
Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

author:Mature Ming Moon Nws


One day in 2012, Nelson, an amateur radio operator, received an unexpected signal from space, which made everyone unbelievable that the satellite LES-1, which had been declared missing more than 40 years ago, had reappeared in our field of vision.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately spread in various media around the world, and people continued to speculate in heated discussions about who recalled this satellite from the dust of time.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

Many people have speculated whether aliens are operating this satellite, and soon such speculation also caused a huge sensation, because the signal of aliens is an eternal mystery for mankind.

After all, human beings have also been on the road to find aliens for 70 years, and they still haven't found such clues from the universe after all, but now this seemingly huge flaw has provided humans with an opportunity to spy on aliens, so it's no wonder that speculation will cause such a sensation.

So should we really be pleasantly surprised by the signal that this satellite has just sent?

Or is it just a coincidence?

What is it that makes it signal to humanity again after more than 40 years?

And what kind of impact will this satellite have on the Earth after sending out the signal?

More than 40 years after the satellite lost contact, it suddenly sent out a signal.

As an indispensable tool for space exploration, satellites have indeed had a lot of lost contact incidents in the process of his deep space voyage, and some of them have escaped from human control in space and have since become "zombie satellites".

And when these "zombie satellites" are floating in space, they will continue to emit some unreachable signals, although the source of these signals is unknown, but they have aroused great interest.

Because these signals are likely to be the communication tools used by aliens, it is precisely for this reason that everyone is very concerned about these signals from "zombie satellites".

And in 2012, an amateur radio operator named Nelson was lucky enough to intercept this type of signal.

When he received this special signal for the first time, he uploaded its content to the Internet, which immediately caused an uproar.

Many people have speculated about who the satellite that sent the signal is, and the true identity of this satellite has gradually emerged in the discussion of many people.

It turned out that the satellite that sent the signal was the forgotten LES-1 that attracted much attention because of its identity as a "zombie satellite".

LES-1 was once part of a U.S. military satellite system program, and in the era of hand-woven space exploration, the United States successfully launched a total of 11 LES satellites, and the main function of such satellites as part of the military system is to conduct communications and intelligence gathering.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

However, in 1965, LES-1 had some problems, due to the relatively low satellite technology used at that time, LES-1 did not go directly into orbit after launch, but fell into the Earth's atmosphere.

However, after completing its first orbital flight, LES-1 began to move into another controllable range, and after another human-controlled attempt, it finally successfully entered orbit.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

However, due to the technical conditions at the time, the circuit used by LES-1 was incorrectly incorrect, which meant that LES-1 was unable to obtain the predetermined data from it.

This remained the case until 1967, when LES-1's communication functions were no longer able to continue due to the depletion of batteries, and it has not had any impact on humans since.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

However, after more than 40 years, it has reappeared in the field of human vision, and it has sent several regular signals in a row.

This unexpected situation immediately attracted a lot of attention, especially about what caused it to re-emit radio signals after more than 40 years.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

Why do satellites send radio signals more than 40 years after they have lost contact?

There has been a lot of speculation that aliens might be operating the moon, but experts and scientists do not agree with this speculation.

The fundamental reason why they believe that this argument is untenable is that the LES-1 satellite is only an antenna and transmitter for transmitting information, and that these devices have ceased to function more than 40 years ago, and the circuitry in them cannot be used again.

If you want to reuse these devices, you have to resupply them with energy, and to do that, they need to get energy from solar panels.

But because the batteries for these energy sources have long been depleted, it means that they can no longer provide energy to various parts of the satellite as before.

At this point, if you want to re-charge LES-1, you have to re-expose the battery to the sun's rays so that the solar panels can charge and power the satellite.

But after such a long period of silence and gray space environment, LES-1 has long been eroded by the cruel environment of space.

Its energy system is no longer perfect, and some parts have been damaged, so the panels are no longer able to receive sunlight.

The damage to its panels meant that it could not receive the energy of the sun's rays, so it had to wait for a successful repetition under unreasonable conditions to reactivate the transmitter.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

It is well known that in space, many satellites rely on solar panels to obtain electricity.

In order to get as much solar energy as possible, the panels will be tumbled at regular intervals, so that the overuse of the solar panels can be avoided as much as possible because they are always facing the same direction.

