
Obviously the standard of living has improved, why do ordinary people still have a situation of confrontation with the country?

author:Mu Jinyan

It is clear that the country is doing its best to ensure the lives of ordinary people, the quality of life of the Chinese people is constantly improving, and the happiness index is also rising year by year, but why? Do the common people still have countless complaints about the country?

Standing at the national level, the Chinese population base is numerous, how to implement the policy of universal benefit to the people needs to be considered in combination with the economy, people's livelihood and other related issues, any policy of a big country needs time to be implemented, the ancients said "governing a big country is like cooking a small fresh" means that governing the country needs to use excessive warm fire, the fire is too large and easy to burn, the fire is too small and will be fried half-baked!

Obviously the standard of living has improved, why do ordinary people still have a situation of confrontation with the country?

First of all, we should think that the quality of life and happiness index is a powerful signal that reflects the development of national civilization, which mainly includes the healthy development and progress of the country in all aspects such as economy, science and technology, and culture.

If a country has reached a steady state of development data in many aspects, it shows that the quality of life of the country is very good, and the happiness index of the people is also improving day by day, but in the context of China's current environment, we find that many people, especially the educated people in the city, still have complaints about the country!

Obviously the standard of living has improved, why do ordinary people still have a situation of confrontation with the country?

On the whole, the national strength is growing, the country is getting rich and strong, and the living standards of the people are improving day by day, but this is only an overview of the whole and cannot represent the whole.

Due to historical, geographical, and resource reasons, the remote mountainous areas are unable to develop or the development speed is far from catching up with the plain areas or coastal cities of Pingchuan, and the state's policies have not been implemented by the people in these remote areas for a long time, and the people have not enjoyed the victorious fruits of the country's development.

Obviously the standard of living has improved, why do ordinary people still have a situation of confrontation with the country?

The definition of happiness, everyone's cognition is different, ordinary people just pursue a sense of fulfillment at the material level, no mortgage and car loan, can raise children and support the elderly, a happy and healthy family is full of happiness! After satisfying the basic satisfaction of the material level, the rich people began to pay attention to the pursuit of the spiritual level, and found a group of like-minded friends to go to the mountains and play in the water, so as to achieve the liberation of the soul!

When the quality of life of most people has improved and the happiness index has risen, it does not guarantee that everyone feels the same way, after all, everyone's inner pursuit is different, and those who are not satisfied in their hearts or have not been able to enjoy the benefits of the state in the short term will express their dissatisfaction with the country.

Obviously the standard of living has improved, why do ordinary people still have a situation of confrontation with the country?

There are pros and cons in the information age, whether positive or negative news spreads quickly, different voices emerge from the crowd, some approve and some oppose, some spray and some support, and the negative emotions of the people have been diffused and spread. When encountering certain incidents that are likely to cause national contradictions, they will be infinitely magnified, igniting the people's individual views on the country.

With the improvement of living standards, people no longer only meet their daily living needs, but have more social expectations for the country, such as education, medical care, pension, salary and other social issues, and the people hope that the state can provide more convenient services and redistribute public resources.

Obviously the standard of living has improved, why do ordinary people still have a situation of confrontation with the country?

It is only in the process of rapid development that the resources of the cities are relatively concentrated and easy to allocate and implement policies, so people feel that the state attaches importance to the cities and ignores the rural areas. In order to alleviate the people's dissatisfaction with the country, we can implement many measures!

1. While supporting the construction and development of cities, the state should not only not relax, but also increase policy support for backward areas, take advantage of the momentum of national development to narrow the development gap between various regions in rural areas, and ensure that people of different classes can enjoy the fruits of national development and strong national strength.

Obviously the standard of living has improved, why do ordinary people still have a situation of confrontation with the country?

2. The state should regularly send cadres down to the grassroots level to carry out social surveys and solicit public opinions from the people at the grassroots level, so as to truly understand the basic needs of the people and their expectations for the country, meet the reasonable demands of the people, and help the people form a correct value perception of the country.

3. In the era of networking, a sound system should be established to ensure that major national decisions and emergencies can be conveyed to ordinary people in a timely and accurate manner through the network. The relevant party committees should also give correct guidance to the unfavorable remarks that are likely to provoke the people, so as to prevent the spread of negative emotions and breed the people's feelings towards the country.

4. This is the most important thing for the country, that is, to provide grassroots services for the people, so that the busy people can do good things and get things done as soon as possible, so that the country's policies do not have to worry about not getting the support of the people.

Obviously the standard of living has improved, why do ordinary people still have a situation of confrontation with the country?

The country group is so large, the population base is so large, it is normal for the people to be dissatisfied, but the country does not have to worry too much, the people have sufficient trust in the country, the purpose of the country for the people can be seen, whether the policy of benefiting the people can be implemented The people have their own scales in their hearts, not only will not refuse, but will also have a supportive attitude, the benign interaction between the country and the people seeks common development, and a better future can be shown with the concerted efforts of the people!

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