
The mainland drone airdropped leaflets and zongzi, and the People's Liberation Army surrounded the platform on three sides, and Lai Qingde has become a turtle in the urn

author: Ice Maple Observation Room

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the mainland did not forget to send a "big gift" to Taiwan.

This time, a personal company on the mainland directly dispatched a large number of drones to fly over the waters of Jinxia and threw rice dumplings and distributed leaflets on many important occasions on Kinmen Island, such as universities and police stations, and broadcast the whole process live.

The Internet exploded, and the people on the mainland were excited, shouting the slogan of "Taiwan's return," which echoed the slogan "Taiwan, return" printed on the leaflets.

Compared with the bustle of the mainland, the atmosphere on the island of Taiwan is a bit dull, as an outer island very close to Chinese mainland.

Kinmen has always been regarded as a strategic location by the Taiwan authorities, but now the mainland's drones are flying over Kinmen as if no one is around, scattering leaflets and distributing welfare, which is simply an open slap in the face of the Taiwan authorities, especially at a sensitive moment when the Taiwan authorities have just put forward the "first blow" and the "right of self-defense."

The mainland drone airdropped leaflets and zongzi, and the People's Liberation Army surrounded the platform on three sides, and Lai Qingde has become a turtle in the urn

Just a few days ago, Taiwan's newly appointed defense chief Gu Li-hsiung openly declared that if PLA warships and planes enter 12 nautical miles, Taiwan's military will use the "right of self-defense" and does not even rule out the possibility of opening fire.

But the mainland will not take the warnings of the Taiwan authorities seriously at all, and before the drone incident, the PLA had already demonstrated strong military deployments in the Taiwan Strait region on many occasions.

Recently, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) dispatched 26 warplanes to patrol the airspace over the Taiwan Strait, of which 19 flew over the so-called "median line of the Taiwan Strait" and entered the airspace in the north and southwest of the Taiwan Strait. At the same time, at least 10 warships are operating around the Taiwan Strait.

With a single casual operation, the PLA can easily form a "joint encirclement" of Taiwan Island from the south, north, and center.

If the Taiwan authorities really had the courage to launch the "first strike," they would not have been like a turtle with their heads shrunk again and again when the PLA frequently held military exercises to "encircle Taiwan," and then to make harsh remarks and save face when the military exercises were over.

This time, taking advantage of the Dragon Boat Festival, mainland drones are operating in Kinmen, on the one hand, to warn Taiwan, and on the other hand, to warn the United States.

The mainland drone airdropped leaflets and zongzi, and the People's Liberation Army surrounded the platform on three sides, and Lai Qingde has become a turtle in the urn

In recent years, especially since the US Government has stepped up its support for Taiwan, military cooperation between Taiwan and the United States has become closer and closer, and Taiwan has frequently made provocative remarks, and it is also very fond of uniting with the United States to take advantage of China's major festivals to do things.

This time, China made a preemptive strike to enter Kinmen, which has always been regarded by Taiwan as a "forbidden area for the mainland," and Gu Lixiong, who shouted that "once the mainland breaks through 12 nautical miles, Taiwan will launch the first blow," was rarely silent at this time.

A few days ago, Zhuo Rongtai, the head of Taiwan's administrative department who threatened to establish power during the Dragon Boat Festival, claimed that if a mainland fishing boat was discovered, the Taiwan Strait Patrol would take action to arrest mainland fishermen.

Now that the mainland's drones have entered the waters of Kinmen, they are trying to smash the arrogance and arrogance of Zhuo Rongtai, Gu Lixiong, and other stubborn "Taiwan independence" fighters.

As a supporter of "Taiwan independence," it is impossible for the United States not to understand the meaning of the mainland's move.

In recent years, US arms sales to Taiwan have been increasing, from F-16 fighter jets to the Seahorse missile system, all of which have revealed the evil intention of "assisting in Taiwan's defense."

The mainland drone airdropped leaflets and zongzi, and the People's Liberation Army surrounded the platform on three sides, and Lai Qingde has become a turtle in the urn

China has warned many times, but the United States has repeatedly backtracked, and Biden recently sent 29 arms dealers into Taiwan to discuss the specific matter of "transferring military technology to Taiwan".

It can be seen from the recent large-scale joint military exercise of "Joint Sword-2024A" that the defense capability of the entire island of Taiwan is almost zero, and even if the United States and the Taiwan authorities reach cooperation, it will be difficult for the weapons and equipment sold by the United States to Taiwan to be transported into the island.

This time, the mainland drone entered Kinmen to distribute leaflets, which really shocked Taiwan's defense department!

Lai Qingde and Gu Lixiong know very well that the mainland is only dropping leaflets and zongzi this time, and if it is in the context of a future war, these drop-offs are likely to turn into bombs or suicide drones. With Taiwan's snail-like reaction ability, can it be stopped?

Just as mainland Defense Minister Dong Jun said, the "Taiwan independence" armed forces are using their mantis arms as a car and deceiving themselves and others, and the PLA's attitude toward the "Taiwan independence" armed forces is like catching a turtle in an urn, and they are already very full of determination and military preparations.

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