
Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems

Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems

Li Peng Peng Sports

2024-06-12 11:04Posted in Hebei Sports Creator

After stumbling into the round of 18, the task of the national football team has long been changed from qualifying to improving, after all, the strength of the opponents should not be underestimated, these are the top giants in Asia, and they will also fight for the qualification to qualify for the World Cup, and there will be no half a point of water. In this regard, many green fans shouted the slogan "The round of 18 is our World Cup", which is very correct.

Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems

The current strength of the national football team wants to compete with Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Australia, and it is almost impossible. Even the rest of Oman, Bahrain and the like are estimated to be difficult to say victory. After all, the competition in the round of 36 has long been proven, and in this regard, the national football team is considering continuing to expand the scope of naturalized candidates to improve the strength of the team. After all, it's a new and convenient way to raise the game, and it's affordable if the tournament starts in a few months.

The Oscars are the number one choice to be recognized. After all, before this, he maintained a "close connection" with the national football team, and I have a positive attitude towards joining the Chinese team. In addition, he has already met FIFA's requirements and restrictions on naturalization, and he has lived in China and served for enough years, so this has a great opportunity to operate. The national football team was also lucky to advance, which gave a new opportunity to this originally "unresolved" situation.

Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems

According to sources, the hierarchy is working this issue to be able to recruit him before the next game starts. From the public's point of view, everyone is still very supportive of Oscar naturalization. After all, his attitude is fine, and he has long proven his ability in the Chinese arena. Coupled with the high level played by several naturalized people such as Alain Fernando, the positive help brought by them has created the confidence of supporters. Buying the Oscars in everything is naturally the right positive option.

Oscar's personal characteristics are biased towards the No. 9 center. His ability to limit the defence and play with the centre-backs is excellent, and his physicality is a great way to support the team. This is the ability that the national football team urgently needs, Zhang Yuning concedes too many goals, which is relatively dissatisfied with many fans, if there is Oscar to complete this task, it is indeed a great upgrade.

Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems

In addition, Oscar also has a good speed advantage, and he is very familiar with counterattacks, after all, the Cangzhou team is a small club, and he always comes up with this trick in the face of giants. Combined with his performance, he not only recognizes this idea but also enjoys the role in the counterattack, imagine that if the national football team VS South Korea game, on the basis of maintaining the defensive basic set in the first half, and adding an Oscar in the counterattack, the winning rate of the national football team will inevitably increase a lot.

Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems

Therefore, whether it is his own intentions, or the needs of the national football team, or special tactical needs, naturalized Oscar is a good option. I hope that this matter can be put on the agenda, and I also hope that the national football team can add a strong new signing in the next game. In Asian football, naturalized new signings are a new trend, and in this regard, the national football team can design according to its own ideas, and there is no need to "think too much".

Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems

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  • Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems
  • Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems
  • Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems
  • Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems
  • Advancing to the top 18, the naturalization of the national football team will be accelerated: the hard and black center is the first choice, which will greatly improve the ability to tackle tough problems

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