In fact, the LES-1 satellite also practiced this principle in space.

In space, LES-1's solar panels, if not damaged, are not always tumbling towards the sun.

This is because part of its solar panels will be obscured in its original design track, which will undoubtedly reduce the access to energy for LES-1.

So in order to maximize the utilization rate of solar energy obtained by solar panels, LES-1 will be rolled up by human command.

This is the only way to ensure that it can run smoothly in space.

Unfortunately, when it is running in space, it still cannot be powered by solar energy, so it can only wait for the time to roll.

In the year 2000, an amateur radio operator established contact with LES-1 through a device in his possession that received the LES-1 signal.

Although the process was very difficult, after his unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in proving that there was a working LES-1 in space.

His efforts have also shown the world that even in the far reaches of space, humans can still master technology to connect with other intelligent life forms and explore unknown territories together.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

From 2012 onwards, many believed that the signal emitted by LES-1 was evidence of the existence of aliens, but this claim was quickly dismissed.

While no one could explain why LES-1 re-emitted the signal more than 40 years later, scientists soon discovered that LES-1 was just a coincidence.

During the time it accidentally re-emitted the signal, the radio operator sent instructions to LES-1 to activate the transmitter on its own.

The signal of LES-1 also changes based on the position of the sun, which is not a signal emitted by aliens, but because the sunlight is constantly changing, causing LES-1's solar panels to be unable to charge and have to keep tumbling.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

Although disappointed for a while, humanity has not given up on searching for other mysterious information in the universe.

After a series of speculations, it was finally discovered that the mysterious signal in the universe was not sent by aliens, but by man-made objects, which brought infinite regret and hope to mankind.

Many people thought that humans had discovered sounds from Earth in space, but scientists were quick to point out that these sounds did not come from Earth, but were emitted by other celestial bodies.

Although they have not confirmed the existence of aliens, they are still a wonder of the universe and a source of motivation for human exploration.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

Their emergence also allows people to see the wonder of technology, no matter what era, human beings are relentlessly pursuing and exploring unknown areas, and technology is the driving force that allows us to move step by step into the future.

In the human exploration, we may encounter more mysterious phenomena like LES-1, but it is these unknown mysteries that make us more determined to explore and discover.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

The intersection of technology and art.

In human communication, the signal of LES-1 is not only a mystery, but also a wonderful visual feast for the world.

Because of its regularity, people took advantage of its characteristics to record these radio signals and make them into a work of art.

This work shows the perfect combination of human technology and art, it not only shows the wonderful properties of the signal emitted by LES-1, but also pays tribute to the exploration of technology and creativity of human beings.

Human beings have always been chasing mysterious art, and the universe has always had infinite charm since its birth, and human exploration of the universe is a yearning for the unknown.

And the mysterious signal from space also allows people to see the wonderful combination of technology and art.

It is the emergence of these signals that makes us re-examine the power of technology and discover that it can bring us unlimited creativity and surprise.

The collision of technology and art has made the ways in which human beings explore the world more diversified and rich, which has greatly enriched our horizons and lives.

It is these mysterious signals that allow people to appreciate the charm and infinite possibilities of technology.

Under the skillful hands of the artist, these regular signals are processed into exquisite works of art, constantly bringing us new aesthetic experiences.

It can be said that it is the progress of science and technology and the unremitting efforts of human exploration that have led to such a rich and colorful art world, and these works will surely become a precious heritage of human civilization and will be passed down for generations to come.


Although the end result did not meet everyone's initial expectations, it is this spirit of curiosity and exploration that drives humanity forward.

On the road of scientific exploration, some misunderstandings and oolong incidents may be inevitable, but it is precisely these setbacks and hardships that enable us to have a deeper understanding of the mysteries of nature and the universe.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

In fact, the regular signals emitted by satellites do not come from aliens, but from human beings' own technological achievements, and although this has brought disappointment to many people, we should still be proud of the progress that mankind has made on the road of science and technology.

Who is being manipulated? Satellites, which had been lost for more than 40 years, suddenly appeared and sent a signal to Earth

The "zombie satellite" similar to LES-1 may be just the beginning of many unknown life forms in the universe, and we can never determine the true face of aliens, but it is this mystery that makes us full of curiosity and yearning for the unknown universe.