • Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom
  • Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom
  • Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom
  • Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom
  • Zion, the letter is not selected! The general evaluates the most talented five-man group across the era: Durant can only be at the bottom

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