
CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

Every night at seven o'clock, when the opening music of "News Network" sounds, Li Zimeng's familiar face appears on the TV screens of the national audience. Her calm voice and dignified demeanor convey national events and world news.

However, what few people know is that this woman, who is known as CCTV's "hardcore anchor", is 46 years old but has not yet entered the palace of marriage.

Under her glamorous appearance, there is a hidden past that was ridiculed by netizens for "taking out loans to work". Li Zimeng's story is not only the career of a host, but also a true portrayal of a modern woman who seeks a balance between her career and personal life.

Her experience has triggered people's deep thinking about the living conditions of women in the workplace.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

2006 was an important turning point for Li Zimeng. She became the anchor of "News Network" as she wished, realizing her career dream for many years.

However, the realization of the dream is not the end, but a new starting point full of challenges.

Li Zimeng, who is on the screen for the first time, is facing tremendous pressure. CCTV has extremely strict requirements for the host, and the pronunciation of every word and the subtle changes in every expression are subject to scrutiny.

This high standard makes the fledgling Li Zimeng seem a little powerless. She made frequent mistakes, and every mistake not only affected the quality of the show, but also directly led to her salary being deducted.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

It was this experience that made Li Zimeng nicknamed "loan to work" by netizens. This seemingly joking statement actually expressed her predicament at the time. Li Zimeng recalled that period, and a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes: "Sometimes there is not much left of a month's salary because of mistakes, and that feeling is really frustrating."

However, Li Zimeng was not defeated by these setbacks. On the contrary, these challenges sparked her inner fighting spirit. She began to study her business more diligently, practicing her pronunciation repeatedly and constantly improving her professional level.

She would practice over and over again in front of a mirror until every pronunciation was accurate. Slowly, her performance became more consistent and she made fewer and fewer mistakes.

Li Zimeng's efforts were not in vain. With the passage of time, she not only overcame the initial difficulties, but also gradually grew into CCTV's "labor model". Her dedication is admirable, and she often works even during breaks.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

Once, while co-hosting a special May Day program with her colleague Kang Hui, she also needed to be distracted to participate in other programs. Colleagues jokingly called that day "Labor Maniac Day", but for Li Zimeng, it was just the norm at work.

Li Zimeng's growth process, from the initial nervous mistakes to the later ease, not only shows her personal progress, but also reflects the rigor and professionalism of the entire industry.

Her story teaches us that success is never achieved overnight, but rather a goal that can only be achieved through continuous effort and perseverance.

Today's Li Zimeng has become an indispensable main host of CCTV. Her professionalism and professionalism have not only won the respect of her colleagues, but also the love of audiences across the country.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

From "loan to work" to "labor model", Li Zimeng's professional transformation interprets what is true professionalism.

Behind Li Zimeng's now stable and generous image, there is an unexpected childhood story. Born in an ordinary family in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, Xiao Li Zimeng is an authentic Northeast girl, lively and cheerful, naughty and mischievous, which is in stark contrast to her current image.

"I was naughty when I was a kid," Li Zimeng recalled her childhood, her eyes flashing with playfulness. She recounts a hilarious story: Once, on a whim, she gathered a group of friends to remove the valve core of a bicycle parked in the yard.

"We hid in the corner and secretly removed the valve core of each bike," Ms. Li said with a laugh, "and then we hid and waited to see how panicked the adults would find out."

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

At that time, I thought it was very interesting, and I didn't think about the consequences at all.

However, this prank was soon discovered by Li Zimeng's mother. The mother was very angry, punished her harshly, and took her door-to-door to apologize to all the affected car owners.

This experience made the young Li Zimeng deeply realize how inappropriate her behavior was, and it also made her begin to learn to take responsibility for her own actions.

"It was only after that time that I really understood what 'consequences' were," Li Zimeng said, "and my mother's education taught me the importance of respecting others and being responsible."

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

"Every time I stood on the stage to speak, I felt as if I was talking to the whole world," Li Zimeng recalled, with excitement in his eyes, "and that feeling made me realize that this might be the future I wanted."

It is this love for broadcasting that pushes Li Zimeng forward. Her hard work finally paid off, and she was successfully admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China) with the first place in the broadcasting major in Liaoning Province.

From a naughty little girl to a high school student with excellent majors, Li Zimeng's transformation is not only the growth of age, but also the establishment of inner maturity and ambition. Her experience tells us that everyone's growth path is unique, and the naughtiness of childhood does not hinder future success, the key is how to learn from the experience and constantly improve yourself.

Today's Li Zimeng, although she is already a well-known host of CCTV, still retains the shadow of the lively and cheerful Northeast girl in her bones. This contrast just constitutes her unique charm.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

With a love for broadcasting, Li Zimeng stepped into the gate of Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China). This top media school in the country brings together broadcasting talents from all over the country.

