
A strong person who is good at using emotional motivation will be a successful person

author:Fisherman, farmer, read and see life

In the face of various grievances and dissatisfaction in life, many people often choose to complain as the main way to vent their emotions.

However, this negative way of complaining not only does not calm the anger in our hearts, but may exacerbate the deterioration of our emotions and make us more dissatisfied.

In fact, emotions are a powerful driving force.

A strong person who is good at using emotional motivation will be a successful person


When our emotions are high, even if we are offended by others, we can turn our passivity into initiative, actively participate in various activities, and get close to the things and people we like.

This positive emotional state will further motivate us and make us more fulfilled and satisfied.

On the contrary, when we are depressed, we tend to develop feelings of disgust, disgust, and rejection, and want to get away from everything around us.

That's when we need to learn to turn dissatisfaction into motivation to move forward.

When we are dissatisfied with someone's words and deeds but can't do anything about it, we might as well turn this emotion into the power of practical action, work hard, strive for excellence, and prove the other person's mistake with practical results.

On the road of life, we will inevitably encounter ridicule and blows from others.

In the face of these challenges, it is not wise to vent your emotions.

Sometimes, even if we get pleasure briefly, it can't change the facts, and it can even trigger a worse emotional chain reaction.

Therefore, we need to learn to be patient, turn dissatisfaction into motivation to move forward, and strive to create a new world of our own.

A strong person who is good at using emotional motivation will be a successful person


During the First World War, tens of thousands of Chinese laborers gathered in France, who were far away from their homeland and silently contributed to the victory of the war.

Yan Yangchu, who had just graduated from Yale University, resolutely joined the wartime activities of the YMCA in the United States with a passion for serving the society, and went to France to assist these hard-working Chinese workers.

Although the Chinese workers worked tirelessly, they were in a foreign country and could not contact their relatives, and the pain in their hearts can be imagined.

Yan Yangchu was deeply sympathetic and decided to provide them with assistance.

However, due to the general illiteracy of Chinese workers and the extremely inconvenient telephone communication, Yan Yangchu could only write letters to his family in person.

He often stayed up until dawn, writing till the end of the day, just so that the Chinese workers could get in touch with their families.

One day, a foreign friend saw that Yan Yangchu was busy writing letters, and contemptuously ridiculed the Chinese workers as "illiterate coolies."

Although Yan Yangchu was displeased, he was powerless to refute.

However, he is well aware that although the Chinese workers are engaged in manual labor, their efforts are equally worthy of respect.

In order to change the prejudice of foreigners, Yan Yangchu decided to teach Chinese workers to read and write.

However, this decision was not an easy one. Yan Yangchu faced many challenges.

A strong person who is good at using emotional motivation will be a successful person


First of all, he needed to find suitable teaching materials for Chinese workers.

Traditional enlightenment textbooks such as the Three Character Classic were obviously not suitable for them, so Yan Yangchu selected common words from dictionaries and newspapers and magazines, combined with the daily language of Chinese workers, and compiled a textbook of more than 1,000 words.

Secondly, the admissions problem also bothered him.

At first, many Chinese workers were not interested in reading and writing, and Yan Yang struggled to recruit 40 students.

However, Yan Yangchu did not give up. He firmly believes in the power of education to change the fate of Chinese workers.

Four months later, when the 40 students were able to write their letters in the newly learned words, the Chinese workers signed up one after another.

Yan Yangchu also encouraged the educated Chinese workers to teach other students, forming a good learning atmosphere.

Thanks to Yan Yangchu's efforts, the literacy rate of Chinese workers has been significantly improved.

Not only are they able to write their own letters and share the moments of their lives with their families, but they also increase their self-confidence and self-esteem.

What's more, foreigners have also begun to look at Chinese workers with admiration and no longer see them as mere coolies.

After returning to China, Yan Yangchu continued to devote himself to the cause of education, especially the transformation of the low-level education of domestic farmers.

He hopes that through education, more people can get rid of poverty and ignorance and realize the value of life.

Eventually, he became a well-known civilian educator and rural builder in China, making outstanding contributions to the progress and development of society.

A strong person who is good at using emotional motivation will be a successful person


Everyone's mindset is unique, and we can't stop others from despising us, but we can use our efforts and achievements to make others change their perception of us.

In the face of his friends' ridicule of Chinese workers, Yan Yangchu did not indulge in anger and dissatisfaction, but turned this force into a driving force for progress.

He delved into the root cause of the problem, bravely faced difficulties and challenges, and finally not only won the respect and admiration of his friends, but also achieved his own brilliant achievements.

Anger, which can be a devastating bomb that can trap people in an emotional quagmire;

But equally, it can also be a powerful motivator to move us forward.

It's all about how we deal with and deal with that emotion.

Those who are able to harness their emotions are undoubtedly the strong ones in life.

The real masters are those who can harness emotional motivation and translate it into practical actions and results.

They are the real successes, who have proved their worth with their strength and changed the opinions of others. #我的今日感悟#

A strong person who is good at using emotional motivation will be a successful person

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

I am (Yuqiao Farming), welcome to follow

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