
Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

author:Apple talks about literature

1. In 2014, 53-year-old Li Ruiying stood in the familiar studio of CCTV, her eyes were firm, and her voice was still clear. On this day, she is about to end her 28-year broadcasting career.

Looking back on the past, the corners of Li Ruiying's mouth unconsciously raised a smile. In the past 28 years, she has become "No. 1 in national programs" with a perfect record of zero mistakes. "I didn't go from one angle to another, but I gave the work I loved the most to younger people.

Li Ruiying said calmly, revealing a deep attachment to her career and ardent expectations for her juniors. Behind this indifference is her incomparable love and sense of responsibility for the broadcasting career.

Li Ruiying's departure caused quite a stir in the media circle. Many said it was hard to imagine what a news broadcast would be like without her voice. However, Li Ruiying seemed calm.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

She knows that leaving is not the end, but a new beginning. Standing at a turning point in her life, Li Ruiying recalled her career. Those sleepless nights of preparation, those exciting live broadcast moments, and those invisible connections with the audience have become indelible marks in her life.

She remembered the excitement of hosting the live broadcast of the 35th anniversary of the National Day for the first time on October 1, 1984. At that time, she was still a newcomer who had just stepped into the industry, but she had already shown extraordinary talent and potential.

Since then, Li Ruiying has been determined to become an excellent announcer. Li Ruiying's achievements are not only personal glory, but also a microcosm of an era. In her broadcasting career, China has undergone earth-shaking changes, and she has always become a witness and communicator of this era with professionalism and persistence.

"Every time I stand in front of the camera, it's a new challenge and an opportunity." This is a sentence that Li Ruiying often says. She uses her actions to explain what true professionalism is.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

Second, even when her son had an accident before the college entrance examination, she still insisted on completing the broadcast task, showing admirable professional ethics. Now, standing at the moment of farewell, Li Ruiying's heart is full of gratitude and reluctance.

I am grateful for the growth and glory that this job has brought her, and I am reluctant to spend time with the audience. But she knows that this is not the end, but a new beginning. She looks forward to continuing to contribute to the industry in new ways.

Li Ruiying's 28-year zero-mistake broadcasting career is not only her personal brilliant achievement, but also a microcosm of the development of China's radio and television industry. Her professionalism and dedication will always inspire those who come after her.

Let's turn the pointer back to the time when Li Ruiying was still a girl with dreams. At that time, she was full of longing for the future, but she didn't know what she liked.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

The only thing she knew for sure was that her heart would beat involuntarily whenever she heard those magnetic voices on the radio. "I just know that it's comfortable to listen to the radio, and I'll read it in that tone.

Li Ruiying recalled, her eyes flashing with the light of the past. This simple love became the driving force behind her future pursuit of broadcasting. However, the dream of becoming an announcer was not all smooth sailing.

The opposition of her family was like a high wall, blocking her face. At that time, the profession of announcer was still an unattainable dream for many people. Li Ruiying's parents hope that she will be able to choose a more stable job.

Facing the doubts of her family, the girl Li Ruiying struggled inwardly. She didn't want to go against her parents' wishes, and she didn't want to give up on her dreams. Eventually, she plucked up the courage to express her determination to her parents.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

3. She said: "I want to give it a try, and if it really doesn't work, I will adjust the direction in time." Li Ruiying's persistence touched her parents. Although they still had some concerns, they still supported their daughter's choice.

This decision opened a new door for Li Ruiying's life. With the blessing of her family, Li Ruiying embarked on the road of pursuing her dream of broadcasting. She began to actively prepare for the examination of the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China).

Although she had no previous exposure to professional broadcasting training, she finally successfully passed the exam with her love for the profession and hard work. October 1, 1984 was an unforgettable day for Li Ruiying.

As a student of Beijing Broadcasting Institute, she was fortunate to participate in the live broadcast of the 35th anniversary of the National Day. Standing in the live broadcast room, facing the camera, she felt both nervous and excited. When she spoke the first sentence fluently, a sense of mission arose.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

At that moment, she knew that this was what she was going to do for the rest of her life. This experience gave Li Ruiying great encouragement. She realized that she had made the right choice. Since then, she has strengthened her determination to become a good announcer.

Looking back, Li Ruiying often said: "Everyone has their own dreams, and the key is to pursue them bravely." Her experience tells us that as long as we have dreams and determination, we will be able to achieve our goals.

Li Ruiying, who was a girl, used her courage and persistence to start a wonderful journey for her life. This experience has not only shaped her career, but has also been a source of inspiration for countless young people to pursue their dreams.

"During that time, I was streaming almost every day." Li Ruiying recalled, her voice revealed a little tiredness, but more of a love for work. Even under such high-intensity work, she still maintains a record of zero mistakes, and this professionalism has earned her the reputation of "Dinghai Shenshen Needle in National Programs".

