
The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

author:Make a look at the world

#普京将访问越南 U.S. Embassy accuses Vietnam ##俄媒: Putin will visit two Central Asian countries##俄媒: Putin will visit North Korea and Vietnam#

In the past two days, Putin's visit to two Central Asian countries: North Korea and Vietnam, has always affected Western countries led by the United States.

The news of Russian President Vladimir Putin's upcoming visit to Vietnam has aroused widespread concern in the international community.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

Putin's visit to North Korea, the content of the talks has already made them nervous, and they will visit Vietnam again, which may come to naught for the United States to manage Vietnam for so many years~

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

As another meeting between the two important leaders on the international political stage, this visit is not only related to the future trend of bilateral relations, but also an important embodiment of the balance of power and the game of interests in the international landscape.

However, shortly after this news broke, the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam issued a statement criticizing Vietnam, which aroused heated discussions and concerns from all sides.


Let's take a look back at how this happened

According to official information, President Putin will pay a state visit to Vietnam in the near future. This news is undoubtedly an important diplomatic event for Vietnam, which is warmly welcomed by the Vietnamese side and looks forward to further strengthening cooperative relations with Russia through this visit.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

However, shortly after this news broke, the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam publicly expressed its dissatisfaction and accusations against Vietnam, saying that Vietnam should not provide Putin with a platform to promote its "war of aggression".

This statement by the US Embassy in Vietnam immediately aroused widespread concern in the international community. There is widespread concern about why the United States is so strongly dissatisfied with Vietnam's diplomatic move; At the same time, I am also thinking about the changes in the international political pattern and the balance of power reflected behind this incident.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

The Vietnamese side did not directly respond to the dissatisfaction and accusations of the United States. However, judging from Vietnam's performance in the international political arena in recent years, Vietnam has been committed to maintaining a balanced diplomacy among major powers and seeking to maximize its own interests.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

Vietnam has always maintained an attitude of friendship and cooperation in its relations with Russia, and the two countries have extensive cooperation in the economic, trade, military, and other fields. Therefore, the Vietnamese side naturally attaches great importance to Putin's visit.

However, the United States, as one of Vietnam's important trading partners and allies, has always been wary and dissatisfied with Vietnam's relations with Russia.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

The United States believes that Russia's actions on the Ukraine issue have violated international law, and Vietnam, as a member of the international community, should express a clear position and attitude towards this.

Thus, a spokesman for the US Embassy in Vietnam said that no country should provide Putin with a platform to promote his "war of aggression".

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

Putin is about to visit Vietnam, and I feel that the United States is in a hurry to "open an aircraft carrier formation", what do you think, netizens?

Some netizens directly replied to the United States with the speech of the US representative, saying that he would not want to think about what he had done, but about South Korea, Japan and the Philippines, and you know in your heart what you have done.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

Some netizens said that the world is peaceful and republican, and no country can point fingers at other countries.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

Some netizens said that the United States is a bandit logic, and he himself feels that he has the final say in everything, which also shows the necessity of Putin's visit!

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

Some netizens said that they are thinking of children, which is getting more and more outrageous~

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

will only point fingers behind his back and do something unsightly in secret.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

Hahaha, naughty netizens said: "I'll promote", what's the matter, do you want to come?

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

In this incident, we can also see the complexity and variability of the international political landscape. With the continuous changes and development of the international situation, the interests and relations between countries are also constantly adjusting and changing. Under such circumstances, how to balance the interests of all parties and safeguard their own interests has become an important consideration in the foreign policy of various countries.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

At the same time, we also need to realize that the changes in the international political landscape are not only determined by the game between major powers, but also by the cooperation and competition between countries. Therefore, in the international political arena, all countries should uphold the principles of equality, mutual benefit and cooperation, and jointly promote the harmony and development of international relations.

The United States is dissatisfied? Putin will visit Vietnam, and the US Embassy in Vietnam has issued a voice accusing Vietnam

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