Li Zimeng, who first arrived in Beijing, soon felt unprecedented pressure and challenges.

"When I first entered the school, I thought that with a good score in the college entrance examination, I would be the best one," Li Zimeng recalled, his eyes revealing the confusion at that time, "but here, I really realized what it means to 'there are people outside the world, and there are heavens outside the sky'."

In the face of many talented classmates, Li Zimeng was not discouraged. On the contrary, this frustration fueled her determination to pursue higher heights. She began to study harder, trying to correct her pronunciation problems.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

No matter day or night, she always holds a thick Xinhua dictionary in her hand, carefully studies every new word, and repeatedly practices every syllable.

"It was a really hard time," Ms. Li said, "but I was so excited about every improvement." I know that only by constantly surpassing myself can I gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry.

Li Zimeng's diligence quickly paid off. Under the careful guidance of her teachers, her pronunciation skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and her grades have jumped to the top of the class. Her progress is reflected not only in her professional classes, but also in various practical activities.

In my senior year, the opportunity finally came. Li Zimeng got the valuable opportunity to intern at CCTV. However, the first live news broadcast was mistaken due to nervousness.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

"At that moment, I felt like the sky was going to fall," Li Zimeng recalled, a trace of pain flashed in her eyes, "After the live broadcast, I couldn't help crying." I felt like I had failed the expectations of my teachers and school.

Just when Li Zimeng fell into self-blame, her mentor Luo Jing gave her great encouragement. "Teacher Luo told me that my performance was actually very good, but I just needed more practice and experience," Li Zimeng said, her eyes full of gratitude, "and his words gave me great confidence and courage."

Under the guidance of teacher Luo Jing, Li Zimeng quickly adapted to the rhythm of the live broadcast. After only a few months, she was able to independently complete the broadcasting task of in-depth cultural reporting.

This experience not only honed her professional skills, but also cultivated her courage and perseverance in the face of challenges.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

"The four years of university not only allowed me to master professional knowledge, but more importantly, cultivated my psychological quality and adaptability," Li Zimeng concluded, "These have laid a solid foundation for my later work at CCTV."

After graduating from Beijing Broadcasting Institute, Li Zimeng successfully entered CCTV with her outstanding performance. Her talent has been fully developed on this bigger stage, and it has also laid the foundation for her to become the anchor of "News Network" in the future.

As she grew older, Li Zimeng's career flourished, but her personal life became the focus of attention of her parents, relatives and friends. In the traditional view, a 29-year-old daughter has reached marriageable age, and may face problems such as reduced fertility in the future.

This concept has brought a lot of pressure to Li Zimeng.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

Li Zimeng's parents began to arrange blind dates for her frequently. They run around looking for various types of dates, hoping that their daughter will find a suitable partner soon.

"I understand my parents' feelings," Li Zimeng said, a hint of helplessness flashed in her eyes, "but marriage is a lifelong event, and I don't want to make a hasty decision."

In the face of these enthusiastic suitors, Li Zimeng has always remained calm and rational. She firmly believes that only those who are emotionally compatible, share the same values, and are attracted to each other can be her lifelong companions.

"A lot of people tell me to grasp the marriageable age and depict how beautiful life is after marriage," Li Zimeng said with a smile, "but I always believe that as long as I make the right choice, I will eventually meet the right person."

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

"It's not that I don't want to get married," Li Zimeng explained, "I just think that marriage should not be about meeting other people's expectations, but about my own happiness."

Today, 46-year-old Li Zimeng still maintains her enthusiasm for work. She believes that as long as she focuses on her career, a happy marriage will eventually come as scheduled. "I'm not in a hurry to get married," Li Zimeng said firmly, "because I believe that true happiness needs to wait, and it is worth waiting."

Li Zimeng's choice has sparked a discussion in society about the marriage and love of women in the workplace. Her experience has made people realize that everyone has the right to live at their own pace and should not be bound by conventional ideas.

Li Zimeng has proved with her actions that a woman's worth should not be defined solely by her marital status, but by her talent, ability and contribution to society.

CCTV host Li Zimeng, 46 years old, is still "unmarried and infertile", and has been ridiculed by netizens for taking out loans

Standing at the crossroads of life, 46-year-old Li Zimeng is not only CCTV's "hardcore anchor", but also an independent woman who pursues self-worth. Her story not only shows the professional growth of a host, but also reflects the diverse expectations of women in contemporary society.

Li Zimeng's experience has triggered people's deep thinking about the living conditions of women in the workplace. She used her choices to prove that women can not be bound by traditional ideas and have the right to live at their own pace.

No matter what Li Zimeng chooses in the future, her story deserves our respect and appreciation. In this era of emphasizing diversified development, everyone should have the right to find their own world on the broad stage of life.

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