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

Li Ruiying's broadcast style is known for its rigor, accuracy, and calmness. She is always able to stay calm in a tense live broadcast environment, even in the face of unexpected events.

This kind of professionalism is not innate, but accumulated through long-term training and practice. However, the biggest test does not come from the work itself, but from finding a balance between personal and professional.

One day, just a few minutes before Li Ruiying started her live broadcast, she suddenly received a heartbreaking phone call - her son had fallen from the stairs, and the current situation is unknown.

At that moment, Li Ruiying felt as if the world was spinning. As a mother, her instinctive reaction was to run to the hospital immediately. But as a professional announcer, she knows that millions of viewers are waiting for her broadcast.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

Fourth, this is a difficult choice, testing her professional ethics and maternal love. At this critical moment, Li Ruiying has shown extraordinary professionalism. She held back her tears, adjusted her condition, and completed the live broadcast that day.

Her voice was still calm and powerful, and no one could detect anything unusual from her announcements. After the live broadcast, she immediately rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, my son is fine.

This incident not only reflects Li Ruiying's loyalty to her profession, but also shows her strength as a mother. She later recalled: "It was the hardest moment of my career, but it also made me cherish every opportunity to stand in front of the camera even more.

Li Ruiying's spirit has infected everyone around her. Her colleagues often say that Li Ruiying is a role model for them to follow. She not only pursues perfection in her broadcasting skills, but also sets high standards in her work ethic.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

In addition to daily news broadcasts, Li Ruiying has also served as the live broadcast of major events many times. Whether it is a natural disaster or a national event, she can always convey every message accurately with a calm and calm attitude.

Her voice has become an integral part of the lives of many Chinese. Li Ruiying often said: "Broadcasting is not only a job, but also a responsibility. Every word we say can affect millions of viewers, so we must be accountable for every word.

This sense of responsibility drives her to constantly improve herself and strive to be perfect in every broadcast. In her 28-year broadcasting career, Li Ruiying has experienced countless challenges, but she has always maintained her love and awe for this profession.

Her story teaches us that success is not an accident, but is the result of continuous hard work and a boundless love for the profession. As she says, "Every time you stand in front of the camera, it's a new challenge and an opportunity.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

This love and dedication is the secret of Li Ruiying's success, and it is also the precious wealth she left to her younger generations. Li Ruiying's success did not happen overnight. Let's go back to when she first entered the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China).

Li Ruiying, who has just entered the campus, is facing unprecedented challenges. Her foundation was worse than that of her classmates, but she was not discouraged by this. "I put in a lot of effort to keep up with my classmates.

Li Ruiying recalled, with a determined glint in her eyes. She uses all her free time to practice vocalization over and over again. Even when she was queuing in the cafeteria, she was silently reciting the text.

This spirit of hard work has laid a solid foundation for her future success. Li Ruiying's diligence quickly paid off. Not only did she quickly catch up with her classmates, but she also became the top of her class.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

Fifth, her voice has gradually become mellow and powerful, and her broadcasting skills have become more and more proficient. During her time at the school, she showed extraordinary talent, winning many awards in departmental competitions. After graduation, Li Ruiying entered CCTV as she wished.

From a young intern to becoming a well-known host, she has experienced countless challenges and tests. Every live broadcast, every show, is a witness to her growth.

October 1, 1984 was an important turning point in Li Ruiying's career. As a newcomer, she was fortunate to participate in the live broadcast of the 35th anniversary of the National Day. Standing in the live broadcast room, facing the camera, she felt both nervous and excited.

When she spoke the first sentence fluently, a sense of mission arose. At that moment, she knew that this was what she was going to do for the rest of her life. In the years that followed, Li Ruiying grew rapidly.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

She has not only hosted many important news programs, but also served as the live broadcast of major events many times. Whether it is a natural disaster or a national event, she can always convey every message accurately with a calm and calm attitude.

Li Ruiying's broadcast style is known for its rigor, accuracy, and calmness. She is always able to stay calm in a tense live broadcast environment, even in the face of unexpected events.

This kind of professionalism is not innate, but accumulated through long-term training and practice. While becoming a well-known host, Li Ruiying has not forgotten to keep learning and improving herself.

She often says, "Broadcasting is not just a job, it's a responsibility." Every word we say can affect millions of viewers, so we must be accountable for every word.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

6. "This sense of responsibility drives her to constantly improve herself and strive to be perfectly presented in every broadcast." Li Ruiying's growth path is not only the improvement of personal ability, but also the continuous pursuit of professionalism.

She uses her actions to explain what true professionalism is. Even at the busiest of her work, she never neglected her family. She has successfully balanced her career and family and has become a role model for many working women.

From a student of Beijing Broadcasting Institute to a well-known host of CCTV, Li Ruiying's growth path is full of hardships and sweat. But it is these experiences that have forged her professionalism and professionalism.

