
Jiang Ping became popular, why didn't anyone praise Ali Shusai and Damo Academy?

Jiang Ping became popular, why didn't anyone praise Ali Shusai and Damo Academy?

China Visit Network Finance

2024-06-18 10:37Posted in Sichuan

Jiang Ping became popular, why didn't anyone praise Ali Shusai and Damo Academy?

It really made him dig up the treasure.

Initiated by Jack Ma in 2018 and jointly organized by Alibaba Charity and DAMO Academy, the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition (referred to as the "Ali Mathematics Competition") has discovered a "mathematical genius" in the preliminary round in 2024.

On June 13, the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition announced the finalists of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, with a total of 801 finalists from 17 countries and regions, with an average age of 22. Most of the top 30 contestants are from the world's top universities such as Cambridge, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In this "star-studded" list, one name stands out - Jiang Ping, currently studying fashion design at Lianshui County Public Secondary Vocational School in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, self-taught partial differential equations for two years, and achieved an excellent score of 93 points in the qualifiers of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, ranking 12th.


Ali Shusai and Dharma Academy

Jiang Ping's academic background is in stark contrast to her excellent mathematical ability, which has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions on the Internet for a while. While we praise Jiang Ping's mathematical talent, we can't ignore the Ali Shusai and Damo Academy behind it.

Initiated by Jack Ma in 2018 and jointly organized by Alibaba Charity and DAMO Academy, the Ali Mathematics Competition aims to promote the popularization of mathematics science and cutting-edge exploration. This is a zero-threshold, online-only global public welfare event that anyone can participate in. So far, the competition has been held for the sixth time, attracting participants from more than 70 countries and regions. At the end of each competition, 35 gold, silver and bronze medalists are selected, as well as a number of excellence awards, with the gold medal winner receiving a prize of US$30,000. "Peking University Wei Shen" Wei Dongyi is one of the gold medal winners of the first competition.

The charm of the Ali Shu Contest lies in its zero-threshold characteristics, which makes the backgrounds of the contestants rich and diverse. There are not only mathematics students, but also math enthusiasts from all walks of life, such as food delivery boys, civil servants, and doctors. Compared with the well-known mainstream mathematics competitions at home and abroad, the biggest feature of the Ali Mathematics Competition is its openness and openness to everyone, which makes it a unique mathematics event. Moreover, the results of the competition are not linked to utilitarian purposes such as further education, and the propositions are less restrictive, providing a pure mathematical communication platform for the contestants.

And when it comes to the driving force behind the Ali Mathematics Competition, the Damo Academy, it is even more admirable. On October 11, 2017, Alibaba Apsara Conference opened in Hangzhou, and Alibaba announced the establishment of Alibaba DAMO Academy, a global research institute, with a planned investment of 100 billion yuan in three years. At present, remarkable results have been achieved in a number of areas. In terms of artificial intelligence chips, the DAMO Academy launched the world's first RISC-V architecture neural network processor chip "Hanguang 800"; In the field of quantum computing, it cooperated with Zhejiang University to achieve the world's first superconducting quantum simulator that exceeds 100 qubits; In addition, the DAMO Academy has also successfully implemented an image compression system based on DNA storage, a machine translation system "Ali Xiaomi" for multilingual translation, an urban governance platform "City Brain", a digital agriculture platform "Alibaba Cloud Farm", and a liver cancer screening system.


What happens after it becomes popular?

After Jiang Ping became popular, the praise and expectations for Jiang Ping on the Internet came like a tide, and the local Hongyao Town Chamber of Commerce expressed its willingness to subsidize Jiang Ping's sisters' school expenses, and many netizens called on top universities in China to give her an exceptional chance to be admitted. So, what is Jiang Ping's future academic direction?

In this regard, her teacher Wang Yanqiu gave a relatively pertinent answer: since Jiang Ping is currently studying fashion design at a secondary school, she can only choose this related major when she enters the university. At this stage, she can only study in colleges and universities in the province. Judging from the current reality, the most suitable choice for her would be the University of Science and Technology in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, because the school has a fashion design major.

The final of the Ali Mathematics Competition will be held on June 22, and many people predict that Jiang Ping's math results in the final may not be satisfactory. Yao Jiangang, a gold medal in the 35th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) and a doctor of mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, told China News Weekly that the finals are equivalent to the difficulty of the doctoral qualification examination of the Department of Mathematics.

Yan Jun, a Singapore high school mathematics teacher who was also shortlisted for the finals of the Ali Mathematics Competition, also believes that even if students are talented in mathematics, it is impossible to answer the questions in the finals if they do not learn certain knowledge points. Yanjun guessed that Jiang Ping is likely to choose the track of partial differential equations that she is good at, "It is unknown whether the knowledge she has learned in two years can reach the doctoral level, even if she does not achieve good results in the finals, it is normal, but it cannot be denied that she has shown her ability in mathematics."

Of course, in the praise and attention, there will inevitably be some doubts. Fang Zhouzi, a famous popular science writer, questioned Jiang Ping's mathematical ability. Fang Zhouzi said bluntly: "At present, it seems that this so-called 'mathematical genius' Jiang Ping seems to know nothing about advanced mathematics. She was only able to list the titles of the books, and even made mistakes when copying formulas. So, I can't help but ask, who is behind this to create the illusion of a 'secondary school student mathematical genius'? Did Alibaba falsify her results, or did her math teacher take the test on her behalf? You must know that cheating occurs in closed-book exams, let alone open-book exams that last for two days. ”

We don't know what Jiang Ping's future will be, but she at least has a chance to be seen, and she is much luckier than ordinary people. (Content source: Huabo Business Review)

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  • Jiang Ping became popular, why didn't anyone praise Ali Shusai and Damo Academy?

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