
Taking advantage of the confrontation between China and the Philippines for more than 60 days, Vietnam is speeding up the reclamation of the island, and the new regulations of the coast guard have been introduced.

author: Ice Maple Observation Room

The Philippines and Vietnam are the most difficult countries in Southeast Asia, and recently, there have been new changes in the South China Sea, this time not only the Philippines is making trouble, but Vietnam is also "joining in the fun".

Let's start with the latest developments in the Philippines.

The large patrol ship "Theresa Magbanua" dispatched by the Philippines has been illegally stranded in the lagoon of Sembin Reef in China for more than 60 days.

The Philippines wants to make Xianbin Reef a second "Ren'ai Jiao", and has made excuses that this is to "ensure that China will not reclaim land at Xianbin Reef".

But Xianbin Reef belongs to China, and China has the right to do anything within its territorial waters, so what's in the way of the Philippines?

Taking advantage of the confrontation between China and the Philippines for more than 60 days, Vietnam is speeding up the reclamation of the island, and the new regulations of the coast guard have been introduced.

I made this excuse just to show that I was right.

But the Philippines wants to build a second "Ren'ai Jiao", it needs to be cost, Xianbin Jiao and Ren'ai Jiao are different, it is not just to find a ship, to this is the end of the matter, Xianbin Jiao is uneven, the Philippines can only build a semi-permanent floating platform at sea.

The semi-permanent floating platform relies entirely on the patrol ship Theresa Magbanua, which needs energy to maintain its own operation when it is on standby.

However, these energy sources need to be continuously transported from the country to the "Theresa Magbanua" to ensure that its energy will not be cut off.

However, since the "Theresa Magbanua" entered the Xianbin Reef, the Chinese side has been relatively strict in all directions, and has now deployed at least eight vessels, including the China Coast Guard 3303 and seven large fishing boats.

These ships formed a semi-encirclement posture against Philippine ships in three directions, and the "Theresa Magbanua" is now in a dilemma.

Now the Philippine supply ships are unable to transport energy to the Theresa Magbanua in time, and no one can say how long it will last, but judging from the current situation, it will not last long.

Taking advantage of the confrontation between China and the Philippines for more than 60 days, Vietnam is speeding up the reclamation of the island, and the new regulations of the coast guard have been introduced.

In order to "punish" the Philippines, China has now begun to transfer economic orders with the Philippines to other Southeast Asian countries, which is a big shock to the Philippine market.

In the end, the Philippines will still end up in a chicken-and-egg fight, not only will it not be able to get its hands on Sembin Reef, but it may also lose the most advanced maritime mobile force of the "Theresa Magbanua". And on the domestic economy, the Philippines will also pay for its stupidity.

With the recent lockdown of martial law in the South China Sea, China has stepped up patrols in the South China Sea and introduced new coast guard regulations, which came into effect on June 15. Unexpectedly, Vietnam actually committed a crime against the wind at this juncture.

The two countries have a long-standing conflict over the South China Sea, and like the Philippines, Vietnam wants a piece of the treasure South China Sea.

According to statistics from a US think tank, in the past six months, Vietnam has added 280 hectares of land reclamation in the waters near the Spratly Islands, and so far, the total area of land reclamation and seabed dredging in Vietnam has reached 955 hectares.

In the past six months, China has focused on the Philippines, and Vietnam has seized the opportunity to expand aggressively and accelerate land reclamation.

Taking advantage of the confrontation between China and the Philippines for more than 60 days, Vietnam is speeding up the reclamation of the island, and the new regulations of the coast guard have been introduced.

Previously, in order to maintain regional peace, China had taken the initiative to stop land reclamation and advocated "shelving disputes and joint development".

However, Vietnam, like the Philippines, has wolf ambitions, taking advantage of this opportunity to seize territory in the South China Sea.

What is even more excessive is that Vietnam has not only created land, but also built military installations, airport runways, ports and other facilities on land in an attempt to strengthen surveillance in the South China Sea.

Vietnam's land reclamation is not stupid enough to directly oppose China, but it is coveting the resources of the South China Sea and covering up its theft by building these land.

According to statistics, the total value of oil and gas resources illegally stolen by Vietnam from the South China Sea region has exceeded 30 billion US dollars every year, and a large part of them is used for the development of Vietnam's defense modernization.

Since Vietnam ignores China's goodwill, China does not need to tolerate it, as it made it clear when China put forward its proposal to "shelve disputes and develop together" that the premise of this proposal must be based on respect for China's territorial sovereignty. Vietnam's move has violated China's territorial sovereignty.

Taking advantage of the confrontation between China and the Philippines for more than 60 days, Vietnam is speeding up the reclamation of the island, and the new regulations of the coast guard have been introduced.

Next, China will implement new coast guard regulations in the South China Sea, and any unsolicited foreign vessels and lawbreakers can be protected by the Chinese coast guard in accordance with the law.

In addition to the usual arrest and eviction, seizure and review can also be carried out, and if Vietnam wants to continue to make trouble, it needs to weigh its weight in advance. In addition, the PLA Navy has also carried out regular patrol deployments and military exercises in the South China Sea.

Whether it's Vietnam or the Philippines, it's time to have a good fight.

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