Her story teaches us that success is not an accident, but is the result of continuous hard work and a boundless love for the profession. As she says, "Every time you stand in front of the camera, it's a new challenge and an opportunity.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

This love and dedication is the secret of Li Ruiying's success, and it is also the precious wealth she left to her younger generations. In 2014, 53-year-old Li Ruiying left the CCTV stage.

The host, who has worked for 28 years and is known as "No. 1 in national programs", chose to retire at the peak of his career. However, leaving CCTV does not mean that Li Ruiying's life has calmed down.

After retiring, Li Ruiying did not choose a comfortable life, but continued to contribute to the broadcasting industry in a new way. She began to participate in training courses to pass on her experience to the younger generation.

At the same time, she also accepted some invitations to shoot commercials. However, these activities have sparked some controversy. Some have questioned whether Li Ruiying should be involved in business activities, arguing that it may affect her image as a former CCTV host.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

There are also people who believe that her behavior may bring unnecessary pressure to the current CCTV host. In the face of these doubts and controversies, Li Ruiying maintained her usual calmness and rationality.

She said in an interview: "I didn't break anything. These activities are also to spread my experience and knowledge. Her tone was calm and confident, showing her firmness in her choice.

Li Ruiying explained that participating in the training course is to help more young people who are interested in a career in broadcasting, and accepting an advertising invitation is the result of personal choice. She stressed that neither the training nor the advertisement used her status as a former CCTV host to obtain improper benefits.

The turmoil quickly subsided, but it also gave people a glimpse of Li Ruiying's life after retirement. She did not stop her love for broadcasting because she left the camera, but continued to pass on her experience and wisdom in another way.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

7. Li Ruiying once said in an interview: "Retirement is not the end, but a new starting point. I hope to be able to continue to contribute to this industry in a different way. These words not only express her unchanging love for the broadcasting career, but also show her positive attitude towards the new stage of life.

Although life after retirement has not been easy, Li Ruiying still maintains her usual professional attitude and positive attitude. Her experience tells us that even after leaving her familiar position, she can still contribute to society in her own way.

The turmoil has also sparked thinking about the role of public figures after retirement. It reminds us that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life, and that we should all be treated with respect and understanding as long as it does not violate the law and moral bottom lines.

Li Ruiying proved with her own actions that retirement does not mean the end of value. Rather, it could be a new beginning, an opportunity to continue contributing to society in a different way.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

Her story shows us a positive attitude towards life transitions, and also provides new ideas for life after retirement. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Ruiying is 63 years old.

However, the years don't seem to have left much of their mark on her. In the 2023 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Li Ruiying will appear in the public eye again, her voice is still loud and her temperament is still elegant.

This appearance made many people feel emotional, as if they had returned to the era of watching news broadcasts in front of the TV every night. Li Ruiying's influence goes far beyond her 28 years at CCTV.

Even after years of retirement, her professionalism and dedication remain a role model for the younger generation of announcers. Many new hosts have said that Li Ruiying is their idol and goal.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

In a public speech, Li Ruiying said: "What the broadcasting career needs is not only a good voice, but more importantly, a sense of responsibility and mission. These words speak to the true meaning behind her 28 years of zero mistakes, and have become the motto of many young people.

She emphasized that as an announcer, every word must be worthy of the audience and her conscience. After retiring, Li Ruiying did not stop loving and contributing to the broadcasting career.

She actively participates in various public welfare activities to impart experience to young people. In some important social activities, people can still hear her familiar voice. Every time she appears, she influences and inspires more people in her own way.

Li Ruiying's story is not only the growth process of a host, but also a microcosm of an era. From her youth when she first entered the industry, to becoming "No.1 in national programs", and then to continuing to shine after retirement, Li Ruiying's experience has witnessed the development of China's radio and television industry.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

8. In recent years, Li Ruiying has also participated in some training courses and advertising shooting. Although these activities have caused some controversy, she has always maintained her principles and attitude.

She says these events are her way of continuing to contribute to the industry and how she stays alive and relevant. On social media platforms, netizens can often be seen sharing Li Ruiying's recent situation and photos.

People marveled at her well-groomed appearance and even more so at her consistent professionalism. Some netizens commented: "Hearing Li Ruiying's voice is like hearing the common memory of several generations of Chinese people."

Looking back on Li Ruiying's career, what we see is not only the growth of a host, but also the epitome of an era. Her story teaches us that success is not an accident, but is the result of continuous hard work and a boundless love for the profession.

Former CCTV host Li Ruiying: After 28 years of work, he has no mistakes, and his son still insists on broadcasting when he has an accident before the college entrance examination

As she says, "Every time you stand in front of the camera, it's a new challenge and an opportunity. Today's Li Ruiying, although she no longer appears on the TV screen every day, her love and contribution to the broadcasting career has never stopped.

In her own way, she continues to influence and inspire more people. Her career and post-retirement performance illustrate true professionalism and how to navigate each stage of life with grace.

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