
The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

author:Kendo is like a long night

More details of the clash between China and the Philippines at Second Thomas Shoal on the morning of the 17th were leaked, and the wounded Philippine Navy special operations officer who had his finger cut off during the clash was further revealed.

Photos of seriously injured Philippine Navy soldiers being treated in hospitals posted on the Internet show that the entire thumb of the Philippine Navy special operations member's right hand was cut off!

The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

When the Philippine supply ship tried to forcibly enter Ren'ai Jiao despite the warnings of the Chinese Coast Guard, the Chinese Coast Guard took resolute measures such as using water cannons, blocking, ramming, and towing it in accordance with laws and regulations, towing the supply ship far away from Ren'ai Jiao, and detaining four Philippine inflatable boats, two of which were punctured by the Chinese Coast Guard and incapacitated.

In the course of countering the Chinese coast guard's forceful measures, eight Filipino special operators were injured, including one with his thumb cut off. It is speculated that the soldier's fingers should be located on the side of the ship, and when the two ships collided, they were hit by a violent impact on the hand, resulting in the severance of the right thumb and serious injury.

In the course of law enforcement, the Chinese coast guard boarded one of the inflatable boats and seized eight firearms. This shows that the Philippines should be mentally prepared to shoot the first shot, of course, in order to expand the situation and draw the United States into the game.

The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

Perhaps the Chinese Coast Guard acted quickly and forcefully, and the Philippine Navy special operations personnel did not have the time, or did not have the courage to fire the first shot, and we did not give them the opportunity to fire the first shot, and the entire Philippine Navy special operations team was subdued by the Chinese Coast Guard.

Since the outbreak of the conflict, the Philippines has not released a single photo or video of the on-site conflict, not because they don't want to send it, but because they can't, and it is likely that all their video recording equipment has been confiscated by the Chinese coast guard.

Originally, according to the Philippines' attempts at Xianbin Reef and Scarborough Shoal two days ago, there was not much counterattack from the Chinese coast guard, so that it gave the Philippines the illusion that the new Chinese coast guard regulations that came into effect this time were just another show, for the sake of good looks.

The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

However, the Philippines was wrong, and it was a big mistake. The wrong judgment gave them the urge to take further risks, so they desperately used the supply ship to send supplies to the beached warship.

The result surprised the Filipinos, the scene of Ren'ai Jiao was not at all as gentle and drizzly as they imagined, and the new regulations of the Chinese coast guard were not embroidered pillows, and they had to pay the price for their wrong judgment.

So, when you see the Philippine Navy special operations member breaking his thumb from the photo, do you feel the pain through the screen?

So why did the China Coast Guard suddenly take tough measures against Philippine replenishment ships instead of being moderate in the previous two days?

The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

According to the analysis, it cannot be ruled out that after observing the reaction of the Philippine side two days after the new coast guard regulations came into effect, it is time to completely lose patience with the Philippines, and it is time to teach the Philippines a lesson and safeguard China's sovereignty and interests on islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

Since the current Philippine government has thrown the "gentlemen's agreement" and the "temporary special arrangement" into the dustbin, why should we tie ourselves down with this?

We have finally understood that in order to safeguard the sovereignty of the South China Sea, it is necessary and inevitable to avoid repeated intrusions by countries like the Philippines, and to thoroughly and unreservedly implement China's new coast guard regulations.

As long as any foreign vessel or person dares to illegally enter China's islands and reefs within 12 nautical miles, it will be resolutely and mercilessly attacked.

The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

Therefore, the Philippine supply ship and inflatable boat that illegally trespassed on Ren'ai Jiao on the 17th have become a touchstone and whetstone for the success of the new regulations of the Chinese Coast Guard.

In this sense, the Philippine Coast Guard special forces have not lost much.

There is another implication in this, that even the special operations personnel of the Philippine Navy are no match for our Coast Guard, let alone our regular navy.

If the Philippines insists on separating one, two, three with China in the South China Sea, the coast guard will be able to make them look good.

After the Philippines released the details of the text, the United States behind them finally came out to speak.

The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

Speaking for the Philippines was Matthew, the interesting spokesman for the US State Department, the same man who mistakenly said that Israel has the right to kill Palestinian civilians.

Matthew said that the Chinese coast guard again used water cannons to hit Philippine ships and told the Philippines that Section 4 of the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty was still in effect, although the United States did not allow it to enter into force this time. Anyway, when the Philippine supply ship was disposed of by the Chinese coast guard, there was no US military in sight.

As for whether it will take effect in the future, for example, if there is a death of Filipino soldiers, this is a prerequisite for the United States to initiate paragraph 4 of the mutual defense treaty against the Philippines.

The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

This is not nonsense, and we can understand the mystery by looking at the words of a former US intelligence officer.

The former US intelligence officer said that the potential conflicts related to China in the South China Sea are all planned by the United States, and the Philippines is just a tool used to implement US plans like Ukraine!

I don't know if the Philippines will wake up and be used as a gun to return the number of bills.

The special operators were seriously injured and disarmed, the Philippines forcibly broke into Ren'ai Jiao and failed, and the United States continued to support it with verbal artillery

Judging from what the Philippines is doing so far, it is obvious that the Philippines does not have the ability to wake up. As the saying goes, there are too many liars these days, and there are obviously not enough fools.

It's not just that the numbers aren't enough, it's that the brains aren't enough.

It is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, and it is terrible to be a friend of the United States! Is the Philippines waiting for the day when it will kill itself as soon as possible?

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