
Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help


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Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help


Big star Huang Bo originally planned to sponsor the little girl, but in the end, because the little girl's grandmother gave the little girl a slap, Huang Bo decisively gave up the idea of funding the little girl. At the same time, Huang Bo's behavior of giving up funding the little girl also aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

What the hell is going on? Why did Huang Bo give up the idea of funding because of the slap of the little girl's grandmother?

The event passed

In a certain reality show, Huang Bo and the staff of the program team came to a poor mountainous area in Guangxi. Here, Huang Bo met a little girl from a very poor family.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

It is understood that the girl's parents go out to work all the year round, live with her grandmother and younger brother, and the girl has to help her grandmother do farm work when she comes home from school and take care of her younger brother.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Although the girl's family background is not good, but her academic performance is among the best, and the little girl is also very kind and sensible, when they eat together at noon, the girl lined up in a long line, and finally it was her turn to eat, but she took the initiative to hand the beaten meal to Huang Bo, and said: You have also worked hard all day.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

The girl's behavior simply made Huang Bo's heart melt, and after giving the food to Huang Bo, the girl silently returned to the end of the line to line up again to eat.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

After talking with the little girl, I found that although the living conditions were not good, the little girl was still very optimistic and strong, she did not complain about her fate, but was still very sensible, knowing how to love her grandmother more and take care of her younger siblings.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

And the little girl also has a heart that loves dance very much, when Huang Bo learned that the little girl likes to dance very much, so Zhang Yixing took the initiative to teach the little girl some simple dance moves, and the girl who has never received professional training has jumped up in style.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Although the girl is not very old, she is already the pillar of the family, and while other children are watching cartoons, the girl is helping her grandmother chop vegetables, feed the pigs and other household chores.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

In the face of the little girl's efforts and talent, Huang Bo felt very sorry for her, he wanted to fund the little girl, help her realize her dance dream, so that she could have better dance conditions and dance environment, so Huang Bo had the idea of sponsoring the little girl, and said that he wanted to accompany the little girl home and communicate with his grandmother about the idea of sponsoring the girl.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

When Huang Bo came to the girl's house with the program team, they found that the most valuable property in the family was only a few pigs, and the pigs were also donated by the village for poverty alleviation.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Seeing the little girl's family conditions, this strengthened Huang Bo's idea of wanting to fund her, and as soon as Huang Bo and everyone in the program team entered the house, a scene that no one expected happened: the little girl's grandmother slapped the little girl in front of everyone and the camera.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

The girl lowered her head to cover her tears and slowly turned around, Huang Bo was stunned when she saw this scene, in order to relieve the embarrassment, Huang Bo hurriedly said: I have already eaten.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

After communication, it was learned that the original grandmother's concept of patriarchy has been deeply rooted, and she usually only cares about the little girl's younger brother, but this time, the little girl suddenly brought so many people home without consulting her grandmother in advance, and obviously the grandmother did not agree with the little girl's approach.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

slapped her granddaughter in front of so many people, it is conceivable that this little girl usually suffers a lot of grievances, and seeing her grandmother's attitude towards her granddaughter, Huang Bo no longer mentions funding.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

In the face of such a reality, Huang Bo could only choose to give up funding, he did not choose to give the little girl financial help directly, but gave her a phone watch, he told the little girl that only by his own efforts can he really change his fate, and if he encounters any difficulties in the future, he can call and contact him.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Because in Huang Bo's opinion, even if he wants to help this little girl, he can't change his grandmother's concept of patriarchy, and even if he sponsors the girl, the money will not fall on the girl's head.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

If the girl has not been in contact with Huang Bo, then the watch may have fallen into the hands of the girl's younger brother.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Netizens are hotly discussed

As soon as the show was broadcast, the incident of Huang Bo giving up funding the girl also aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens.

Some netizens think: Huang Bo doesn't really want to help the girl.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Some netizens also think: If you have Huang Bo's strength, you can consider taking the girl home, but have you ever considered that the girl has a family, will the family agree?

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Some netizens also think: Although I recognize Huang Bo's approach, I am a little inexplicably sad, after all, being born in such a family and having such a grandmother is the biggest sorrow and misfortune for a little girl. It's hard for her to turn over.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Some netizens believe that it is not necessary to subsidize cash, but can help her contact the dance school and help her pay her tuition.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

If the girl is funded, the last penny is not spent on the girl, and the girl is not more sad. As long as she was in that family, any funding could fall on her brother.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

In other words, it is directly subsidized to the school without going through the family, but the school also has to subsidize the girl, and when it comes to the girl, it is equivalent to all the money going to the grandmother and brother.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

If some netizens said that they could buy daily necessities for her directly, but there were many reports before, and those who funded girls deliberately bought pink down jackets, and within a few days, pink down jackets appeared on boys.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

There are also reports that the sanitary napkins that subsidize girls are used as insoles for boys, and they are dismantled to make quilts, and sanitary napkins can be used by them on girls.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Huang Bo knew that even if the little girl was funded, the money would not necessarily be used on the little girl, because her grandmother was patriarchal, and the money was likely to be occupied by her family, and the little girl would be hurt and hit more because of it.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help

Faced with such a reality, Huang Bo could only choose to give up funding. Although funding is a good thing, it can help many people in need and can give them a little warmth and help in difficult times.

However, funding is only a temporary move, only through their own efforts and struggles, can we truly change our fate, and only in this way can we still be able to walk firmly in the face of difficulties and setbacks.

Huang Bo gave up funding the girl in the mountainous area, just because the girl was slapped by her grandmother, netizens: I don't want to help


In life, there will always be some distressing things, and there will be some touching moments, and these things may be just some small collisions, some inadvertent actions, everyone can use their own way to convey this beauty, to help more people, so that the world is full of love and warmth.

Seeing this, what do you think of Huang Bo's choice? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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